A year and a half ago I said there would be endless variants and endless jabs and endless mandates and you and your girlfriend mocked me. I'm just curious - for you specifically, did you know all of this was coming and you simply deny it to help bring it into fruition or are you genuinely surprised by all this? Are you about to say that the variants and jabs and mandates are all the fault of the unvaxed or the anti-vax? And when you say something stupid like that, do you actually believe it or is it just a convenient talking point that enables you to attack your enemies?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
in a year and half, you've been antimask, antivaccine and antisocial distancing. you've taken every stance you could take if you wanted spread a virus. stances i would liken to being ok with losing 1% of the worlds population every couple of years.
we were up to delta before had a vaccine, which haven't been available for a year yet, 56% of the world isn't fully vaccinated and most of us have only been able to get the 2 shots they said we would get. each variant so far has come from a place that had either a 0% or a low vaccination rate. so yea, i'll deffinately say the variants and potentially endless jabs are the fault of the unvaxxed/anti-vax, that i believe it and that it feels good when i say it
for a year and half i've been saying if this thing gets out of hand millions of people could die. that doing nothing gives it a large pool to draw from and more chances to mutate. that taking any precaution is better than raw dogging it, to mitigate the spread any way. reflecting on the time. its you spitting out nonesense and me refuting it, business as usual
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Just responding to your first paragraph and I'll read the rest later. I've never been anti-mask and I've never been antisocial distancing. You know you're lying when you say that. I'm promask where it makes sense I just happen to know that masks don't really make a big difference contrary to what you want to believe. I like to stay in actual reality and the actual reality is that masks don't do that much if anything. As I've said before if it makes people feel safer then that's a benefit and for that reason I'll accommodate indoors where it makes sense. I've never been antisocial distancing in fact I've pointed out many times the hypocrisy of the left not complying with social distancing in various situations. I've made numerous comments that are pro-social distancing and in fact I think social distancing is the main thing that prevents the spread of covid. Now I have to go to a Christmas thing I'll read the rest of your b******* response when I get back but my guess it's is that it's going to be more lies and attempts to disassemble and spin.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
your promasks but at every chance you say masks don't work. you've taken every stance to be pro covid deaths. your pro-covid. you've promoted every mandate as government overreach. your pro-covid
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Pro-covid? Wow you've really lost it completely, haven't you? Look at this statement:
"so yea, i'll deffinately say the variants and potentially endless jabs are the fault of the unvaxxed/anti-vax, that i believe it and that it feels good when i say it"
Are you really that stupid? I just need to know if you actually believe the things you write here - everything with you is some kind of binary pro-X anti-Y horseshit. Are you capable of actual human thought or just this programmed nonsense? Here's the thing - if you actually believe the things you write, in all their paranoid and extremist glory, then I just pity you. But if you know better - if you know what this program is and what it's designed to do, and how it works, then you are complete and utter garbage shit of the lowest order. So you can see why it's kind of a point of curiosity for me to determine which it is, or something in between perhaps?
Do you understand the theology of Marcuse-style wokeism? Do you know that's what you are a party to and engaged in? Listening to James Lindsey steelman the academic works of Marcuse, among more modern race-baiting cultists like D'Angelo, is like listening to someone objectively describing your behaviors and messaging tactics on this site. It's like 1 to 1.
You just assume that whatever the corrupt alliance of morally bankrupt government and morally bankrupt big corporate role out to combat COVID is the answer to COVID? You don't even question any of it, and you aggressively attack those who do ask questions and who point out the false information and misinformation being relayed by major news organizations who are HUGELY funded by pharmaceutical corporations. Why do you that? Are you genuinely fooled, or are you playing the fool?
