There is a report that Rocket Boy is already playing it up for propaganda to the people of North Korea as a clear sign that his nuclear weapons threats have forced Trump to come cowering to him to beg him to stop threatening the U.S. Rocket Boy is a piece of work.
RocketBoy gets the political spectacle and propaganda show every North Korean dictator has wanted for decades by getting a U.S. president to come to North Korea-even gets it with an understaffed U.S. State Department almost completely devoid of skills coming from diplomatic experience- and can get a win by doing nothing whatsoever. Still, the possibility of preventing the deaths of millions is impossible to give a no-go. The battle of a reality TV star and the fat dictator in a starving country with the opportunity to be on the world stage is propaganda and TV gold.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
He is going to start a war.. Libtards
Peace is imminent... Libtards now.. Trump is cowering...
Bottom line, Trump is effective. Libtards minds are blown, trying to spin this any way they can.
Eh, and Daftcunt are some funny bastards.
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fistlulz (Short Spike)
just goes to show that liberals will find any reason to downplay anything Trump tries to do. The leftist influx is the number 1 reason this website has turned into a shit-hole of lefty propaganda
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eh (Long Spike)
Fuck libtards and the Spiked Trumptard Nation has done more to damage this site than anything else and it isn't close. Trumptards will of course deny it and call their dear leader the best president since Lincoln, but oh well.
You seriously don't think the Fatboy leader of a failed state is playing up the propaganda of forcing the president of the U.S. to come visit him? You are either totally unfamiliar with Fatboy or just a Trumptard fellating their dear leader.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Spiked Nation is not ruined you drama queen.
You are just mad because everyone gets to be heard.
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eh (Long Spike)
Ruined? Oh hell no. Where did you produce that from? You have really added a lot to it with your idiotic shit and reposting content voted off multiple times. Yeah, I'm mad that the internet makes it so everyone is heard. Medicate bro.
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Trevicahn (Short Spike)
If Spiked was ruined, it was ruined because people choose to post politically charged videos in the first place.
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andypeterson35 (Short Spike)
i ruined spiked nation
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Wait a minute didn't you join this site just over a year ago? How would you know what has or hasn't contributed to what on this site? Your behavior on this site has been bizarre to say the least.
"D'uh Spiked Trumptard Trump nation Trump Trump d'uh Trumpnation tard d'uh d'uh here's some black dudes being shot d'uh Trumptard SpikedNation TardTrump d'uh, dindunuffin dindunuffin, D'uh Trumptard d'uh..." and so on.
Here's another stunned retard from CNN on the unfolding situation with the two Koreas:
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
"forcing him to come visit him" .. do tell what happens next? Is it a trap? Does he nuke his own country, killing himself and Trump.
Or maybe it is a peace talk, because all allied nations sactions have forced him to finally play nice. Jeezz..
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JTrillo (Short Spike)
TO meet. Not meet. To meet.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I love triggering the trumptards.
Their brains are so paralysed (even more than usual) every time one makes sarcastic posts or comments, it is unreal.
Even a picture, like the one above makes them whine like a 5yo that is not allowed an ice cream.
Don't you realise that trump not only is but also HAS the biggest dick in the world regarding fire power?
Hence the pic is absofuckinglutely idiotic!
Still hosing myself!
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Honesty man, you & eh are imagining things. I don't know of any Trump loyalists on this site. The only person who openly praises him is Fullauto but he does it to troll people.
Are you sure you & eh aren't projecting your own extremist anti-Trump view when you accuse people on this site of being "Trumptards"?
Personally it makes me cringe everytime I see you guys use that term used because it's so out of context here. Can't we discuss the guy without having to be 100% negative else be accused of havving an agenda as some "Trumptard" fucking bullshit?
This meeting with Kim, if it goes ahead, is groundbreaking and really interesting. It's not all about the U.S. president & whether you are for or against him. Your feelings abouyt Trump are irrelevant.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Don't assume my political position, you don't know shit about me.
Don't put me in the same basket with kdog, if you do I really can't take you seriously, if you try to insult me with that, you can't, it's the internet
I post this shit to have my own personal fun, the time I criticised the man honestly and with substance are long gone...
fullauto is not one of the worst "trumptards" although he gets triggered quite easily too (but more easily on gunnnns). He at least tries to inform himself, whether or not breitbart and other far right media is considered legitimate is not so much the point. theblacksworsman clearly is, though. Like I said, any right winger with self confidence would have chuckled and made a snide remark destroying the "argument" I made with the picture.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves:
This meeting with Kim, if it goes ahead, MAY BE groundbreaking and really interesting. We don't know,might all go downhill as well.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Yeah IF it goes ahead. It seems unlikely even though it's been announced. There are only 5-10 years left before NK are a legit nuclear power so whoever's sitting in the oval office right now has to try. If it goes South we'll just end up back where we are now.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
"Triggered" You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Oh, I do, snowflake, I do.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
No, you obviously do not. People who "triggered", people who fall within the realm of "snowflake" do not simply find disagreement with the thoughts and statements of others, they actively seek to muzzle and silence those people using any means at their disposal; be it intimidation, de-platforming, or harassing their employer to the point of costing them their job.
Mr. Cunt, I have seen nobody on this site make any such attempt to silence you or any of your fellow Trump haters. Nobody is calling for you to be kicked off the site or says they wish you would just leave. If someone does then I will gladly agree with you that they are a snowflake.
But as it stands, the only users who have wish other people would stop using the site or be banned have been on the enraged Trump hating left side of the issues.
