Sheeit, mofu. It's like a trip to the zoo hearing these guys talk. The smartest thing Joe does during these 60 seconds is to look off camera and ask his assistant (about what he himself just said) 'check if that's true'. Doesn't even flinch before calling New Yorkers crazy for wearing masks on occasion. North America's capital city with tons of international travel going in and out (much more than Arizona in any case). The virus is making a comeback in Europe. And..some lady out of New York attending a party wore a mask. I mean, what an inconsiderate bitch.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Yeah and what is he wearing? looks like cowboy underwear, probably has a butt flap.
And all those beafy arm muscles but no chest, trained completely wrong, but has alot to say about it.
Talk about liking someone, and disliking him during the pandemic
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Note how not a single one of the points raised are even commented on by this guy. Maybe the fact that time somehow runs faster for Bobbob explains it. Apparently he watched a 60 second clip.
Yes oh my GOD yes to everything they said. I'm praying for "foreign interference" hard these days. One thing anyone sane should be able to agree on - keep the party in power to assuage liberal die-hards, but that guy HAS TO GO. Bobbob is bought like so many others these days - talks around every subject, deploys the latest hegelian WEF talking points, without ever addressing anything tangible. It's all social engineering for the social credit reward - truth be damned, science be damned.
Thanks for the great post Sal!
Note how the clip ends just as Joe is about to recount the absurdity of one person wearing a mask at a party and repeatedly removing it to do anything you would need to do at a party. Note how this 160 subscriber channel doesn't even have the wherewithall to cut the clip before that becomes evident. Note the extreme incompetence of these people who rely purely on the tools of manipulation and deceit, taking advantage or those who ARE good-natured, to advance their nihilist power goals.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
The invaluable free service you provide on this site translating people's discussions to 'psycho' for free can't be understated.
Tossing you a stuffed doll.
Go on.
Show everyone where the obscur German philosopher touched you.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
It's best to use the term Hegelian to describe any power-seeking political movement that originates from the first expression of angst and panic associated with the Nietzschean dilemma. Nietzsche wouldn't describe the dilemma that provoked Hegel's insanity but he would continue the line of thought and would be credited with having best described the problem of doctrinal and dogmatic Christianity having completely fallen short as a decriptor for our physical reality, as revealed by material science which came into being as a result of Christ's gospel (not the dogmas and doctrines that grew off it like parasites, destroyed repeatedly over time by the gospel itself but reasserting themselves at the same time with new paradigms to preserve the power enjoyed by those who weild the doctrines).
There are exact parralels to the eventual evolution of Hegelianism which assaults us today - that is Marcuse-based Wokeism, a branch of Hegelianism that follows what most understand as the "Marxist or communist branch" made famous by Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao. I posted the academic videos that detail this history - you even commented on those posts but of course you already know what you're a part of so what's the point of watching the vids, right? But the other branch of Hegelianism is the "Nazi branch", the "will to power" branch represented best by the WEF, Bilderberg and all of that corporate-aligned compost, which is oriented towards engineering humanity, with a select few elevated to the status of "The New Gods" that we will worship and take direction from.
Those wishing to gain favor with the will to power branch are the type of people who cheerfully tell a literalist and conservative Christian that they will glady come to their home - their HOME - with armed thugs, a patronizing smile, and a needle full of a substance that they will forcibly inject into said person's body. After the struggle and dominance is achieved, they will pat the person on the head (if they are still conscious/alive) and give them a lollipop to further mock their resistance and establish their ability to humiliate and dominate you. In case none of these concepts, thoughts, feelings, desires, and approaches are familiar to you, I hope this can help:
Not for the the first time ever (see Russian and Germany in WWII), in the West at least, these two branches of Hegelianism have allied to establish an authoritarian regime unified in it's mutual hatred of Christianity in all its forms. I think you pander to the Marxist/Marcuse branch while hoping to gain favor with the "Will to power" branch that ultimately, I think anyway, will turn on the Marxist branch and purge them along with the Christians, as was the plan under Hitler so many years ago. Watching Sal and co lean into this is sad, but it fits with the self-destructive nature of the nihilist ethic.
Now, did you get all that, or do you need some James Lindsey steel man videos to help you process it all?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
What are you nuts? Who the fuck's gonna read all that shit. I'm just feeling happy you've clearly taken the time to understand it, yourself. Concept of concept. Deconstruction of everything. Ad hoc theory to the point of chewing one's own cud. As opposed to pushing ahead and just getting on with things.
I imagine this is part of the appeal for some.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You're asking me if I'm nuts after you've already stated on numerous occassions that you believe I'm nuts. This suggests that those previous statements were insincere, you don't think I'm nuts, but you do feel threatened by what you claimed you didn't read.
But okay, let's believe you. The fact that you don't read stuff, don't inform yourself, just seek whatever the latest thing is that you're supposed to agree with and support in order to receive the cookies - that's your problem, child. There are so many like you - the moment you decide to actually try to understand what's going on is the day you'll become a real boy, and life will become much more challenging, and much less materially rewarding, for you. You mirror the exact same avoidance strategies as CuntDaft - you CAN be a real boy - not this shallow, panicky, guilty, always looking over your shoulder to see if you've been exposed, squirming thing. I truly want it for you - I even want it for CaftDunt.
What i wrote took me about 15 minutes, including the clips. Do you see that as a ridiculous amount of work (it wouldn't surprise me). I wrote it to help you understand what you keep supposedly reacting to as "crazy nonsense that don't make sense". You can try the same avoidance and lying defense tactics as Tfad Tnuc or we can continue the conversation. The choice is yours - the deep end of the pool is more dangerous but untlimately more rewarding than the cookies you seek.
