This is a classic already. Can't wait for the full autobiography.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
They weren't offended or insulted. At all.
But 15 seconds is all it takes to convince people today.
Here's the entire event in context, had to scroll through many 15 second clips of "authoritative news" to find it:
And here is one clip of many where Elisabeth Warren apologizes for calling herself native American:
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
You don't get it, do you. You really don't.
2 wrongs don't make a right. Whether or not these people were offended does not make a difference.
As a decent person you simply don't say idiotic shit like that. A decent and interested person also remembers the location of horrific events or would not get the idea of suggesting women are there for the taking once one has reached a certain level of wealth or power.
I wouldn't do it, you wouldn't do it, probably not even fullauto would have done it before trump became popular. Now suddenly it is (at least for the far or "alt" right) ok.
When even Angela Merkel can't help to burst out laughing at his idiotic remarks even the last one of you should realise that something is severely wrong with the man.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
Ah, so to be offended on behalf of other people, whom clearly aren't, justifies the outrage?
Even if it's a result of purposely warping context to disinform the public?
A lie someone told offended me, because I believed it would be found offensive to another people. Therefore I must take action, and make my voice heard on their behalf, despite being informed through evidence it was not true at all.
I'm offended Angela Merkel has not been recognized as the current champion of the Fourth Reich.
Which by all objective standards, she most definitely is. She's the leader of a German-bred path to unifying Europe under one rule, consisting of unelected bureaucrats, whose main focus is forcing membership and their own laws on sovereign nations whom voted against it, and denying their exit without severe financial consequences.
If there is an Anti-Christ-equivalent to Democracy, look no further than Angela Merkel and her indistinctive gang of freedom-phobes, the Anti-crats themselves.
But most of all, I am offended that you, twittering scum of the Earth, have nothing better to do than to giggle at a comment about German blood. It was probably a Freudian slip on her part, as she could not believe Donald Trump's blood could contain any traces resembling the purity of her ancestors', which undoubtedly has already been muddied by his interactions with zeh Jews throughout his life, according to her. She's a fuckin German trying to unify the European countries with any means necessary, justified only by their passive-aggressive approach of not using a fuckin army this time.
I've said this before and I'll say it again, the Alt-Right barely existed until those words left Hillary Clinton's mouth. Google Trends dates their sudden rise and popularity to the exact moment she had that batshit crazy speech about Pepe the frog, and mentioned them.
She conjured up her own enemy out of thin air in order to deflect objective criticism with accusations of racism and white supremacy, and was shocked to see her own creation defeat her. A mostly fictional minority of social rejects that she, and later everyone else on her side, labeled anyone not in line with the Democrat manifesto. Which has since spun completely out of control, having thus secured Donald Trump eight inevitable years in the White House as the most powerful human being on the planet, because the Democratic platform has been left in shambles, hurling insults at a man who feeds on them.
Do I get it?
Do you, daft cunt, even comprehend, at all?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Third paragraph in and the uneducated babble starts. WOW, was this taken straight from breitbart or a trump pamphlet.
The EU parlament has been voted for and is by no means anti democratic or takes the identity away from member countries. It is not "run" by Germany neither despite them being the largest monetary contributor.
TBH I stopped reading there as you clearly are not understanding what the EU is about. I really thought you had done a little more research but this is complete fullauto level.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
Well you're referring to statements about EU and Germany, which I didn't write about until paragraph 3.
Admitting to stopping reading, and then half-assedly responding to what you apparently did not read fully, does not make you look very clever at all.
Tusk's speech was met with resistance from many EU lawmakers blasting von der Leyen's nomination as undemocratic and serving the political needs of the heads of states who nominated the close ally of Angela Merkel.
"With all due respect President Tusk, I cannot support how things were done and the lack of respect you've shown to other institutions," said European People's Party group Vice-Chair González Pons.
"The future of Europe can no longer be decided behind closed doors and through secret plots."
"The Council has the right to propose a candidate to lead the Commission through the Parliament. However, what the Council doesn't have the right to do is to ignore who have been voted for by European citizens," he said.
