should people who can't have kids be in the same boat along with people who's kids have died?
i can't stop thinking of how big of baller move it was for biden with withdraw after trump made his vp pick. trumps stuck with this guy. he's for a nation wide ban on abortion and it wasn't too long ago trump was claiming responsibility for the striking down of roe v wade. does that seem like a good strategy when your opponent is more than likely going to be a women and what could be an astronaut/navy captain as her vp pick
(6 votes)
(Old Spike)
lol, I don't know in what world he lives to even suggest a dumb thing like this (he probably thinks his mother would be qualified to vote, after all for her addiction illegal mexican immigrants are to blame) the but he and "his" president will get way more votes from incels than the democrats.
(Site Administrator)
And barring becoming adoptive parents (or the involvement of serious amounts of alcohol and a turkey-baster) I'm pretty sure he's losing another demographic.
(Site Administrator)
Holy shit. That last sentence. Looks like Islam wins!
(Old Spike)
yes, and the mormons!
(Site Administrator)
A whole religion created so old men can have sex with little girls. To this day they're proud of it.
(Old Spike)
chrisitians, ey.... ;o)
(Site Administrator)
Now let's fast forward through the parts where you feign intellectual superiority and I call out your bs hypocrisy for doing so from the safety of a Christian founded republic and go back to the yotz in the video S9k posted above. Has anyone calculated the damage this guy can do as VP or acting president if another assassin picks a better moment to squeeze the trigger, or takes advantage of the horrible breeches in protocol seen last time. Even as an evangelical Pence showed himself to be an honorable man during the events of June 6th or whatever..this young guy seems dangerous.
(Old Spike)
This is not my opinion, independant sources like wikipedia and the BBC say they are and so do many christian websites, some examples:
So to say they are is not even really controversial, is it.
Being "christian" or "muslim" or "atheist" doesn't make a person honourable* or not.
And lastly Vance is a selfish cunt, simple as that, regardless of whether he is religious or not!
*let's try not to think about what Pence would have done if he thought there would have been a chance he could have gotten away with it, he's a politician AND got "into bed" with trump for one thing only after all......
(Site Administrator)
I'm not touching the rest of it cause I only recently learned Jehovah's witnesses don't acknowledge the deity of Christ. He's like the archangel Michael or something to them..the only difference is even though I have a more formal knowledge of the subject matter than you, you *still* claim to be the authority. So let's steer clear in the interest of the topic at hand.
Regarding Pence, you're hypothesizing and stating it as near-fact again. History records what he did and not what he would have done.. in your estimation.
(Old Spike)
I told you I am NOT the authority, what I shared is not even based on my opinion! You claim you are but never support your claims.
(Site Administrator)
I contradict your anti-christian statements with evidence all the time. We just said it's not up to your or uncle Dawki's standard (didn't he say nothing could ever convince him...along with how he enjoys a good Christian hymn now and then).
So we're not talking about Pence. Cool, I'll just assume you concede the point.
(Old Spike)
evidence.... lol
I made my point about pence, nothing to add.
(Site Administrator)
lol indeed. No point was made, but hey, as long as you satisfy yourself.. ;-)
Here's you. This is you now.
(Site Administrator)
By the way. You like machines, don't you? Why not the biomechanical. We were waiting for you to chime in on this thread.
Unless you're scared.
(Old Spike)
what kind of comment you looking for? one that mentions the flagellum motor as proof of intelligent designed was tried almost 20 years ago guy called michael behe gave it a go, said something like, its so complex, it couldn't have evolved naturally and if any part was missing it wouldn't work(irreducible complexity). but scientists being scientists disabled 40 of the 50 parts and it still functioned. showing how the motor is a culmination of separate parts that function on there own/evolved on their own. one that mentions how the guy went on to join a court case where they tried to get intelligent design to be taught in school but failed because he couldn't prove his science wasn't religion. you looking for something like that?
(Site Administrator)
Very nice point. But don't hide it away here. Please cut and paste in into the discussion at hand (I'm aware of the hypocrisy of this statement). Thanks Sal.