Change the damn laws so that people are not woken up to police banging down the door and shooting the place up! The "war on drugs" is a complete and utter failure and needs to stop. Police need to be held accountable for improper/insufficient warrants with bad Intel. Unless there is a threat to innocent people there is no reason for police to bust doors down and run in like they are raiding a terror cells house, they(the police) put too many innocent peoples lives in danger when they do that. Busting someone for some drugs is not worth risking the lives and safety of the innocent, there are other ways to go about it! I dont give a damn about someone doing drugs. What they choose to do to themselves is their own business.
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norcimo5 (Short Spike)
I say read the facts in this case even if it hurts, because the truth is in the facts.
Also, police shouldn't be held accountable by spraying other innocent bystanding police with bullets.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
What, that the police got a bad search warrant based on bad/false intel? Or that the boyfriend shot because he thought the police were his girlfriends dangerous ex-boyfriend knocking the door in? I know the facts and no I dont choose truth over facts like Biden! I dont blame the cops for shooting back, I do for shooting themselves, and I dont blame the boyfriend who shot at the police. I blame the system that put those cops there in the first place, the "war on drugs", the corrupt justice system that rubber stamps bad search warrants. Police should ONLY bust doors down when there is an immediate threat to innocent people. There are other ways! Catch the suspect walking or driving, do fucking real police work, investigate, observe and use the least amount of force as possible. The SWAT team is being used and abused way too much to go after low level non-violent crimes LIKE drug dealers and users! Knocking someone's door down should be the very last resort but cops use it as there first and only choice!
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norcimo5 (Short Spike)
Well said. But still, it doesn't justify two cops getting shot in relatiation. Wanna protest? Civil protest all you want (1st ammendment right). Want to cause trouble? Face the consequenes.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
For sure! BLM movement lost all my support the first time they got violent and attacked innocent people. Some in that crowd make the argument that %96 of the BLM protests were peaceful, to which I say, if %99 percent of police interactions are peaceful but less than %1 result in a violence and even less in a death and even less in that of black men and even less of an innocent unarmed black men, then why the fuck are you protesting???
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
I would say getting shot through the door when you knock and announce your police, is a pretty good reason to break down the door afterwards.
(sounds retarded)
Change the damn laws so that people are not woken up to police banging down the door and shooting the place up! The "war on drugs" is a complete and utter failure and needs to stop. Police need to be held accountable for improper/insufficient warrants with bad Intel. Unless there is a threat to innocent people there is no reason for police to bust doors down and run in like they are raiding a terror cells house, they(the police) put too many innocent peoples lives in danger when they do that. Busting someone for some drugs is not worth risking the lives and safety of the innocent, there are other ways to go about it! I dont give a damn about someone doing drugs. What they choose to do to themselves is their own business.
(Short Spike)
I say read the facts in this case even if it hurts, because the truth is in the facts.
Also, police shouldn't be held accountable by spraying other innocent bystanding police with bullets.
(sounds retarded)
What, that the police got a bad search warrant based on bad/false intel? Or that the boyfriend shot because he thought the police were his girlfriends dangerous ex-boyfriend knocking the door in? I know the facts and no I dont choose truth over facts like Biden! I dont blame the cops for shooting back, I do for shooting themselves, and I dont blame the boyfriend who shot at the police. I blame the system that put those cops there in the first place, the "war on drugs", the corrupt justice system that rubber stamps bad search warrants. Police should ONLY bust doors down when there is an immediate threat to innocent people. There are other ways! Catch the suspect walking or driving, do fucking real police work, investigate, observe and use the least amount of force as possible. The SWAT team is being used and abused way too much to go after low level non-violent crimes LIKE drug dealers and users! Knocking someone's door down should be the very last resort but cops use it as there first and only choice!
(Short Spike)
Well said. But still, it doesn't justify two cops getting shot in relatiation. Wanna protest? Civil protest all you want (1st ammendment right). Want to cause trouble? Face the consequenes.
(sounds retarded)
For sure! BLM movement lost all my support the first time they got violent and attacked innocent people. Some in that crowd make the argument that %96 of the BLM protests were peaceful, to which I say, if %99 percent of police interactions are peaceful but less than %1 result in a violence and even less in a death and even less in that of black men and even less of an innocent unarmed black men, then why the fuck are you protesting???
(Long Spike)
I would say getting shot through the door when you knock and announce your police, is a pretty good reason to break down the door afterwards.
Just saying.