from the same rally that had the general saying america should be one religion
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Why do you want to vaccinate children? Is there any chance that we could get you to visit a clinic on behalf of your mother, as a very, very, very late term? We both know your dad would be on board.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Maybe because we love children and don't want them to die.. and i hope you catch covid and see what everyone was talking about, because you have no idea
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I've already had COVID. I got some blisters on my toes - is that what everyone was talking about? If you loved children you wouldn't be exposing them to an unnecessary vaccine that is many times more dangerous to them than the virus it's supposed to protect them from but doesn't.
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Dude (Old Spike)
I realy hope you catch it.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I know you have some mental difficulties so I'll repeat again I have already had covid and I was asymptomatic with the exception of covid toes.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Experts: Defend the establishment!
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
presented by
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Dude (Old Spike)
hahaha+ we should have the entire world vaccinated against the will or willing, you want to live in the civilised world you have to abide by rules, scared or not, it is for your own good.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Already crystallizing in the empathy region of the brain.
Place your bets for how long until dude becomes... Inactive.
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Dude (Old Spike)
I can make a safe bet on you when someone pops up and beats the dogshit out your stupid ass.
When you are showering your girl hair someone walks in and starts soaping you up against your will
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Look how mad he is.
Gonna try and say you ain't mad bro?
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Dude (Old Spike)
No i was just joking, but i could make that happen at any time someone teleports into your bathroom and treats you like a girl :)
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
^ So mad.
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Dude (Old Spike)
what if i was, you never seen anyone get annoyed by a fly?
And who are you talking to here? you post all these comments with nothing real and crazy talk, for the benefit of who? just PM skeptoid ;)
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Thanks for the free rent ;)
Btw... You thought you just had to get past this virus...
What if I told you that it is increasingly likely that they synthesizing and planning to release a bit of the small pox? I certainly hope not. But you all heard it here first.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Yes we will be watching with anticipation for your crazy predictions to come true, no realy we are.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Well... Let's have a look at what I have predicted that has come true...
Government will use this opportunity to remove freedom from the cowards. Check!
Vaccines are killing people. Check!
Supply lines collapsing due to lockdowns. Check!
Smart grid infrastructure being setup to micromanage your life. Check!
2 weeks to flatten the curve became years. Check!
Vaccine became mandated instead of reccomended. Check!
Vaccine passports to determine access to varying degrees of goods and services. Check!
False flag attacks - Check! See U.K.
Manufactured energy crises due to rapid rejection fossil fuels and swapping to "green" energy too quickly. -Check! See Ireland.
Financial collapse due to lockdowns which enables mass government aid/dependence- Building.
Forced vaccinations - Building. See Austria.
New pandemics - Building.
Starvation of masses - To be determined
Forced vaccinations for all - To be determined
Totalitarian state for all spanning the globe - Building
World war 3 - To be determined
Digital currency that is completely centralized, inescapeable, and designed to destroy the wealth of all barring the Super rich - Building.
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Dude (Old Spike)
I can do that to.
The earth will exist tomorrow, - Check
One day there will be a new American president - Check
do i need to go on or do i need to make more grand predictions?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
The difference is. With everything that has come true. Everyone said they were nonesense. Then they happened. And they didn't need to if everyone would have seen everything for what is was and just disobeyed. The whole plandemic could have collapsed by now.
But it is increasingly apparent that people will need to suffer more before they are motivated.
A shame really.
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Dude (Old Spike)
If everyone said it you are talking about disproving 99,9999999999999999999999999 percent of the population you sure are special
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
You're just mad because I verbally beat the crap out of all of you on a daily basis.
Your mad because you are slave, and since you won't stand up to the worlds bullies you feel your only recourse is to browbeat those with the courage to stand up to them.
Nothing you say or do will make me move an inch towards the new system. If the price is death eventually, I will pay it GLADLY.
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Dude (Old Spike)
You beating the crap out of me? that is new, soon as i talk you into a corner you say stupid shit like that.
You think you are special as i mentioned above, you are gravely delusional in saying things like if everyone disobeyed, the pandemic would be over, how do you figured that one out sherlock?
The price will be death be sure to remember that when you run nose first into the wall, you did not have corona, you can not judge, so dont go preaching to others about something you know nothing about.
