The reasoning would be endangering others I guess, also there has been last century's small pox issue. Remember it is employers being responsible for the well being of their employees, not the government "mandating everyone" to get a vaccine. If you work from home and get your stuff on-line nobody will think about getting you vaccinated, however if you work in close contact to others you may spread a potentially dangerous desease so there is a duty of care. They probably can even fire you without consequences if you don't comply.
Also, like it or not, now after more than 2bn people double vaccinated worldwide showing hardly any side effects there is no valid general argumnent against vaccination.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
So fine, dont address the medical privacy issue then. I can only guess you have nothing on that.
US Mandate on employers for testing and vaccination is a mandate on most of the blue collar workers in the US. You can try to spin it but you wont succeed.
The known truth of the situation is that the vaccine is not the magic bullet it was sold as. Vaccinated or not, covid is going to make its run through the population. Some people are wise to vaccinate, being in a high risk category while others would actualy be better off making sure they are not malnourished or overweight.
The Idea that idealy 100% of the population should get the vaccine is amazingly stupid.
The full data set is not in yet and will not be for years to come.
You are literaly asking everone to put thier eggs into one basket.
People who want to do it are good people and people who dont want to are also good people.
People who think that you should lose your job if you dont, are either driven by fear or evil.
It doesn't matter which in the end because the results will be the same.
You of all people now pushing the 2Bn vaccinated so its safe story, is very telling.
Whats the data on that?
Is the data complete?
How many people were used in the approved safety trials that have jnow been extrapolated out to the billions? (think hundreds here).
You would use that argument for the vaccine but not for Ivermectin which was used in India to deal with the delta variant.
Millions of people took it and the outbreak dropped as fast as it rose. Yet in the west the outbreaks climb quickly and have a very long tail off. Yes the data is not conclusive or just absent in any meaningfull form.
Could it be that vaccines are a big earner for the drug companies who are infroming the Govt policies?
No of course not! That would be a CONSPIRACY!
Who ever said ''never let a crisis go to waste'' was just a clown.
All the drug compamies are donating thier efforts and investment for the common good.
No one is making any profit, no.
Give me a Break.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
"The known truth of the situation is that the vaccine is not the magic bullet it was sold as"
This. I think every politician is hung up on the idea that if we just vaccinate enough people (hopefully everyone)
the pandemic will stop. At this point it's very likely that coronavirus will not be eradicated but will become endemic.
Might want to take a look at Israels numbers. How are they doing with high level of vaccination.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
yea, check out isreal. the 20% thats unvaxxed accounts for half of the deaths. education is leaky
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Were they fat fucks, old or possibly both?
With nearing 70% vaccination level it's curious how it keeps on spreading.
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Raining Blood (Long Spike)
do the maths. 70% are vaccinated. wearing masks and social distancing, 30% are not vaccinated, are not wearing masks and are not social distancing and also the majority of the people dying and being hospitalized. so so curious how it keeps spreading...
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
The 30% are doing all of that at once are they? You need to stop watching propaganda.
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Raining Blood (Long Spike)
you need to stop being propaganda.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You need to stop disrespecting the auto-ethnography of the oppressed black and hispanic population, who report at a rate of 55% (blacks) and 64% (hispanics) concerned about the widely reported side effects of the vaccine and the impact it might have on their lives. You think those people are listening to me, or anything I'm referencing, in relation to their hesitancy? You need to look a bit deeper into your white fragility, I think, if you are white (sal claims to be). Clearly you haven't fully dealt with the extent of your whiteness if someone like me, a propogandist, can reveal aspects of your racism that haven't been fully explored. Right?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
whats the source of that 55% black and 64% hispanic reporting side effects?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
That's not what I wrote, and the stats come from the Kaiser Family Foundation. They are listening to their friends, listening to anecdotal stories, advice from their community and religious leaders, and choosing to affirm their lived experiences as a black woman or hispanic transssssssssexual. I can't believe the ignorance I'm seeing from you two here - stunning.
For more information, pull you head out of your ass and watch this:
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i thought you might have gotten it from kff but i could only find an article saying that people were hesitant to get the vaccine because they couldnt afford to miss a day of work due to a side effect of the vaccine. is that the article you're talking about but making it seem like their more worried about the side effects than no money?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You can watch the Russel Brand video and see what I'm on about. And I'm taking the piss out of you and your hegelian girlfriend, obviously, since a person's "lived experience" as a metric for extracting general meaning about how reality works is shit, generally speaking. I think it went over your heads.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
nice coment.
The sarcasim is not lost on me but just to be clear for the race baiters out there....
Covid19 is not a race issue, Covid 19 is actualy very inclusve.
Your skin colour, religion or sexall identity s not a determining factor on if covid19 can infect you.
Love your work Skeptoid. God bless...
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
"do the maths. 70% are vaccinated. wearing masks and social distancing, 30% are not vaccinated, are not wearing masks and are not social distancing and also the majority of the people dying and being hospitalized. so so curious how it keeps spreading..."
