The US tried to monopolise a coronavirus vaccine being developed in Germany.
(3 votes)
The US tried to monopolise a coronavirus vaccine being developed in Germany.
(Long Spike)
No surprise there, a monopoly is very profitable. And it is the American way. Compare price of insulin in US and Europe!
(Old Spike)
It will take years before there is a vaccine the antibodies will be here in propably a few months, i dont know how much you can trust this report but i wouldent be surprised, so what was the idea? That America would sell it to the rest of the world?
(Old Spike)
You don't need to go out on a limb to trust German government officials being quoted in Reuters. There are other details in the article you can read about incl denials about the nature of the offer from US officials & the company itself (CureVac).
original article is behind a paywall
(Old Spike)
Are there any previous conversations with Donald Trump or dealings with the company in the United States?
On its website, CureVac said CEO Daniel Menichella early this month met Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force and senior representatives of pharmaceutical and biotech companies to discuss a vaccine.
CureVac in 2015 and 2018 secured financial backing for development projects from its investor the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, working on shots to prevent malaria and influenza.
It makes sense when you read that they've met with several pharmaceutical and biotech companies earlier this month. But that information is placed towards the end of the article as if it's not relevant, where most people would already find themselves triggered. And the "exclusive" part that insinuates Trump's villain-antics came from an unidentified source, as usual.
CureVac issued a statement on Sunday, in which it said: “The company rejects current rumors of an acquisition”.
The company itself rejects the rumors, as they themselves put it.
So basically, anybody with an actual name and title denies what the article describes. People who use their full names and titles are accountable for what they say. Sources without names can't be held accountable for what they say, to anybody.
Reporters are not accountable for what nameless sources say either. But they'll report it. They'll make calls and gather quotes from people with names, reacting to the statements made by nameless people. And that makes your lazy ass skimming through the article think it's an actual credible article by a credible reporter at a credible news network.
And there you have the last four years.
If you want to survive through a possible second depression, you have to stop falling for this pseudo-journalistic bullshit. These people will lead you off a cliff just to make Trump look bad. And all it takes is to rearrange some paragraphs and make a couple of phonecalls.
(Old Spike)
the "exclusive" part that insinuates Trump's villain-antics came from an unidentified source
This is the key part IMO - the German government has endorsed the report but that may or may not have included the "rumour" about exclusive access. It's hard to know but it does follow a pattern of the US government going to bat for big pharma & their monopolistic approach. It was being discussed with the UK government as part of the trade deal - the US wanted better access into the UK market for US pharma companies & their patented products.
If anyone could signup & read the original article we may get some more clues about the nature of the US offer.
(Old Spike)
Well the "WELT" is a right leaning paper so this is not leftist propaganda.
The Company stating that they are "not being bought" has little siginficance as this process may just have been stopped by authorities during or before serious talks.
Whether this is fact or fiction it is of absolute importance that this vaccine (or others) is not produced by a monopoly in the US as it must be made available to all at affordable prices and not just to a select few. I think this report has at least raised awareness.
(Old Spike)
On the surface it seems the German government has stepped in to block the acquisition & was pissed off enough to take it public. The public awareness should help the company stay on track.