UK Ex Cop on Police in the US

daftcunt's picture

Black lives matter.

Comparing the way of dealing with aggressive offenders and the public in general. Interesting video. John is a dog trainer now. He underwent a smilar experience to me from doing training the confrontational way (mainly punishment based) to mainly using positive re-inforcement.  

Average: 1 (3 votes)


jdt73's picture

Very  EX cop babbles on and wont get to the point.

total time waster, just like most talking heads on  youtube these days.

GIve this cock a pass.

In my opinion if you cant get to the point in 2 minuets or even indicate what the point you are getting to is...

Fuck off you bleating time waster.

Out come of video?

Dont know as i cut this shit off as soon as i realised he was a dithering idiot. (about 2 minuets in)


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

So you not only have the grammar, spelling and reasoning skills of a 5yo but also their attention span. Figures.

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jdt73's picture

Ah yes.

You can always tell your argument is solid when it is founded on the grammar and the spelling ....

Same lame old shit carried out by people with no real argument.

Your name .... is perffect.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well, I usually avoid this but in your case it was too tempting as too many issues come together:
Impatience, grammar, spelling, incompetence to make a comprehensible, logic statement (in your reply to me on the other video), childish approach to a conversation that involves "winning".

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jdt73's picture

If I apply your version of logic, I can only conclude that you must be on drugs.

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