"for a year and half i've been saying if this thing gets out of hand millions of people could die. that doing nothing gives it a large pool to draw from and more chances to mutate. that taking any precaution is better than raw dogging it, to mitigate the spread any way. reflecting on the time. its you spitting out nonesense and me refuting it, business as usual"
No, Sal, for a year and half the news programs you watch have been telling you things and then you've been turning around spitting those things out here, with no "apparent" thought, as though it came from your brain. The news has been telling you that this isn't over yet because of those who won't obey edicts that have nothing to do with combatting COVID. Do you understand that there are programs waiting in place for an opportunity to justify their enactment? This isn't a conspiracy - this is basic politics, but do you understand it? So when something like COVID comes along there are powerful interests waiting to exploit "the next serious pandemic" to roll out a program they have in mind that is about much more than combating the pandemic. The pandemic is an excuse to "rearrange things" in way that is more amenable to authority and special interests aligned with said authority - do you actually get that this is something that happens or do you not believe in such things? I'm trying to gage how stupid you are, vs. how stupid you are pretending to be.
For a year and a half it's been a steady string of everything I said being validated and shown true, and this is a pattern with you and I that goes pretty far back. I tell you what's going to happen - you mock and say no and say I'm crazy and whatever else da fuck - and then the thing happens, I point it out to you, and you go into this strange denial mode where it's just pure imagination. If you never thought millions of people would die from COVID you need to stop engaging in any kind of public discourse - it's beyond you. But you know better, don't you? At least I think you do - it's hard for me to believe you are so blind, and that everything you wrote isn't, at core, about tactical messaging to attempt to create a perception rather than just honest analysis - what you really think. But if you are this possessed then it wouldn't surprise me if you lost the ability to genuinely communicate an original thought - it's all become ideology at this point for you, whether you're aware of it or not I think.
By supporting a fascist narrative designed to combat COVID only as an afterthought to its real purpose, which is pretty fucking obvious at this point, you have helped to make this pandemic much worse than it would otherwise have been. By supporting the mandating of leaky vaccines you've helped support mutations of additional variants. By engaging in support for virtue signaling at the expense of actual containment measures you've increased the spread. By acting as apologist to leftist hypocrites that engaged in mass rioting and violence at the height of COVID you've increased the spread. But, sal, given what you're willing to accept and impose on others to "decrease the spread" I'm surprised you haven't openly advocated the most effective means of reducing the spread. We gotta do whatever we can to stop the spread, right? So why haven't you gone to the final solution?
"your promasks but at every chance you say masks don't work. you've taken every stance to be pro covid deaths. your pro-covid. you've promoted every mandate as government overreach. your pro-covid"
Masks don't really work - probably a few percentage points when used properly indoors is the best they do, if anything. That's the science, that's the truth, and that's the difference between someone who is aligned with enlightenment principles vs. someone who is possessed by a cult ideology. Your angry that the truth interferes with some compliance you want to force on people, right? I don't give a fuck what the truth complicates - it's the truth. Period. I wear one because people like you, and the news programs they watch, have lied to them and told them that masks are essential to combating the spread. No, not really, but people are afraid because the news has made them afraid, and so they are psychologically unstable from the constant programming. I wear a mask so as not to trigger those poor people, most of whom don't know any better.
Detail for me how I have "taken every stance to be pro-covid deaths". Don't just write slogans - explain yourself, child.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
hegel, marcuse, wokeism to people that don't know you might sound impressive but to me. its just shit you rhyme off because someone like james lindsey was just talking about them. i bet if i google search his name and a buzz word you use, i'll find he's used it in the last few months
who makes ivermectin? is it from pharmaceutical corporations? you've done everything everything you can to spread a virus all because brandon won
i stand by everything i've said
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You "stand by it" but I note the utter lack of a statement confirming you actually believe that which you stand by. I've been watching New Discourses steelmanning of the academic theory and theology behind your religion, yes, for about a year now and it's one of the main reasons I've taken a much more aggressive position with you. It's you - lol you are it and it is you. It's uncanny, really. And you can try to dismiss it (that was a weak dismissal, btw), but now that I understand the mechanics of your religion and the behaviors it requires of its flock, which you demonstrate here quite clearly, I'm too disgusted by you to treat you any differently. You are SICK, and you're not alone.