(Site Administrator)
Sheeit, mofu. It's like a trip to the zoo hearing these guys talk. The smartest thing Joe does during these 60 seconds is to look off camera and ask his assistant (about what he himself just said) 'check if that's true'. Doesn't even flinch before calling New Yorkers crazy for wearing masks on occasion. North America's capital city with tons of international travel going in and out (much more than Arizona in any case). The virus is making a comeback in Europe. And..some lady out of New York attending a party wore a mask. I mean, what an inconsiderate bitch.
(Old Spike)
Yeah and what is he wearing? looks like cowboy underwear, probably has a butt flap.
And all those beafy arm muscles but no chest, trained completely wrong, but has alot to say about it.
Talk about liking someone, and disliking him during the pandemic
(Old Spike)
Note how not a single one of the points raised are even commented on by this guy. Maybe the fact that time somehow runs faster for Bobbob explains it. Apparently he watched a 60 second clip.
Yes oh my GOD yes to everything they said. I'm praying for "foreign interference" hard these days. One thing anyone sane should be able to agree on - keep the party in power to assuage liberal die-hards, but that guy HAS TO GO. Bobbob is bought like so many others these days - talks around every subject, deploys the latest hegelian WEF talking points, without ever addressing anything tangible. It's all social engineering for the social credit reward - truth be damned, science be damned.
Thanks for the great post Sal!
Note how the clip ends just as Joe is about to recount the absurdity of one person wearing a mask at a party and repeatedly removing it to do anything you would need to do at a party. Note how this 160 subscriber channel doesn't even have the wherewithall to cut the clip before that becomes evident. Note the extreme incompetence of these people who rely purely on the tools of manipulation and deceit, taking advantage or those who ARE good-natured, to advance their nihilist power goals.
(Site Administrator)
The invaluable free service you provide on this site translating people's discussions to 'psycho' for free can't be understated.
Tossing you a stuffed doll.
Go on.
Show everyone where the obscur German philosopher touched you.
(Old Spike)
It's best to use the term Hegelian to describe any power-seeking political movement that originates from the first expression of angst and panic associated with the Nietzschean dilemma. Nietzsche wouldn't describe the dilemma that provoked Hegel's insanity but he would continue the line of thought and would be credited with having best described the problem of doctrinal and dogmatic Christianity having completely fallen short as a decriptor for our physical reality, as revealed by material science which came into being as a result of Christ's gospel (not the dogmas and doctrines that grew off it like parasites, destroyed repeatedly over time by the gospel itself but reasserting themselves at the same time with new paradigms to preserve the power enjoyed by those who weild the doctrines).
There are exact parralels to the eventual evolution of Hegelianism which assaults us today - that is Marcuse-based Wokeism, a branch of Hegelianism that follows what most understand as the "Marxist or communist branch" made famous by Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao. I posted the academic videos that detail this history - you even commented on those posts but of course you already know what you're a part of so what's the point of watching the vids, right? But the other branch of Hegelianism is the "Nazi branch", the "will to power" branch represented best by the WEF, Bilderberg and all of that corporate-aligned compost, which is oriented towards engineering humanity, with a select few elevated to the status of "The New Gods" that we will worship and take direction from.
Those wishing to gain favor with the will to power branch are the type of people who cheerfully tell a literalist and conservative Christian that they will glady come to their home - their HOME - with armed thugs, a patronizing smile, and a needle full of a substance that they will forcibly inject into said person's body. After the struggle and dominance is achieved, they will pat the person on the head (if they are still conscious/alive) and give them a lollipop to further mock their resistance and establish their ability to humiliate and dominate you. In case none of these concepts, thoughts, feelings, desires, and approaches are familiar to you, I hope this can help:
Not for the the first time ever (see Russian and Germany in WWII), in the West at least, these two branches of Hegelianism have allied to establish an authoritarian regime unified in it's mutual hatred of Christianity in all its forms. I think you pander to the Marxist/Marcuse branch while hoping to gain favor with the "Will to power" branch that ultimately, I think anyway, will turn on the Marxist branch and purge them along with the Christians, as was the plan under Hitler so many years ago. Watching Sal and co lean into this is sad, but it fits with the self-destructive nature of the nihilist ethic.
Now, did you get all that, or do you need some James Lindsey steel man videos to help you process it all?
(Site Administrator)
What are you nuts? Who the fuck's gonna read all that shit. I'm just feeling happy you've clearly taken the time to understand it, yourself. Concept of concept. Deconstruction of everything. Ad hoc theory to the point of chewing one's own cud. As opposed to pushing ahead and just getting on with things.
I imagine this is part of the appeal for some.
(Old Spike)
You're asking me if I'm nuts after you've already stated on numerous occassions that you believe I'm nuts. This suggests that those previous statements were insincere, you don't think I'm nuts, but you do feel threatened by what you claimed you didn't read.
But okay, let's believe you. The fact that you don't read stuff, don't inform yourself, just seek whatever the latest thing is that you're supposed to agree with and support in order to receive the cookies - that's your problem, child. There are so many like you - the moment you decide to actually try to understand what's going on is the day you'll become a real boy, and life will become much more challenging, and much less materially rewarding, for you. You mirror the exact same avoidance strategies as CuntDaft - you CAN be a real boy - not this shallow, panicky, guilty, always looking over your shoulder to see if you've been exposed, squirming thing. I truly want it for you - I even want it for CaftDunt.
What i wrote took me about 15 minutes, including the clips. Do you see that as a ridiculous amount of work (it wouldn't surprise me). I wrote it to help you understand what you keep supposedly reacting to as "crazy nonsense that don't make sense". You can try the same avoidance and lying defense tactics as Tfad Tnuc or we can continue the conversation. The choice is yours - the deep end of the pool is more dangerous but untlimately more rewarding than the cookies you seek.
(Site Administrator)
k, no thanks.
(Long Spike)