Trump announces he is against the normal 9-month gestation period for births. Who knows what this moron was trying to say but the clown show continues. He was once pro-choice on abortion but changed his thoughts to cater to the evangelicals and others in his base to get votes. He is so confused on the issue that he is interestingly anti-birth. Listening to him cater to his supporters at this anti-abortion rally is hilarious. He's a con man but so forced that it sounds retarded though that draws applause from the moron suckers who constantly fellate him.
(17 votes)
(Long Spike)
Pro-choice, pro-life, anti-birth, who knows where this flip-flopping con man will end up next?
He was really, really PAINED when he said it though, so LOLOLOL......(Old Spike)
Eh, from what I garner reading your comments you don't appear to have the mental retardation indicative of leftism but on the other hand you really, really hate Trump. Who exactly were you rooting for during the primaries?
(Long Spike)
I hate Trump for many reasons which I have listed including close friends who are contractors and who he fucked over in just one of his many scams, having them do work and then not paying them-declaring bankruptcies and threatening to sue. There is so much about Trump, the lying, the scams, the cons, the lack of leadership, the embarrassment he has brought upon this country, and so much more that the disaster of his presidency will fill many books and the documentary that follows it will be astounding. He's a piece of shit. Period.
As I have mentioned, this last election was the worst choice of candidates in my lifetime, perhaps in U.S. history. I was horrified at the candidates. I wasn't rooting for anyone in the primaries but I was rooting for a viable candidate to appear, not Hillary Clinton and certainly not the inept moron we have as president now. It never happened.
(Old Spike)
Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me, but hey if your opposition to Trump is due to a personal business beef by proxy of "your contractor friends" then I guess we don't need to take your Trump comments that seriously. I have more valid reasons to dislike Trump than you do, Donkeypunch. For example, caving to the 1% and launching cruise missiles into Syria.
(Old Spike)
So your beef boils down to "close friends who are contractors and who he fucked over"? All that other stuff sounds like padding.
(Long Spike)
skeptoid and fullauto-you two fucksticks seriously don't grasp that it goes WAY beyond a personal issue? Trump is a complete disaster as president of this country. Keep sucking him off though. He will pay you back BIGTIME.
(Old Spike)
As an outsider I can't see how you would say he's a complete disaster. A Bush or Clinton would have started a new war by now whereas he's smoothed things over a bit with Russia and hasn't done anything negative in terms of foreign relations other than to troll Kim Jong Un and appease the zionists with the Jerusalem embassy.
I can understand your personal vendetta if what you say is true about his business dealings.... you could post some info about that here if there is any avaiable.
(Old Spike)
Trump is a complete disaster as president of this country.
You keep saying that but then I wonder if you aren't living in some alternate reality where the stock market ISN'T through the roof and unemployment ISN'T way, way down and taxes HAVEN'T been slashed and GDP ISN'T on the rise.
Where the fuck are you right now because it obviously isn't the United States and who exactly do you think we're talking about when we say Donald Trump because it's pretty god damn clear we are talking about two different individuals.
It's been a year since he took office and the US economy is booming. For Christ sake did you not hear that Wal-Mart is raising it's starting wage to $11/hr now thanks in part to the tax relief?
How about you stop shitting yourself over stuff he says on Twitter to troll the radical left and look at what he is getting done.
(Long Spike)
LOL Well I guess everything is great. The fake news about Trump and his crime family being involved with Russia, all of his lies, failed diplomacy with our allies, the fake news about a government shutdown, the fantastic tax breaks for the rich, and all of the other goodies Trump is supplying is really making America great again and the future is too bright. Go back to tuning out on Fox News but wake up in a decade so you can see just how great the Trump regime really was.
Oh but WalMart is raising their minimum wage to $11/hr. Sports cars and mansions for those workers just like the coal miners! WOW! He saved all the jobs for Carrier employees getting himself votes too and....oh wait, they have all been getting laid off and Trump just conned people into thinking he was a great deal-maker.
Seriously, how about you, just for a minute, WAKE THE FUCK UP and deal with reality. Step out of your Hannity bubble and check out reality. Nah, go back to Fox News world. Everything is great and all the news about Trump that doesn't praise him is just fake news. Just remember you sucked off the worst president in U.S. history and freaked out when anyone pointed out what a nightmare he was.