If you only knew how similar you are to the Christian fundies I've known - that is also uncanny. And yet you post vids of them as though you're insulting someone here without realizing they are you, and you are them. It's either hilarious or tragic - maybe tragically hilarious. It was an actual shock for me when I found out that you, and the other wokeists, don't actually watch any of the content your priests and handlers tell you not to watch. I didn't think that was the case, but James Lindsey's dive into this shit and explainers have helped see the depths of your sickness. Your religion is, on a whole, more outwardly and inwardly destructive than shit fundie Christianity, mainly due to the absence of any notion of forgiveness or repetentence but the shit Christian sects give short shrift to those principles anyway.
You are that which you point to as blame - you are that thing. For someone like me the difference between you and a fundamentalist Christian is small to non-existent. You think because you wear different labels you are different - you are the same.
And, in this crazed state of religious fervor, you've supported every fascist edict without question while refusing to even look at dissenting analysis, all because brandon won and brandon and his Right-wing Hegelians are your ticket to the leftist Hegelian utopia you've always dreamed of. Sorry man - you seem to be quite mad, and proud of it, and I've known dozens like you throughout my life.
It just complicates things that something like your type is even possible - it was one thing when I was trying to align rational science with Christian philosophy, but to have 25% of the population and rising partly or fully engulfed in a irrational satanic cult thing? No that I was not anticipating - didn't think it would be quite "on the nose" like that, lol, if you know what I mean. But Peterson is right - the vacuum created by the Nietzschean dilemma produces shit like you and your girlfriend and then propgandists prod and poke you, while privately mocking you, to dance and carry on like wooden puppets. It's sad, but because it's also so dangerous I can't only be sad about it. You understand?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i say i stand by what i said because i skipped just about everything you said.
hegel, marcuse, d'angelo, nietzschean. you say theses things like they're profound. they mean nothing to me and everyone else here. if you hadn't brought them up, we wouldnt have known about them. the fact that most of them have concepts way beyond most people is a joke you would even bring them up. hegels considered a very difficult read but you name drop him every other day. a couple of hours of a guy telling you the parts you want to hear doesn't make you a philosopher. i spent an hour or two looking hegel up a few weeks ago i am sure as shit know you, along with the majority of his audience, haven't a fucking clue what hegel says and i'd go so far as to say. don't have the potential to understand what he says. you have issues understanding basic concepts let alone complex ones
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
hegel, marcuse, d'angelo, nietzschean. you say theses things like they're profound. they mean nothing to me and everyone else here. if you hadn't brought them up, we wouldnt have known about them.
Finally - thank you. Thank you for confirming that you are a fool - a wooden puppet - playing like you have some clue and carefully managing what you write so as not to expose your utter lack of awareness of where you are and what is going on around you. I understand why you were so hestitant to admit it, and why it took so long for me to drag it out of you. You're a frightened child - got it. And this pretty much concludes your usefulness to me, I'm afraid.
If you ever want to understand what it is that utterly thinks for and controls you, check out James Lindsey's New Discourses Channel or some of the focused talks he's done at Sovereign Nations (the Sovereign Nations daily podcast is just some guy's stream of consciousness and not that great). That's the best I can do for you - I think one day you'll see that the biggest thing limiting you is your fear of understanding yourself: to do that you have to expose yourself to things that you think may challenge your beliefs and make you feel uncomfortable.You don't need to read Hegel directly - very few do, including those who keep pictures of him on their night stand. One of the reasons Hegel is a difficult read is because the man was more or less insane, and very misinformed lol, so there's that.
THAT's the point, sal - you don't even know where your thoughts and words come from, but they definitely don't come from you. That's the case for most things and most people, but it's a good idea to know where the shit you spout orginated from, how it has evolved, the theory behind, the stated and implied motives of the purveyors. LOL your thoughts and words come from insane academics who wrote explicitly in works you won't even let someone summarize to you about how they would take people like you and make you into wooden puppets dedicated to their own misery and destruction. Marcuse writes about how important it is to step hard on minorities while feigning to be helping them to make their lives as miserable as possible so as to tap the maximum potential of revolutionary energy. Seriously. But you won't look - again, tragically hilarious.