And why did they do it?
"For the first time, we achieved perfect gender balance in the top positions. Europe is not only talking about women, it is choosing women," Tusk told EU lawmakers while taking to the assembly floor.
Who is this women?
Oh just a coincidentally German acquaintance and close political ally to Angela Merkel for years.
"Her political ambitions hastened in 2005 when Merkel appointed her federal minister of family affairs, senior citizens, women and youth. In 2009, von der Leyen was elected to the Bundestag, or German federal parliament, and was tapped as the federal minister of labour and social affairs until 2013, when she became defence minister."
European citizens should be fucking offended, because Merkel took another giant shit on their alleged democracy.
This is just one case, out of many. It doesn't require "research" or Watergate-level leaks. It's fuckin' right there. All around you. But you're just superficially informed because your daily dose of news and facts consists of seconds-long clips out of context, edited to produce outrage about specific topics, overshadowing events other places in the world.
And you're happy in that place, because all your friends are there, equally as ignorant about other events transpiring in the real world.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Like I said, there is no discussing this with you as you don't keep on topic. "Diverting and attacking" and then acting all offended when people don't take them seriously by not taking the bait is the far right attitude same as that of the far left. Try that in debate class.
BTW (and completely as an aside) I personally would not have chosen von der leyen for this job but the democratically voted for representatives have, in a similar fashion as the prime minister in the UK or the german chancellor are not directly voted for...
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
I don't keep on topic but you're still able to respond as if I did. It's pretty obvious that I'm on topic when I'm responding to your ridiculous statements about EU being democratic, Angela Merkel's face contortion in response to a fact(Trump does have a German heritage), far to Alt-right(as if they're even in the same category).
I already know you would not personally have chosen Von Der Leyen, because the job was given to her by Merkel, while ignoring the actual candidates chosen by the people who mostly were voted for by European citizens. She wasn't even a fucking candidate, which means she wasn't even on a fucking ballot. That is literally counter-productive to democracy. Which is why I quoted the article of other members objected to it, by calling it exactly:
Back to your Pocahontas bullshit:
You're allowed to talk about Adolph Hitler or the holocaust in front of Jews, just as you are allowed to talk about Pocahontas in front of Native Americans. You're allowed to talk about slavery in front of African Americans. You're allowed to talk about and refer to all subjects when speaking to anyone. You're allowed to bring it up.
While bringing it up simply because someone is a Jew, or Native American or African American is not in good taste.
But when the President is honoring Native American Veterans for their contributions in wartimes, which was possible because of the exact reason of them being Native Americans, with their own language, which made it possible to circumvent enemy communications to save lives and ensure victories, then of course it's fucking okay to bring up their cultural heritage.
Especially when a candidate is loudly spreading the idea that she's one of them and have their best interest in mind just to virtue signal herself as a minority and take advantage of their heritage for attention during an election. She never brought them up as a prioritized goal during her campaign trail, only when she reminded people that she was part Native American, which turned out not to be true.
It was all just about taking down Trump, the bad man who called her Pocahontas.
He literally got to pick which candidates who would run against him by responding to their statements about him on twitter. It's like getting to pick your own opponents play against you in the playoffs.
Who do you pick? The weak.
And who are they keeping out of their own debates?
Tulsi Gabbard, their strongest candidate.(Not because I like her, but because Google results say so and because the polls have her in a tie with Kamala Harris, the current mainstream front-runner, whose own father even disawoved her for portraying Jamaican's as stereotypical uneducated weedsmoking rastafaris.)
He doesn't have to do a goddamned thing other than to watch and enjoy.
This seems off-topic, but it is to explain why a gang of losers are running against Trump, and why they all have their individual virtue-grudge against him. It's because the Democratic platform is shattered beyond recognition.
The Left ate itself.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I always thought you were less deluded than fullauto. I stand corrected.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
You keep bringing up Fullauto as if it's an argument that lets you leave any conversations you can't handle.
(Old Spike)
This is a classic already. Can't wait for the full autobiography.
(Old Spike)
They weren't offended or insulted. At all.
