The Truth About Border Crossers


ninjzz3.0's picture
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Maxpower's picture
Yes, because unchecked immigration and a political party that wants to give every one of the millions of illegals here free healthcare couldn't possibly be bad for the country. Turns out, we have infinite resources.
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danmanjones's picture

if someone pays taxes they should get the same public healthcare as regular citizens, no?

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Maxpower's picture

I don't believe most of them are paying taxes. I also don't believe we should reward people for sneaking into our country regardless. They should be deported, not treated as permanent residents because "welp, you already got away with it for this long."


If we don't, then the borders don't really mean anything, being a citizen doesn't really mean anything, and we are no longer our own country in any meaningful way.

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danmanjones's picture

You didn't really answer the question. It's just a hypothetical.

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Maxpower's picture

The answer is no. Welfare is for citizens.

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Dagambit's picture

@Danmanjones - I think if they did pay taxes then yes, they can stay and contribute. Although, the problem is the handout programs / government assistance. We already have a lot of abuse of the system just from Americans in general, we don't need help hurting these systems. If we cut it off, or really cracked down on it, then I say open the borders up, problem is we won't have that happen. 


Short answer, if you come through the check point, you have a max of 2 years to receive government assistance, until you find a job, and you will be DOCUMENTED, also, you will pay higher taxes for 10 years and then you are granted citizenship and you must learn english. 


~ rough draft. 

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Dagambit's picture

sarcasm is strong with this one!

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