With your opinion it is moron tells moron tells moron.
You come up with greatly skewed story's that for some reason even make it to scientists, tells me enough about your education system, and national IQ, and i blame fluoride for everything, you know they did test on it right.
This is something to focus on, focus on it.
It made you sick
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
You remind me very much of the horse shoe curve.
Those with the lowest intelligence have more in common with those of the highest intelligence rather than those of merely average intelligence.
For example. If you procliam to a high intelligence person defund the police, they will provide all kinds of examples as to why that would be terrible for society. If you tell a low intelligence person that we should defund the police they will tell you that's the dumbest thing they ever heard.
While a person of average intelligence will proclaim that's a great idea.
People that are insecure about their level of intelligence are the ones that accuse others of intelligence deficiencies.
If I had to guess yours, you're what, about 110?
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Dude (Old Spike)
126 on Mensa But you should know that real intelligence can not be measured by some stupid tests, on my kintergarden memory and pattern test i had 99 percent while the other kids scored 70 or 80, yet my grades later where the worst of the class since i never studied, i started working nights when i was 7 that also interfered with my grades
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Based on that answer in a container I can believe that figure. Not a bad number to have. It is considered 120 or above allows a foundation to adapt to any profession provided you have enough interest in your field.
I would also add there are many types of intelligence. You have EQ which is arbitrary. You can gain and lose points situationally throughout your life. That is a good predictor of "people professions"
There are those that are mechanicly minded like engineers, There are systems thinkers which are planners and strategists, There are those that are spatial learners which are good for trades. The list goes on.
Studying on it's own does not equate to problem solving, it is simply the memorization of factoids. I would say after a certain extent it is very damaging to critical thinking as it crystallizes thought patterns pretaining to subjects and makes the mind less likely to write new information. You can thank the Frankfurt school for that. One of the most wicked institutions ever devised. Alot of their curirculum shaped the thoughts and philosophies behind the rampant totalitarianism of the 20th century.
If the people win themselves a golden age, that school and everything to do with it needs a complete reformation.
(Old Spike)
Why do you want to vaccinate children? Is there any chance that we could get you to visit a clinic on behalf of your mother, as a very, very, very late term? We both know your dad would be on board.
(Old Spike)
Maybe because we love children and don't want them to die.. and i hope you catch covid and see what everyone was talking about, because you have no idea
(Old Spike)
I've already had COVID. I got some blisters on my toes - is that what everyone was talking about? If you loved children you wouldn't be exposing them to an unnecessary vaccine that is many times more dangerous to them than the virus it's supposed to protect them from but doesn't.
(Old Spike)
I realy hope you catch it.
(Old Spike)
I know you have some mental difficulties so I'll repeat again I have already had covid and I was asymptomatic with the exception of covid toes.
(Old Spike)
Experts: Defend the establishment!
(Old Spike)
presented by
(Old Spike)
hahaha+ we should have the entire world vaccinated against the will or willing, you want to live in the civilised world you have to abide by rules, scared or not, it is for your own good.
(Old Spike)
Already crystallizing in the empathy region of the brain.
Place your bets for how long until dude becomes... Inactive.
(Old Spike)
I can make a safe bet on you when someone pops up and beats the dogshit out your stupid ass.
When you are showering your girl hair someone walks in and starts soaping you up against your will
(Old Spike)
Look how mad he is.
Gonna try and say you ain't mad bro?
(Old Spike)
No i was just joking, but i could make that happen at any time someone teleports into your bathroom and treats you like a girl :)
(Old Spike)
^ So mad.
(Old Spike)
what if i was, you never seen anyone get annoyed by a fly?
And who are you talking to here? you post all these comments with nothing real and crazy talk, for the benefit of who? just PM skeptoid ;)
(Old Spike)
Thanks for the free rent ;)
Btw... You thought you just had to get past this virus...
What if I told you that it is increasingly likely that they synthesizing and planning to release a bit of the small pox? I certainly hope not. But you all heard it here first.
(Old Spike)
Yes we will be watching with anticipation for your crazy predictions to come true, no realy we are.
(Old Spike)
Well... Let's have a look at what I have predicted that has come true...
Government will use this opportunity to remove freedom from the cowards. Check!