You've always been very insecure - you thought I was name dropping academics in an attempt to sound impressive? I just found about all of these maniacs - I saw the whole program and your clear part in it (this isn't rocket science - Lindsey is doing Hegel for dummies essentially but most of his stuff is focused on Marcuse and modern wokeism, again for dummies like you and I), and how well you match the description and wanted to know whether you were aware or not. The degree of someone's culpability in evil is proportional to their awareness of it. That's it - I just wanted to know if you had any notion of where your thoughts and words come from. I think Daft Cunt does, but not a deep understanding. You say you have no clue - fine, then at least it means you're not as culpable as I feared you might be.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
linsday does philosophy for dummies and your his target audience. just like the dark horse paste podcast
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You wouldn't know - you've never sampled more than 5-10 minutes of their content, if that, and if you did it was via a filter and cut-up and out of context. You make sure that's the only way you ingest anything from anything that doesn't align with your religion. Like the fundies I knew. I'm inviting you to sample the work directly - Lindsey will make Hegel and Marcuse digestible for you.
You saying I was dropping those names to impress is about you being insecure - you are afraid and are worried about being exposed because you "never had any idea who they were" before I mentioned them. I assumed you would know who they were initially - was confused when I didn't get any kind of response from any of the woke brigade on the direct material that produced their beliefs, but none of you seem to even know what you are. Like at all - pure Milgrams. There's a reason why the theologens of your religion don't want their flock to read the movement's equivalent of the bible - it's same reason the Roman Catholic church didn't want their flock reading the Christian Bible. In both cases the flock, having access to the source material, would realize the priests have been lying to them.
You think you are a good person who is part of a good movement. You are instead probably not a particlarly bad person who is part of an evil movement, fully admitted by it's top-level purveyors but hidden from a flock that the priests rightly judged wouldn't bother to even seek to access (incredible), that seeks to harm you as well as the "enemies" you think it is ONLY designed to harm.
(Old Spike)
A year and a half ago I said there would be endless variants and endless jabs and endless mandates and you and your girlfriend mocked me. I'm just curious - for you specifically, did you know all of this was coming and you simply deny it to help bring it into fruition or are you genuinely surprised by all this? Are you about to say that the variants and jabs and mandates are all the fault of the unvaxed or the anti-vax? And when you say something stupid like that, do you actually believe it or is it just a convenient talking point that enables you to attack your enemies?
(Old Spike)
in a year and half, you've been antimask, antivaccine and antisocial distancing. you've taken every stance you could take if you wanted spread a virus. stances i would liken to being ok with losing 1% of the worlds population every couple of years.
we were up to delta before had a vaccine, which haven't been available for a year yet, 56% of the world isn't fully vaccinated and most of us have only been able to get the 2 shots they said we would get. each variant so far has come from a place that had either a 0% or a low vaccination rate. so yea, i'll deffinately say the variants and potentially endless jabs are the fault of the unvaxxed/anti-vax, that i believe it and that it feels good when i say it
for a year and half i've been saying if this thing gets out of hand millions of people could die. that doing nothing gives it a large pool to draw from and more chances to mutate. that taking any precaution is better than raw dogging it, to mitigate the spread any way. reflecting on the time. its you spitting out nonesense and me refuting it, business as usual
(Old Spike)
Just responding to your first paragraph and I'll read the rest later. I've never been anti-mask and I've never been antisocial distancing. You know you're lying when you say that. I'm promask where it makes sense I just happen to know that masks don't really make a big difference contrary to what you want to believe. I like to stay in actual reality and the actual reality is that masks don't do that much if anything. As I've said before if it makes people feel safer then that's a benefit and for that reason I'll accommodate indoors where it makes sense. I've never been antisocial distancing in fact I've pointed out many times the hypocrisy of the left not complying with social distancing in various situations. I've made numerous comments that are pro-social distancing and in fact I think social distancing is the main thing that prevents the spread of covid. Now I have to go to a Christmas thing I'll read the rest of your b******* response when I get back but my guess it's is that it's going to be more lies and attempts to disassemble and spin.
