Donald Trump is Rambo. A former reality TV star must use all of the guerrilla tactics he learned in Vietnam to save normies and his country from social justice warrior scum. Starring Aids Skrillex, Carl the cuck, SJW snowflakes, trigglypuff, Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters. Special cameo appearance by Marc Dice. REEEEE
(17 votes)
(Site Moderator)
Usually, Trump fan videos annoy me, but this was done tastefully. 5/5
(Old Spike)
That theme man, it's get's your blood pumping. Here's the full version.
(Long Spike)
Ha! Killed all the right people for sure. The dichotomy between the fictional Trumbo as the ex-Vietnam hero and the real Trump, the 5-time draft dodger during the Vietnam war, is true gold and brings an essence of cinematic flavor.
(Old Spike)
If Congress reinstated the draft today you'd be the first one to answer the call?
(Short Spike)
If they reinstated the draft and his number was called...he wouldnt have a choice.
(Old Spike)
Obviously he has a choice. One choice might require him to violate the law in some form, but he has a choice.
(Long Spike)
I volunteered and would go immediately if I was drafted during a war or not. I certainly wouldn't dodge the draft--5 times is pathetic--by getting a doctor to say I had bone spurs like Trump did. I wouldn't and noone in my family would. You would? You don't strike me as someone who would.
(Short Spike)
It's even more surprising as he went to a military boarding school. But alas, rich people dont let their kids die in wars. Dying in wars is for poor people.
(Old Spike)
Even if you believed the war was completely pointless and against a foreign power that did not pose a threat. You would still go because?
(Long Spike)
If I was drafted, I would go. Just me. Wait. So you're defending Trump dodging the draft 5 times, then having the gaul to say he knows more than generals, Vietnam veterans are heroes, etc.? Surprising.
(Long Spike)
You know as well as the rest of us that FullAutoGal has completely given up all free will and critical thought in the name of Trump. It's no surprise at all.
(Old Spike)
If that were true I wouldn't be having to make a new account to get around a ban from the pro-Trump sub-reddit after being reported for writing arguments in favor of Net Neutrality.
Can you provide an example of some issue Obama promoted where you weren't in fucking lock step with your head up his ass?
Let me ask you Grothesk. Let us imagine Trump were actually the monster you're convinced he is. Let us imagine he launched a preemptive invasion of North Korea and Congress reenacted a draft at his request. If you were drafted would you gladly hop on the bus to boot camp with "eh"?
(Long Spike)
"Let me ask you Grothesk. Let us imagine Trump were actually the monster you're convinced he is. Let us imagine he launched a preemptive invasion of North Korea and Congress reenacted a draft at his request. If you were drafted would you gladly hop on the bus to boot camp with "eh"?"
Sure, why not. I can answer however I want to your hypothetical scenario because it doesn't exist. So, yes, I'd join the draft to show that Trump is a pussy and a draft dodger.
Now I'm not interested in talking about hypothetical situations and whether or not Super-Man would beat the Flash in a race or whatever. What I'm interested in is actual real-life scenarios and I would say that Republican leader Trump and his hand-picked FCC chairman shitting all over net neutrality would piss me off to the point of turning on Trump completely rather than half-assing my way through self-serving shit posts. They're literally taking away power from you and handing it over to corporations (MAN, WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THAT COMING?!?) and you're going to keep sucking the milk out that dick. Sad.
(Old Spike)
So you're defending Trump dodging the draft 5 times, then having the gaul to say he knows more than generals, Vietnam veterans are heroes, etc.? Surprising.
I'm just asking questions to see where you're at. The part after "then having the gaul to say" is nothing but a strawman. Trump is the Commander and Chief, he should listen to his Generals and he does. But that does not mean he must obey them. If you want to live in a country run by Generals then maybe you'd be happier in Cuba or Cambodia.
(Old Spike)
Trump doesn't have to obey his generals and they don't have to obey him if they determine an order is "illegal". There was just some general who came out to clarify that for all of the Trump derangement syndrome sufferers that are still stuck in the "He's literally Hitler" phase.
(Short Spike)
He obeyed Netanyahu
He tweets whatever he wants
He grabs women by the genitals
and still the best damn president we’ve ever had!
Trump 2020