(Old Spike)
LOL You're an establishment republican? You read like Rachel Maddow. No, seriously, check this out: I stopped counting at the fourth false statement - I watch her clips to remind me of how deeply delusional the far left is regarding Trump.
You sound just like her. But you're an establishment Republican? Okay....
(Long Spike)
You read like an established Trumptard. I get it. Recognizing Trump for the disaster he is makes anyone a leftist. Have you noticed there are republicans who don't suck off the nightmare of Donald Trump because he calls himself a republican? There's a reason for it.
(Old Spike)
Trump doesn't much like calling himself a Republican if you haven't noticed. My point is simple - you sound like Rachel Maddow, and nothing like an establishment republican. The ONLY thing that makes you SEEM remotely stereotypically right wing is your obvious hatred of black people. Now I'm the first to call for unique individualism - it's just that the traits that make you uniquely individual are intuitively contradictory whenever the subject of Trump comes up. This suggests that your broad criticisms of Trump are, genuinely, disingenously based on some personal beef, as you say, or you are just being the directionless troll you've always been on this site (minus of course the racism, which has always remained constant). Just an observation dude.
Did you hear the case against the Bundys was thrown out of court, permanently? Hurray right? ISIS has been completely destroyed - great news huh? Economy is booming - investors like your "1% family" are thrilled right? Trump finished his first year with the same approval rating as Obama according to the only poll that was and has been remotely accurate in terms of its predictive value. These are just a few things that contradict your extreme position as an "establishment republican" and I'm not even a Trump supporter. Seriously - what's your deal?
(Long Spike)
Trump didn't run as a republican and doesn't have the support of many republicans? Oh, he doesn't like to CALL himself a republican. I get it. Just an observation, you have the remarkable ability to think that you fully comprehend things when you are just spewing your personal thoughts which are just conjecture. "You are like Rachel Maddow", "You are racist", "You aren't a republican", "Trump's approval rating is the same as Obamas after his first year-according to........me and my polls which will remain unknown", etc, etc, etc.
You completely dismiss things like Trump's constant lying, his obvious Russian connections-oh there's a few things that point to it like his business dealings, his love of Putin, his genius son meeting with people connected to the Russian government before the election, his bankruptcy games, the Trump University sham, his 4,500 lawsuits he has been involved in and the many more threats he's made, Mexico paying for the wall, the government shutdown while his party controls the house and senate, the mysterious hiding of his tax returns with excuses like "I'm under audit" when they would clear him of any suspicions if he was innocent of wrongdoing, and on and on and on and on and on.
Now seriously, I'm at least willing to accept your assertion that you aren't a Trump supporter, by why are you always hand-in-hand with the Trumptards on this site every single time they ball wash Trump? It's strange but what is your deal?
(Old Spike)
No I just oppose your obvious trolling stupidity. You know you're a feckless troll. We all know that. And now you admit that your problem with Trump as some personal business beef. That's pathetic. It's no surprise to me that once your idiotic Trump Trolling Videos hit the front page no one gives a fuck about them. I don't like your position on Trump because all you're doing is adding to the noise.
(Long Spike)
LOLOL "A personal beef"? Try to follow-My personal experience involving Trump is just one of the dozens of problems with that idiot. Videos involving Trump A, DO actually hit the front page from time to time and B, if "no one gives a fuck about them" then why are you and the rest of Trumptard Nation so triggered by them?.....?....? You don't like my position on Trump because you don't agree with it. If you don't give a fuck about them THEN FUCKING IGNORE THEM and get yourself together. Jesus.
(Old Spike)
People who don't give a fuck about this site push your Trump post to the front page and once they arrive there the people who only come here for the front page and have voting powers immediately vote them down. And below Groth is coming to your defense after having complained about death porn on this site of which you are the primary supplier. What bothers me more than anything about you is that when you talk about Trump it's like you hand your keyboard over to your little sister or something. Tell her to get her own account here.