(Old Spike)
your promasks but at every chance you say masks don't work. you've taken every stance to be pro covid deaths. your pro-covid. you've promoted every mandate as government overreach. your pro-covid
(Old Spike)
Pro-covid? Wow you've really lost it completely, haven't you? Look at this statement:
"so yea, i'll deffinately say the variants and potentially endless jabs are the fault of the unvaxxed/anti-vax, that i believe it and that it feels good when i say it"
Are you really that stupid? I just need to know if you actually believe the things you write here - everything with you is some kind of binary pro-X anti-Y horseshit. Are you capable of actual human thought or just this programmed nonsense? Here's the thing - if you actually believe the things you write, in all their paranoid and extremist glory, then I just pity you. But if you know better - if you know what this program is and what it's designed to do, and how it works, then you are complete and utter garbage shit of the lowest order. So you can see why it's kind of a point of curiosity for me to determine which it is, or something in between perhaps?
Do you understand the theology of Marcuse-style wokeism? Do you know that's what you are a party to and engaged in? Listening to James Lindsey steelman the academic works of Marcuse, among more modern race-baiting cultists like D'Angelo, is like listening to someone objectively describing your behaviors and messaging tactics on this site. It's like 1 to 1.
You just assume that whatever the corrupt alliance of morally bankrupt government and morally bankrupt big corporate role out to combat COVID is the answer to COVID? You don't even question any of it, and you aggressively attack those who do ask questions and who point out the false information and misinformation being relayed by major news organizations who are HUGELY funded by pharmaceutical corporations. Why do you that? Are you genuinely fooled, or are you playing the fool?
"for a year and half i've been saying if this thing gets out of hand millions of people could die. that doing nothing gives it a large pool to draw from and more chances to mutate. that taking any precaution is better than raw dogging it, to mitigate the spread any way. reflecting on the time. its you spitting out nonesense and me refuting it, business as usual"
No, Sal, for a year and half the news programs you watch have been telling you things and then you've been turning around spitting those things out here, with no "apparent" thought, as though it came from your brain. The news has been telling you that this isn't over yet because of those who won't obey edicts that have nothing to do with combatting COVID. Do you understand that there are programs waiting in place for an opportunity to justify their enactment? This isn't a conspiracy - this is basic politics, but do you understand it? So when something like COVID comes along there are powerful interests waiting to exploit "the next serious pandemic" to roll out a program they have in mind that is about much more than combating the pandemic. The pandemic is an excuse to "rearrange things" in way that is more amenable to authority and special interests aligned with said authority - do you actually get that this is something that happens or do you not believe in such things? I'm trying to gage how stupid you are, vs. how stupid you are pretending to be.
For a year and a half it's been a steady string of everything I said being validated and shown true, and this is a pattern with you and I that goes pretty far back. I tell you what's going to happen - you mock and say no and say I'm crazy and whatever else da fuck - and then the thing happens, I point it out to you, and you go into this strange denial mode where it's just pure imagination. If you never thought millions of people would die from COVID you need to stop engaging in any kind of public discourse - it's beyond you. But you know better, don't you? At least I think you do - it's hard for me to believe you are so blind, and that everything you wrote isn't, at core, about tactical messaging to attempt to create a perception rather than just honest analysis - what you really think. But if you are this possessed then it wouldn't surprise me if you lost the ability to genuinely communicate an original thought - it's all become ideology at this point for you, whether you're aware of it or not I think.
By supporting a fascist narrative designed to combat COVID only as an afterthought to its real purpose, which is pretty fucking obvious at this point, you have helped to make this pandemic much worse than it would otherwise have been. By supporting the mandating of leaky vaccines you've helped support mutations of additional variants. By engaging in support for virtue signaling at the expense of actual containment measures you've increased the spread. By acting as apologist to leftist hypocrites that engaged in mass rioting and violence at the height of COVID you've increased the spread. But, sal, given what you're willing to accept and impose on others to "decrease the spread" I'm surprised you haven't openly advocated the most effective means of reducing the spread. We gotta do whatever we can to stop the spread, right? So why haven't you gone to the final solution?
