The problem you have is that once you have been caught lying nobody will believe you if you do tell the truth. Also, none of this would have even happened if Russia didnt invade, you fucking retard. Anything that happens IS their fault.
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danman (Site Administrator)
keep talking little brother
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
Problem is once you get caught lying no one will believe in you...
Unless your the estabilshment in which case you can lie for decades recycling the same old lies and retarded rainbow kittens fall for it every time.
(sounds retarded)
The problem you have is that once you have been caught lying nobody will believe you if you do tell the truth. Also, none of this would have even happened if Russia didnt invade, you fucking retard. Anything that happens IS their fault.
(Site Administrator)
keep talking little brother
(Short Spike)
Problem is once you get caught lying no one will believe in you...
Unless your the estabilshment in which case you can lie for decades recycling the same old lies and retarded rainbow kittens fall for it every time.
(sounds retarded)