Turkish Bayraktar drones keep shredding Russian armour

Timmy Tosser's picture

Ukrainian Bayraktar TB2 destroyed Russian invaders

The nature of modern warfare is fundamentaly changing at this very moment. Tanks and most ground vehicles are becoming nothing more than steel coffins for their crews.  If any of you bothered to read my post a few weeks back, I go into a lot of detail around why Putin is upset about the drones and yet somehow narrow mindedly pursuing outmoded tactics in a theater where more modern weaponry is winning the day. 






And yes, I know that Russia did, in fact, shoot down at least 1 Bayraktar. 

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stokkebye's picture

Well, how do you invade and take over a country without ground forces? Yeah, I agree war has changed and they are easy targets, just like warships and aircraft carriers. One guided missile is all it takes. Its an arms race at this point. Putin wont be able to hold if there are mass casualties and it looks like that will be the case. 


Im concerned what Putin might do if that happens though, nuking a city brings an end very fast. 

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