(Long Spike)
I don't have an "on/off" switch for specific people...I judge the situation they're in. You've been hounding Eh and he's told you his opinion. I don't like him uploading death porn so I simply downvote it, just like I downvote overly long and boring UFO conspiracy theory stuff (even if it is trying and failing to be humorous). In this particular situation you are acting irrationally so in this particular situation I will judge you as you should be judged. When you act nobly you shall be judged nobly...it's not terribly hard to figure out.
(Old Spike)
Are you defending eh because eh is attacking Trump irrationally and I'm pointing that out? Are you going to sit there and say that when you look above at her comments you aren't immediately reminded of the recent interview between Jordan Peterson and that idiot at channel 4? Eh is extremely irrational when it comes to Trump and it's irritating because unlike the channel 4 marxist I believe eh likely knows better. It's irritating whenever eh talks about Trump - like she hands her keyboard over to some kid next door. I really don't care what you guys think about Trump. I think I'm the third person in this comment thread to point out that eh is being irrational. I go a bit further and say after reading the same immature sentence from eh for like the 50th time it gets anoting. Why are you defending her? I'm going to leave irritated comments every time she decides to make a stupid Trump post with some stupid commentary to go along with it. That's not me being tribal it's just me trying to do my part to ensure quality on this site. You have your own subjective criteria for that so you go ahead and do your thing.
(Long Spike)
Oh skep, stop it. You are one among many more than three Trumptards on Spiked. Irrational? Pointing out the faults of Trump is irrational? Your long-winded rants pleasing your dear leader Trump are really disturbing at this point. You are so triggered by what "Noone gives a fuck about" according to you that it is screaming you need therapy/meds/help in a bad way. Yeah, noone gives a fuck about Trump's scams and lies. Embrace wellness......nah keep yelling at the clouds. Keep ranting. It fits.
(Long Spike)
skep, WTF? Double up on the Xanax chief. You are seiously triggered right now. Get your shit together. Pretty sad.
(Old Spike)
What's hilarious is that there's actually more truth in UFOs than there is in any of the child-like statements you make about Trump. Meds?
(Long Spike)
What is the issue here, Skeptoid? He's come out and told you why he doesn't like Trump...it's not like it's a giant stretch of the imagination because Trump is an abortion clinic's dumpster fire. I'm surprised to see you go so tribalistic.
(Old Spike)
Donkey Punch is 100% full of shit and always will be.
(Old Spike)
One day you'll realise that story of Trump collusion with "Russia" was nothing more than a Clinton campaign story to deflect from her email scandal. And you'll feel embarrassed.
(Long Spike)
I know you have inside information and believe your dear leader but just his son meeting with representatives of the Russian government alone is somewhat sketchy, wouldn't you say? No? OK. We'll see then.
(Long Spike)
Within the entire comment section of this video I think Trump got a blowjob or a ball fondle about a dozen times.
(Old Spike)
Me and my gf aborted twice once twins so 3 baby's they can hate me for it but it just was not the time with the war i was in, i could have died and left her with 1 or 2 baby's, no way in hell, alwais time for fucking though..
(Old Spike)
its something we got to live with
(Long Spike)
You aborting your offspring is actually always the correct choice, even if you didn't know it.
(Old Spike)
O i am going to have kids though, but you may not, i might kill you before you become a real man.
(Long Spike)
Back in 1985 I was fighting a secret war in Nicaragua and I was in an orgy comprised of 14 women and myself. Two of them died from exhaustion and I came in the rest of them. Then some of their boyfriends showed up and started to shout so I threw a right cross and knocked their old ass out because the boys in the hood are always hard come talking that shit and we'll pull your card know nothing in life but to be legit don't quote me boy I ain't said shit.
(Old Spike)
Since i was 7 i was trained to be an assassin all over the world, i had sex with hunderds of women mostly celebrity's I have killed hundreds of ppl and likely will not go to heaven, i iknocked some ppl of their thrones over the years, but it is your sadness that brings me to tears.
(Long Spike)
Do you take murder requests? Cash money bro.
(Old Spike)
i only murder for the masons illuminati as you will call it or for my own safe keeping or for a good cause if you can find one, no cash needed not that the masons ever payed me, besides leveling up