But 15 seconds is all it takes to convince people today.
Here's the entire event in context, had to scroll through many 15 second clips of "authoritative news" to find it:
And here is one clip of many where Elisabeth Warren apologizes for calling herself native American:
(Old Spike)
You don't get it, do you. You really don't.
2 wrongs don't make a right. Whether or not these people were offended does not make a difference.
As a decent person you simply don't say idiotic shit like that. A decent and interested person also remembers the location of horrific events or would not get the idea of suggesting women are there for the taking once one has reached a certain level of wealth or power.
I wouldn't do it, you wouldn't do it, probably not even fullauto would have done it before trump became popular. Now suddenly it is (at least for the far or "alt" right) ok.
When even Angela Merkel can't help to burst out laughing at his idiotic remarks even the last one of you should realise that something is severely wrong with the man.
(Old Spike)
Ah, so to be offended on behalf of other people, whom clearly aren't, justifies the outrage?
Even if it's a result of purposely warping context to disinform the public?
A lie someone told offended me, because I believed it would be found offensive to another people. Therefore I must take action, and make my voice heard on their behalf, despite being informed through evidence it was not true at all.
I'm offended Angela Merkel has not been recognized as the current champion of the Fourth Reich.
Which by all objective standards, she most definitely is. She's the leader of a German-bred path to unifying Europe under one rule, consisting of unelected bureaucrats, whose main focus is forcing membership and their own laws on sovereign nations whom voted against it, and denying their exit without severe financial consequences.
If there is an Anti-Christ-equivalent to Democracy, look no further than Angela Merkel and her indistinctive gang of freedom-phobes, the Anti-crats themselves.
But most of all, I am offended that you, twittering scum of the Earth, have nothing better to do than to giggle at a comment about German blood. It was probably a Freudian slip on her part, as she could not believe Donald Trump's blood could contain any traces resembling the purity of her ancestors', which undoubtedly has already been muddied by his interactions with zeh Jews throughout his life, according to her. She's a fuckin German trying to unify the European countries with any means necessary, justified only by their passive-aggressive approach of not using a fuckin army this time.
I've said this before and I'll say it again, the Alt-Right barely existed until those words left Hillary Clinton's mouth. Google Trends dates their sudden rise and popularity to the exact moment she had that batshit crazy speech about Pepe the frog, and mentioned them.
She conjured up her own enemy out of thin air in order to deflect objective criticism with accusations of racism and white supremacy, and was shocked to see her own creation defeat her. A mostly fictional minority of social rejects that she, and later everyone else on her side, labeled anyone not in line with the Democrat manifesto. Which has since spun completely out of control, having thus secured Donald Trump eight inevitable years in the White House as the most powerful human being on the planet, because the Democratic platform has been left in shambles, hurling insults at a man who feeds on them.
Do I get it?
Do you, daft cunt, even comprehend, at all?
(Old Spike)
Third paragraph in and the uneducated babble starts. WOW, was this taken straight from breitbart or a trump pamphlet.
The EU parlament has been voted for and is by no means anti democratic or takes the identity away from member countries. It is not "run" by Germany neither despite them being the largest monetary contributor.
TBH I stopped reading there as you clearly are not understanding what the EU is about. I really thought you had done a little more research but this is complete fullauto level.
(Old Spike)
Well you're referring to statements about EU and Germany, which I didn't write about until paragraph 3.
Admitting to stopping reading, and then half-assedly responding to what you apparently did not read fully, does not make you look very clever at all.
Oh the EU is by no means anti-democratic?
Tusk's speech was met with resistance from many EU lawmakers blasting von der Leyen's nomination as undemocratic and serving the political needs of the heads of states who nominated the close ally of Angela Merkel.
"With all due respect President Tusk, I cannot support how things were done and the lack of respect you've shown to other institutions," said European People's Party group Vice-Chair González Pons.
"The future of Europe can no longer be decided behind closed doors and through secret plots."
"The Council has the right to propose a candidate to lead the Commission through the Parliament. However, what the Council doesn't have the right to do is to ignore who have been voted for by European citizens," he said.