Vaccines are killing people. Check!
Supply lines collapsing due to lockdowns. Check!
Smart grid infrastructure being setup to micromanage your life. Check!
2 weeks to flatten the curve became years. Check!
Vaccine became mandated instead of reccomended. Check!
Vaccine passports to determine access to varying degrees of goods and services. Check!
False flag attacks - Check! See U.K.
Manufactured energy crises due to rapid rejection fossil fuels and swapping to "green" energy too quickly. -Check! See Ireland.
Financial collapse due to lockdowns which enables mass government aid/dependence- Building.
Forced vaccinations - Building. See Austria.
New pandemics - Building.
Starvation of masses - To be determined
Forced vaccinations for all - To be determined
Totalitarian state for all spanning the globe - Building
World war 3 - To be determined
Digital currency that is completely centralized, inescapeable, and designed to destroy the wealth of all barring the Super rich - Building.
(Old Spike)
I can do that to.
The earth will exist tomorrow, - Check
One day there will be a new American president - Check
do i need to go on or do i need to make more grand predictions?
(Old Spike)
The difference is. With everything that has come true. Everyone said they were nonesense. Then they happened. And they didn't need to if everyone would have seen everything for what is was and just disobeyed. The whole plandemic could have collapsed by now.
But it is increasingly apparent that people will need to suffer more before they are motivated.
A shame really.
(Old Spike)
If everyone said it you are talking about disproving 99,9999999999999999999999999 percent of the population you sure are special
(Old Spike)
You're just mad because I verbally beat the crap out of all of you on a daily basis.
Your mad because you are slave, and since you won't stand up to the worlds bullies you feel your only recourse is to browbeat those with the courage to stand up to them.
Nothing you say or do will make me move an inch towards the new system. If the price is death eventually, I will pay it GLADLY.
(Old Spike)
You beating the crap out of me? that is new, soon as i talk you into a corner you say stupid shit like that.
You think you are special as i mentioned above, you are gravely delusional in saying things like if everyone disobeyed, the pandemic would be over, how do you figured that one out sherlock?
The price will be death be sure to remember that when you run nose first into the wall, you did not have corona, you can not judge, so dont go preaching to others about something you know nothing about.
With your opinion it is moron tells moron tells moron.
You come up with greatly skewed story's that for some reason even make it to scientists, tells me enough about your education system, and national IQ, and i blame fluoride for everything, you know they did test on it right.
This is something to focus on, focus on it.
(Old Spike)
You remind me very much of the horse shoe curve.
Those with the lowest intelligence have more in common with those of the highest intelligence rather than those of merely average intelligence.
For example. If you procliam to a high intelligence person defund the police, they will provide all kinds of examples as to why that would be terrible for society. If you tell a low intelligence person that we should defund the police they will tell you that's the dumbest thing they ever heard.
While a person of average intelligence will proclaim that's a great idea.
People that are insecure about their level of intelligence are the ones that accuse others of intelligence deficiencies.
If I had to guess yours, you're what, about 110?
(Old Spike)
126 on Mensa But you should know that real intelligence can not be measured by some stupid tests, on my kintergarden memory and pattern test i had 99 percent while the other kids scored 70 or 80, yet my grades later where the worst of the class since i never studied, i started working nights when i was 7 that also interfered with my grades
(Old Spike)
Based on that answer in a container I can believe that figure. Not a bad number to have. It is considered 120 or above allows a foundation to adapt to any profession provided you have enough interest in your field.
I would also add there are many types of intelligence. You have EQ which is arbitrary. You can gain and lose points situationally throughout your life. That is a good predictor of "people professions"
There are those that are mechanicly minded like engineers, There are systems thinkers which are planners and strategists, There are those that are spatial learners which are good for trades. The list goes on.
Studying on it's own does not equate to problem solving, it is simply the memorization of factoids. I would say after a certain extent it is very damaging to critical thinking as it crystallizes thought patterns pretaining to subjects and makes the mind less likely to write new information. You can thank the Frankfurt school for that. One of the most wicked institutions ever devised. Alot of their curirculum shaped the thoughts and philosophies behind the rampant totalitarianism of the 20th century.
If the people win themselves a golden age, that school and everything to do with it needs a complete reformation.