The United People of Canada

Raining Blood's picture

Eviction spat erupts at church 'home' of The United People of Canada

they're alt-right, they're behind 10k in rent, they've been renovating in a historical building without any permits. they were served eviction notices yesterday.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well, good.

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n0val33t's picture
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Not sure you wan't the people who devoted their lives to it Yggdrasil back...the icon she held up was unistakably a variant the old norse deptiction of the tree of life. 


There are many depictions of the tree of life though many religions, this one a copy paste of Yggdrasil with maple leaves.......excuse me...... having a shit fit, pissing my pants and hitting a shop clerk in the face...... i'm trying to contain my rage of..... cultural appropriation!


100% drunken..... sillywilly..... you fucking satanists!


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Timmy Tosser's picture

Hva er galt med norrøne tradisjoner?!

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n0val33t's picture
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Ingenting..... null, nada....., it's ideologicly loaded though, to an extreme! Ze 1000 year reich used up all of our runes and made it theirs. Now it's hitler shit!.... Neo Nazis, runes up the ass! Hell they even use the Norwegian flag as a symbol for race purity!


My Grandmother: long blond hair.... gonna stop there! Was dissapeared to open they eyes in halls,massive displays of runic flags and other iconography!.... Now if i wasn't a carbon copy of my grandads face i would have problems! 

There are no norse traditions..... cause the alll died fighting eactother while christianity took over. Litteraly........ no norse traditions! 


It's a good thing...... you want to walk your grandma/pa of a cliff?!


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