It's worse than theft - Syria is one of the nations USA is starving deliberately.
This comes after several years of US-sponsored head-chopping jihadis were unleashed on that country in a failed attempt to overthrow the Syrian government.
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(3 votes)
(dumb cunt)
LOL Cool facts right out of the arse of the chinese global tv network
"CGTN is funded in whole or in part by the Chinese government." <--right on top of the YT page
(Site Administrator)
reminder: ad hominem is a logical fallacy.
US said they were going to "take the oil", not just Trump but the think tanks. The food too.
now they're doing it & there's video showing it...
(Old Spike)
it isn't you property when you can sving a dick around! Same with women...... what she can only take syrian dick cause she's syrian?
Know how to get fucked, syria is a almost a non existing state, cheers Russia!. One phonecall from being one though! Maybe not call the Russians this time!