Isreal had very strick restrictions and good vaccination from the very beginning.
In spring 2021 they lifted ALL restrictions. Presumably, because vaccination levels were good and covid cases were leveling out. After that covid cases started to climb again and they restored the mask requirement.
Correlation isn't causation.....always but yeah
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
This leaky issue seems the current last straw for antivaxxers, an analogy to the god of the gaps argument (we WILL find something confirming our bias if we only search long enough)
People dont need church but people need to get booze.
The vaccine is 96% effecvtive at preventing covid19
Get the vaccine and you can have a normal life again.
Mandateing vaccines is not an option.
The vaccine is totaly safe and you should believe us.
BTW No one actualy gives a shit about chickens. thats why they are good to run vaccine trials on.
Even so, you dont see the trial being conducted on every chicken in the world do you.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
......aaaaaaaand the whole world is rigged against YOU.
You are black swordsman and skeptoid level gone, my friend, time to get (back) on the meds.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
Thank you.
Exactly the kind of reply that was expected.
You have nothing .... so F off.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, from the guy who asks people whether they fuck with their dogs, double standards much? You are hillarious!
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
People who dont agree with you need medication?
How narcissistic.
Do you know you are a narcissist?
Im sure you dont care.
Actualy I dont care if you're into dogs, so you dont need to be so defensive.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"People who dont agree with you need medication?"
No, only very few that "disagree" with me I believe actually do (so do some that "agree" with me on some issues btw).
Also "disagreeing with me" as such has not really anything to do with it. It is more the compulsive obsessiveness and general "seeing a comnspiracy" of some (paired with a few other symptoms like losing their shit when others laugh about their delusions) when they feel somehow "wronged" by "those in power".
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
The people who invented this shit are saying the vaccine appears to be about 40% leaky, which is unprecedented in terms of vaccines. It just doesn't work - stop trying to get people to put this in their bodies you fool. There's no benefit - Australia will not be reopening for Christmas. You poor souls are so lost they own you completely now and you'll do whatever they tell you to do as long as they have the right logo on their shirt - you're doomed.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
The medical privacy issue in a pandemic with regards to vaccine is not top priority, protecting the public is.
Of course if we think everything is a conspiracy, that "they" want you to obey, that despite 2bn vaccinated without significant side effects vaccination is more dangerous than getting the virus and now the "leaky deal" (of course without any scientific evidence pro or con) that we should get our mental health checked, in private, because the results you don't wnat anyone else to know.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Yes, the public needs to be protected from the likes of idiots like you, and that's what we're all on about here. Glad you see it.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
YESSSSS, it's a CONSPIRACYYYYYYYYYYY "they" formed a CABAL and are after you and want to harm YOU for some reason. You can only trust blogs of comedians these days, science is all FAKE. Did I forget anything?
Oh yes, I did: Go back on your prescribed medicine or lay off the illegal drugs or both!
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
What's the conspiracy?
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Zeb (Long Spike)
"that despite 2bn vaccinated without significant side effects vaccination"
(Short Spike)
Mandate or not, it is not constitutional to go invading the medical privacy of anyone, period.
A mandate is unenforceable if the Govt has no right into private medical records.
(Old Spike)
The reasoning would be endangering others I guess, also there has been last century's small pox issue. Remember it is employers being responsible for the well being of their employees, not the government "mandating everyone" to get a vaccine. If you work from home and get your stuff on-line nobody will think about getting you vaccinated, however if you work in close contact to others you may spread a potentially dangerous desease so there is a duty of care. They probably can even fire you without consequences if you don't comply.
Also, like it or not, now after more than 2bn people double vaccinated worldwide showing hardly any side effects there is no valid general argumnent against vaccination.
(Short Spike)
So fine, dont address the medical privacy issue then. I can only guess you have nothing on that.
US Mandate on employers for testing and vaccination is a mandate on most of the blue collar workers in the US. You can try to spin it but you wont succeed.
The known truth of the situation is that the vaccine is not the magic bullet it was sold as. Vaccinated or not, covid is going to make its run through the population. Some people are wise to vaccinate, being in a high risk category while others would actualy be better off making sure they are not malnourished or overweight.
The Idea that idealy 100% of the population should get the vaccine is amazingly stupid.
The full data set is not in yet and will not be for years to come.
You are literaly asking everone to put thier eggs into one basket.
People who want to do it are good people and people who dont want to are also good people.
People who think that you should lose your job if you dont, are either driven by fear or evil.
It doesn't matter which in the end because the results will be the same.
You of all people now pushing the 2Bn vaccinated so its safe story, is very telling.
Whats the data on that?
Is the data complete?
How many people were used in the approved safety trials that have jnow been extrapolated out to the billions? (think hundreds here).
You would use that argument for the vaccine but not for Ivermectin which was used in India to deal with the delta variant.
Millions of people took it and the outbreak dropped as fast as it rose. Yet in the west the outbreaks climb quickly and have a very long tail off. Yes the data is not conclusive or just absent in any meaningfull form.