"your promasks but at every chance you say masks don't work. you've taken every stance to be pro covid deaths. your pro-covid. you've promoted every mandate as government overreach. your pro-covid"
Masks don't really work - probably a few percentage points when used properly indoors is the best they do, if anything. That's the science, that's the truth, and that's the difference between someone who is aligned with enlightenment principles vs. someone who is possessed by a cult ideology. Your angry that the truth interferes with some compliance you want to force on people, right? I don't give a fuck what the truth complicates - it's the truth. Period. I wear one because people like you, and the news programs they watch, have lied to them and told them that masks are essential to combating the spread. No, not really, but people are afraid because the news has made them afraid, and so they are psychologically unstable from the constant programming. I wear a mask so as not to trigger those poor people, most of whom don't know any better.
Detail for me how I have "taken every stance to be pro-covid deaths". Don't just write slogans - explain yourself, child.
(Old Spike)
hegel, marcuse, wokeism to people that don't know you might sound impressive but to me. its just shit you rhyme off because someone like james lindsey was just talking about them. i bet if i google search his name and a buzz word you use, i'll find he's used it in the last few months
who makes ivermectin? is it from pharmaceutical corporations? you've done everything everything you can to spread a virus all because brandon won
i stand by everything i've said
(Old Spike)
You "stand by it" but I note the utter lack of a statement confirming you actually believe that which you stand by. I've been watching New Discourses steelmanning of the academic theory and theology behind your religion, yes, for about a year now and it's one of the main reasons I've taken a much more aggressive position with you. It's you - lol you are it and it is you. It's uncanny, really. And you can try to dismiss it (that was a weak dismissal, btw), but now that I understand the mechanics of your religion and the behaviors it requires of its flock, which you demonstrate here quite clearly, I'm too disgusted by you to treat you any differently. You are SICK, and you're not alone.
If you only knew how similar you are to the Christian fundies I've known - that is also uncanny. And yet you post vids of them as though you're insulting someone here without realizing they are you, and you are them. It's either hilarious or tragic - maybe tragically hilarious. It was an actual shock for me when I found out that you, and the other wokeists, don't actually watch any of the content your priests and handlers tell you not to watch. I didn't think that was the case, but James Lindsey's dive into this shit and explainers have helped see the depths of your sickness. Your religion is, on a whole, more outwardly and inwardly destructive than shit fundie Christianity, mainly due to the absence of any notion of forgiveness or repetentence but the shit Christian sects give short shrift to those principles anyway.
You are that which you point to as blame - you are that thing. For someone like me the difference between you and a fundamentalist Christian is small to non-existent. You think because you wear different labels you are different - you are the same.
And, in this crazed state of religious fervor, you've supported every fascist edict without question while refusing to even look at dissenting analysis, all because brandon won and brandon and his Right-wing Hegelians are your ticket to the leftist Hegelian utopia you've always dreamed of. Sorry man - you seem to be quite mad, and proud of it, and I've known dozens like you throughout my life.
It just complicates things that something like your type is even possible - it was one thing when I was trying to align rational science with Christian philosophy, but to have 25% of the population and rising partly or fully engulfed in a irrational satanic cult thing? No that I was not anticipating - didn't think it would be quite "on the nose" like that, lol, if you know what I mean. But Peterson is right - the vacuum created by the Nietzschean dilemma produces shit like you and your girlfriend and then propgandists prod and poke you, while privately mocking you, to dance and carry on like wooden puppets. It's sad, but because it's also so dangerous I can't only be sad about it. You understand?
