when ur wife is thinking a bout another man on ur wedding day
Average: 4.4(14 votes)
monkeymania (Long Spike)
Word is, he tore-it-up on the dance floor.
Also, when he goes to things like weddings and he creeps on women with people he isn't a fan of like Jeffy Epstein, he is the life of the party.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Aaaaaaaaaah trumptards, they are (almost) a different species.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
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Taintstank (Spiker)
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
What a kind gesture.
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pimp635 (Member)
cool for the people to have a surprise like that
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thegent (Old Spike)
Lads I can't view spiked nation anymore from chrome on windows or other browsers in windows.. Says the certificate has expired or connection not private... Anyone else have the same problem or knows a solution? I'm writing this through Android..
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thegent (Old Spike)
works now..appaently a certificate expired for the website..
(Long Spike)
Word is, he tore-it-up on the dance floor.

Also, when he goes to things like weddings and he creeps on women with people he isn't a fan of like Jeffy Epstein, he is the life of the party.(Old Spike)
Aaaaaaaaaah trumptards, they are (almost) a different species.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
What a kind gesture.
cool for the people to have a surprise like that
(Old Spike)
Lads I can't view spiked nation anymore from chrome on windows or other browsers in windows.. Says the certificate has expired or connection not private... Anyone else have the same problem or knows a solution? I'm writing this through Android..
(Old Spike)
works now..appaently a certificate expired for the website..