Trump identifies Pelosi as otherkin


boldfart's picture

I think we have seen what trumptards think of the Pelosis.

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n0val33t's picture
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The joke is..... there never was a shadow goverment... it's a catch 22 . A shadow goverment who would alow trump, in it self can't exist! It's a logical impossibility! We all agree Trump was president yes........fine....... it negates the deep state...... jews, black people and Bill Gates..... just a dude with more wotes. 

If there was a deep state,,,,ffs!

It's angry people, predomialy white who want to beat the shit out of immigrants......... they toooook ther jubs!! 



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daftcunt's picture
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lol, he already called to protest the mid terms I read in a german publication. The hillarity continues!

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