(Old Spike)
i say i stand by what i said because i skipped just about everything you said.
hegel, marcuse, d'angelo, nietzschean. you say theses things like they're profound. they mean nothing to me and everyone else here. if you hadn't brought them up, we wouldnt have known about them. the fact that most of them have concepts way beyond most people is a joke you would even bring them up. hegels considered a very difficult read but you name drop him every other day. a couple of hours of a guy telling you the parts you want to hear doesn't make you a philosopher. i spent an hour or two looking hegel up a few weeks ago i am sure as shit know you, along with the majority of his audience, haven't a fucking clue what hegel says and i'd go so far as to say. don't have the potential to understand what he says. you have issues understanding basic concepts let alone complex ones
(Old Spike)
hegel, marcuse, d'angelo, nietzschean. you say theses things like they're profound. they mean nothing to me and everyone else here. if you hadn't brought them up, we wouldnt have known about them.
Finally - thank you. Thank you for confirming that you are a fool - a wooden puppet - playing like you have some clue and carefully managing what you write so as not to expose your utter lack of awareness of where you are and what is going on around you. I understand why you were so hestitant to admit it, and why it took so long for me to drag it out of you. You're a frightened child - got it. And this pretty much concludes your usefulness to me, I'm afraid.
If you ever want to understand what it is that utterly thinks for and controls you, check out James Lindsey's New Discourses Channel or some of the focused talks he's done at Sovereign Nations (the Sovereign Nations daily podcast is just some guy's stream of consciousness and not that great). That's the best I can do for you - I think one day you'll see that the biggest thing limiting you is your fear of understanding yourself: to do that you have to expose yourself to things that you think may challenge your beliefs and make you feel uncomfortable. You don't need to read Hegel directly - very few do, including those who keep pictures of him on their night stand. One of the reasons Hegel is a difficult read is because the man was more or less insane, and very misinformed lol, so there's that.
THAT's the point, sal - you don't even know where your thoughts and words come from, but they definitely don't come from you. That's the case for most things and most people, but it's a good idea to know where the shit you spout orginated from, how it has evolved, the theory behind, the stated and implied motives of the purveyors. LOL your thoughts and words come from insane academics who wrote explicitly in works you won't even let someone summarize to you about how they would take people like you and make you into wooden puppets dedicated to their own misery and destruction. Marcuse writes about how important it is to step hard on minorities while feigning to be helping them to make their lives as miserable as possible so as to tap the maximum potential of revolutionary energy. Seriously. But you won't look - again, tragically hilarious.
You've always been very insecure - you thought I was name dropping academics in an attempt to sound impressive? I just found about all of these maniacs - I saw the whole program and your clear part in it (this isn't rocket science - Lindsey is doing Hegel for dummies essentially but most of his stuff is focused on Marcuse and modern wokeism, again for dummies like you and I), and how well you match the description and wanted to know whether you were aware or not. The degree of someone's culpability in evil is proportional to their awareness of it. That's it - I just wanted to know if you had any notion of where your thoughts and words come from. I think Daft Cunt does, but not a deep understanding. You say you have no clue - fine, then at least it means you're not as culpable as I feared you might be.
(Old Spike)
linsday does philosophy for dummies and your his target audience. just like the dark horse paste podcast
(Old Spike)
You wouldn't know - you've never sampled more than 5-10 minutes of their content, if that, and if you did it was via a filter and cut-up and out of context. You make sure that's the only way you ingest anything from anything that doesn't align with your religion. Like the fundies I knew. I'm inviting you to sample the work directly - Lindsey will make Hegel and Marcuse digestible for you.
You saying I was dropping those names to impress is about you being insecure - you are afraid and are worried about being exposed because you "never had any idea who they were" before I mentioned them. I assumed you would know who they were initially - was confused when I didn't get any kind of response from any of the woke brigade on the direct material that produced their beliefs, but none of you seem to even know what you are. Like at all - pure Milgrams. There's a reason why the theologens of your religion don't want their flock to read the movement's equivalent of the bible - it's same reason the Roman Catholic church didn't want their flock reading the Christian Bible. In both cases the flock, having access to the source material, would realize the priests have been lying to them.
You think you are a good person who is part of a good movement. You are instead probably not a particlarly bad person who is part of an evil movement, fully admitted by it's top-level purveyors but hidden from a flock that the priests rightly judged wouldn't bother to even seek to access (incredible), that seeks to harm you as well as the "enemies" you think it is ONLY designed to harm.