Video obtained by The Electronic Intifada is leaked from Al Jazeera's censored documentary "The Lobby--USA".
>> US State Department's definition of anti-Semitism
>> More leaks from the censored documentary
(3 votes)
Video obtained by The Electronic Intifada is leaked from Al Jazeera's censored documentary "The Lobby--USA".
>> US State Department's definition of anti-Semitism
>> More leaks from the censored documentary
(Old Spike)
I thought Trump hated Jews.
Wasn't Trump being a Nazi actually part of his schtick?
But he's hiring them left and right.
It must be so confusing to be a liberal.
Trumps is a nazi one day and a jew lover the next.
I thought the left hated free speech.
Here we have a government official doing his best to stop free speech.
Why can't you protect one specific group of people?
Isn't that the left's entire schtick?
Create safeplaces for minorities and victimized groups?
Ooooh. Whenever it suits their agenda, of course.
By the way, what a dick. He should be fired. The guy in the video.
(Old Spike)
Trump's not racist. He's been in bed with a real estate syndicate in New Jersey/NY that has a lot of Zionist Jews in it for a long time (that's how he hooked up with the Kushners) & his biggest campaign donors were Zionist Jews Sheldon Adelson & Robert Mercer. When his Taj Mahal casino went under in Las Vegas it was a Rothschild bank that bailed him out. Steve Mnuchin was the agent - he's now the Treasury Secretary. Most of his cabinet are Neocon Zionist, Israel-firsters.
But don't worry about any of that. He slept with a porn actress & probably colluded with Russia to steal the election.....maybe. We just can't prove it.
(Old Spike)
"I thought the left hated free speech."
This is not true. The FAR left as well as the FAR (or in "new english" alt) right hate free speech.
Also trump is not really a nazi, at least I never thought of him this way, he behaves like a right wing despot, though, similar to erdogan and other insecure leaders hence the comparison comes up and is not too far fetched at all.
Considering like 80% of congress has dual citizenship with israel, you can assume they would all want to make it illegal. You know why.
(Old Spike)
There's no proof of dual citizenship, they don't have to declare it. There are about 30 Jews in Congress so I'm not sure how the rest would gain Israeli citizenship.
Most of them just play along to survive in Washington DC.