And why did they do it?
"For the first time, we achieved perfect gender balance in the top positions. Europe is not only talking about women, it is choosing women," Tusk told EU lawmakers while taking to the assembly floor.
Who is this women?
Oh just a coincidentally German acquaintance and close political ally to Angela Merkel for years.
"Her political ambitions hastened in 2005 when Merkel appointed her federal minister of family affairs, senior citizens, women and youth. In 2009, von der Leyen was elected to the Bundestag, or German federal parliament, and was tapped as the federal minister of labour and social affairs until 2013, when she became defence minister."
European citizens should be fucking offended, because Merkel took another giant shit on their alleged democracy.
This is just one case, out of many. It doesn't require "research" or Watergate-level leaks. It's fuckin' right there. All around you. But you're just superficially informed because your daily dose of news and facts consists of seconds-long clips out of context, edited to produce outrage about specific topics, overshadowing events other places in the world.
And you're happy in that place, because all your friends are there, equally as ignorant about other events transpiring in the real world.
(Old Spike)
Like I said, there is no discussing this with you as you don't keep on topic. "Diverting and attacking" and then acting all offended when people don't take them seriously by not taking the bait is the far right attitude same as that of the far left. Try that in debate class.
BTW (and completely as an aside) I personally would not have chosen von der leyen for this job but the democratically voted for representatives have, in a similar fashion as the prime minister in the UK or the german chancellor are not directly voted for...
(Old Spike)
I don't keep on topic but you're still able to respond as if I did. It's pretty obvious that I'm on topic when I'm responding to your ridiculous statements about EU being democratic, Angela Merkel's face contortion in response to a fact(Trump does have a German heritage), far to Alt-right(as if they're even in the same category).
I already know you would not personally have chosen Von Der Leyen, because the job was given to her by Merkel, while ignoring the actual candidates chosen by the people who mostly were voted for by European citizens. She wasn't even a fucking candidate, which means she wasn't even on a fucking ballot. That is literally counter-productive to democracy. Which is why I quoted the article of other members objected to it, by calling it exactly:
Back to your Pocahontas bullshit:
You're allowed to talk about Adolph Hitler or the holocaust in front of Jews, just as you are allowed to talk about Pocahontas in front of Native Americans. You're allowed to talk about slavery in front of African Americans. You're allowed to talk about and refer to all subjects when speaking to anyone. You're allowed to bring it up.
While bringing it up simply because someone is a Jew, or Native American or African American is not in good taste.
But when the President is honoring Native American Veterans for their contributions in wartimes, which was possible because of the exact reason of them being Native Americans, with their own language, which made it possible to circumvent enemy communications to save lives and ensure victories, then of course it's fucking okay to bring up their cultural heritage.
Especially when a candidate is loudly spreading the idea that she's one of them and have their best interest in mind just to virtue signal herself as a minority and take advantage of their heritage for attention during an election. She never brought them up as a prioritized goal during her campaign trail, only when she reminded people that she was part Native American, which turned out not to be true.
It was all just about taking down Trump, the bad man who called her Pocahontas.
He literally got to pick which candidates who would run against him by responding to their statements about him on twitter. It's like getting to pick your own opponents play against you in the playoffs.
Who do you pick? The weak.
And who are they keeping out of their own debates?
Tulsi Gabbard, their strongest candidate.(Not because I like her, but because Google results say so and because the polls have her in a tie with Kamala Harris, the current mainstream front-runner, whose own father even disawoved her for portraying Jamaican's as stereotypical uneducated weedsmoking rastafaris.)
He doesn't have to do a goddamned thing other than to watch and enjoy.
This seems off-topic, but it is to explain why a gang of losers are running against Trump, and why they all have their individual virtue-grudge against him. It's because the Democratic platform is shattered beyond recognition.
The Left ate itself.
(Old Spike)
I always thought you were less deluded than fullauto. I stand corrected.
(Old Spike)
You keep bringing up Fullauto as if it's an argument that lets you leave any conversations you can't handle.
Use your words.