6.5k likes and 5k dislikes. hearing tulsi say that is great. having the breaking points chick bring it up to get dislikes from their own is fantastic
(3 votes)
6.5k likes and 5k dislikes. hearing tulsi say that is great. having the breaking points chick bring it up to get dislikes from their own is fantastic
(Old Spike)
In This episode. Russia and Xi threaten to prosecute their own wars against bigtech (Ironic.) A Louisinana pastor with a congregation of thousands that has never obeyed restrictions and not suffered 1 single covid death, and in the last Hour the transhumanism plan of the future in order to transform you dirty humans into patented domesticated animals. I'd like to personally thank Sal9000 For making this broadcast possible.
(Old Spike)
no problem bud.every now and again i take some time off from convincing skeptoids family and friends to kill themselves to make a podcast possible
out of the congregation of thousand, how many got tested? its possible none of them got tested so thats why none of them got covid
(Old Spike)
I never said they never got covid. No one died of covid. On that thought, there is a kernel of wisdom in what you said. It's like if people stop getting tested Covid disappears. I mean, the disease is so deadly you have to take a test to find out you're sick.
And the sooner people stop consenting to these fraudulent tests the sooner world government fear mongering can diminish.
Also, Norway has stepped up to the plate. They have decided to stop the nonesense and treat Covid like the common cold. Because you know, it's endemic.
Time to open up and move on with your lives.
(Old Spike)
what you mean is nobody has died in general. since they would test you if you died to see why you died and you say nobody was tested, so nobody in general has died. or nobody that has died was tested for covid. so in that sense. nobody has died from covid
another country can do whatever they want. they can do it and be fine with it. but when we do it here, it turns into a dumpster fire
its time to refuse medical treatment for covid to the unvaxxed
just to sum it up. the masks don't work. the tests don't work, the vaccines are experimental gene therapy. 4.5 million dead in under two years and its just like the flu
(Old Spike)
No you boob.
No one in that church died of covid.
4.5 million dead in 2 years. 0 flu deaths last year. No new cemetaries built to house this supposed surplus of dead, no surplus of dead according to a number mortitians until after the gene therapy went in full swing to the public. Their findings. Most of the dead surplus this year. Vaccinated.
(Old Spike)
You should see my comments on YouTube on this video. What is raining blood think about your positive statement about tulsi? And no it's not you that convinced my sister to kill herself - it just gives you pleasure to think of it that way because you're very very very sick. Your participating in something like a little bitch, a coward without an ounce of backbone or integrity who spits on his own soul and quislings his way through the world. You're just in the way bud.
(Old Spike)
what positive statement did i make about tulsi? you blamed me for their deaths. either i convinced them or i killed them. which do you prefer? if hell is real, i could use the street cred
(Old Spike)
Hell is largely a conflation of the Greek Hades and Dante's work. You're very sick and have deliberately stunted your own growth and now splay that out for all of us to see here on this site, every day. You are very narcissistic, so you have difficulty with notions of pinciples-based culpability on a general level. Don't worry - your contribution to the deaths of tens, probably hundreds (we don't have stats), of thousands is diluted among millions. You've deliberately aligned yourself to death and suffering. You know what you are participated in will make things worse, not better. You delight in the notion that the hell you've chosen for yourself can now be brought to others, and it's not in some afterplace. It's here, where the rest of us live. You know you're scum.
(Old Spike)
crazy how i can do all that you say with only a comment section and an audience of a few dozen. this is more like my heaven and your hell. you wanted trump and voter id. you got biden and vaccination id
(Old Spike)
Flew over your head for the third time. Trump was your kind of narcissist.
(Old Spike)
no, your my kind of narcissist