Not quite as radical as you like to put it, snowflake. Those that were "bad enough" to be banned were usually complete retards like berg or kdog. I think you really have to behave like an utter dumb cunt to get yourself banned, lol. Is there a list of those that were banned for a while?
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
There is a report that Rocket Boy is already playing it up for propaganda to the people of North Korea as a clear sign that his nuclear weapons threats have forced Trump to come cowering to him to beg him to stop threatening the U.S. Rocket Boy is a piece of work.
RocketBoy gets the political spectacle and propaganda show every North Korean dictator has wanted for decades by getting a U.S. president to come to North Korea-even gets it with an understaffed U.S. State Department almost completely devoid of skills coming from diplomatic experience- and can get a win by doing nothing whatsoever. Still, the possibility of preventing the deaths of millions is impossible to give a no-go. The battle of a reality TV star and the fat dictator in a starving country with the opportunity to be on the world stage is propaganda and TV gold.
(Long Spike)
He is going to start a war.. Libtards
Peace is imminent... Libtards now.. Trump is cowering...
Bottom line, Trump is effective. Libtards minds are blown, trying to spin this any way they can.
Eh, and Daftcunt are some funny bastards.
(Short Spike)
just goes to show that liberals will find any reason to downplay anything Trump tries to do. The leftist influx is the number 1 reason this website has turned into a shit-hole of lefty propaganda
(Long Spike)
Fuck libtards and the Spiked Trumptard Nation has done more to damage this site than anything else and it isn't close. Trumptards will of course deny it and call their dear leader the best president since Lincoln, but oh well.
You seriously don't think the Fatboy leader of a failed state is playing up the propaganda of forcing the president of the U.S. to come visit him? You are either totally unfamiliar with Fatboy or just a Trumptard fellating their dear leader.
(Old Spike)
Spiked Nation is not ruined you drama queen.
You are just mad because everyone gets to be heard.
(Long Spike)
Ruined? Oh hell no. Where did you produce that from? You have really added a lot to it with your idiotic shit and reposting content voted off multiple times. Yeah, I'm mad that the internet makes it so everyone is heard. Medicate bro.
(Short Spike)
If Spiked was ruined, it was ruined because people choose to post politically charged videos in the first place.
(Short Spike)
i ruined spiked nation
(Old Spike)
Wait a minute didn't you join this site just over a year ago? How would you know what has or hasn't contributed to what on this site? Your behavior on this site has been bizarre to say the least.
"D'uh Spiked Trumptard Trump nation Trump Trump d'uh Trumpnation tard d'uh d'uh here's some black dudes being shot d'uh Trumptard SpikedNation TardTrump d'uh, dindunuffin dindunuffin, D'uh Trumptard d'uh..." and so on.
Here's another stunned retard from CNN on the unfolding situation with the two Koreas:
(Long Spike)
"forcing him to come visit him" .. do tell what happens next? Is it a trap? Does he nuke his own country, killing himself and Trump.
Or maybe it is a peace talk, because all allied nations sactions have forced him to finally play nice. Jeezz..
(Short Spike)
TO meet. Not meet. To meet.
(Old Spike)
I love triggering the trumptards.
Their brains are so paralysed (even more than usual) every time one makes sarcastic posts or comments, it is unreal.
Even a picture, like the one above makes them whine like a 5yo that is not allowed an ice cream.
Don't you realise that trump not only is but also HAS the biggest dick in the world regarding fire power?
Hence the pic is absofuckinglutely idiotic!
Still hosing myself!
(Old Spike)
Honesty man, you & eh are imagining things. I don't know of any Trump loyalists on this site. The only person who openly praises him is Fullauto but he does it to troll people.
Are you sure you & eh aren't projecting your own extremist anti-Trump view when you accuse people on this site of being "Trumptards"?
Personally it makes me cringe everytime I see you guys use that term used because it's so out of context here. Can't we discuss the guy without having to be 100% negative else be accused of havving an agenda as some "Trumptard" fucking bullshit?
This meeting with Kim, if it goes ahead, is groundbreaking and really interesting. It's not all about the U.S. president & whether you are for or against him. Your feelings abouyt Trump are irrelevant.
(Old Spike)
Let's not get ahead of ourselves:
This meeting with Kim, if it goes ahead, MAY BE groundbreaking and really interesting. We don't know,might all go downhill as well.
(Old Spike)
Yeah IF it goes ahead. It seems unlikely even though it's been announced. There are only 5-10 years left before NK are a legit nuclear power so whoever's sitting in the oval office right now has to try. If it goes South we'll just end up back where we are now.
(Old Spike)
"Triggered" You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
(Old Spike)
Oh, I do, snowflake, I do.
(Old Spike)
No, you obviously do not. People who "triggered", people who fall within the realm of "snowflake" do not simply find disagreement with the thoughts and statements of others, they actively seek to muzzle and silence those people using any means at their disposal; be it intimidation, de-platforming, or harassing their employer to the point of costing them their job.
Mr. Cunt, I have seen nobody on this site make any such attempt to silence you or any of your fellow Trump haters. Nobody is calling for you to be kicked off the site or says they wish you would just leave. If someone does then I will gladly agree with you that they are a snowflake.
But as it stands, the only users who have wish other people would stop using the site or be banned have been on the enraged Trump hating left side of the issues.
(Old Spike)
Not quite as radical as you like to put it, snowflake. Those that were "bad enough" to be banned were usually complete retards like berg or kdog. I think you really have to behave like an utter dumb cunt to get yourself banned, lol. Is there a list of those that were banned for a while?