Could it be that vaccines are a big earner for the drug companies who are infroming the Govt policies?
No of course not! That would be a CONSPIRACY!
Who ever said ''never let a crisis go to waste'' was just a clown.
All the drug compamies are donating thier efforts and investment for the common good.
No one is making any profit, no.
Give me a Break.
(Site Moderator)
"The known truth of the situation is that the vaccine is not the magic bullet it was sold as"
This. I think every politician is hung up on the idea that if we just vaccinate enough people (hopefully everyone)
the pandemic will stop. At this point it's very likely that coronavirus will not be eradicated but will become endemic.
Might want to take a look at Israels numbers. How are they doing with high level of vaccination.
(Old Spike)
yea, check out isreal. the 20% thats unvaxxed accounts for half of the deaths. education is leaky
(Site Moderator)
Were they fat fucks, old or possibly both?
With nearing 70% vaccination level it's curious how it keeps on spreading.
(Long Spike)
do the maths. 70% are vaccinated. wearing masks and social distancing, 30% are not vaccinated, are not wearing masks and are not social distancing and also the majority of the people dying and being hospitalized. so so curious how it keeps spreading...
(Old Spike)
The 30% are doing all of that at once are they? You need to stop watching propaganda.
(Long Spike)
you need to stop being propaganda.
(Old Spike)
You need to stop disrespecting the auto-ethnography of the oppressed black and hispanic population, who report at a rate of 55% (blacks) and 64% (hispanics) concerned about the widely reported side effects of the vaccine and the impact it might have on their lives. You think those people are listening to me, or anything I'm referencing, in relation to their hesitancy? You need to look a bit deeper into your white fragility, I think, if you are white (sal claims to be). Clearly you haven't fully dealt with the extent of your whiteness if someone like me, a propogandist, can reveal aspects of your racism that haven't been fully explored. Right?
(Old Spike)
whats the source of that 55% black and 64% hispanic reporting side effects?
(Old Spike)
That's not what I wrote, and the stats come from the Kaiser Family Foundation. They are listening to their friends, listening to anecdotal stories, advice from their community and religious leaders, and choosing to affirm their lived experiences as a black woman or hispanic transssssssssexual. I can't believe the ignorance I'm seeing from you two here - stunning.
For more information, pull you head out of your ass and watch this:
(Old Spike)
i thought you might have gotten it from kff but i could only find an article saying that people were hesitant to get the vaccine because they couldnt afford to miss a day of work due to a side effect of the vaccine. is that the article you're talking about but making it seem like their more worried about the side effects than no money?
(Old Spike)
You can watch the Russel Brand video and see what I'm on about. And I'm taking the piss out of you and your hegelian girlfriend, obviously, since a person's "lived experience" as a metric for extracting general meaning about how reality works is shit, generally speaking. I think it went over your heads.
(Short Spike)
(Short Spike)
nice coment.
The sarcasim is not lost on me but just to be clear for the race baiters out there....
Covid19 is not a race issue, Covid 19 is actualy very inclusve.
Your skin colour, religion or sexall identity s not a determining factor on if covid19 can infect you.
Love your work Skeptoid. God bless...
(Short Spike)
(Site Moderator)
"do the maths. 70% are vaccinated. wearing masks and social distancing, 30% are not vaccinated, are not wearing masks and are not social distancing and also the majority of the people dying and being hospitalized. so so curious how it keeps spreading..."
Isreal had very strick restrictions and good vaccination from the very beginning.
In spring 2021 they lifted ALL restrictions. Presumably, because vaccination levels were good and covid cases were leveling out. After that covid cases started to climb again and they restored the mask requirement.
Correlation isn't causation.....always but yeah
(Old Spike)
This leaky issue seems the current last straw for antivaxxers, an analogy to the god of the gaps argument (we WILL find something confirming our bias if we only search long enough)
(Short Spike)
Russia stole the election from Hillary.
Trump isaRussian assett
Trump wont disavow the KKK.
Antifa is just an idea.
The porous southerrn border is not a problem.
There are no riots, it the summer of love.
2020 election was transparent and secure.
It is time for the US to heal the divisions.
Closing the border to China is racist.
Masks dont work against covid 19.
14 days to flatten the curve.
People dont need church but people need to get booze.
The vaccine is 96% effecvtive at preventing covid19
Get the vaccine and you can have a normal life again.
Mandateing vaccines is not an option.
The vaccine is totaly safe and you should believe us.
BTW No one actualy gives a shit about chickens. thats why they are good to run vaccine trials on.
Even so, you dont see the trial being conducted on every chicken in the world do you.
(Old Spike)
......aaaaaaaand the whole world is rigged against YOU.
You are black swordsman and skeptoid level gone, my friend, time to get (back) on the meds.
(Short Spike)
Thank you.
Exactly the kind of reply that was expected.
You have nothing .... so F off.
(Old Spike)
lol, from the guy who asks people whether they fuck with their dogs, double standards much? You are hillarious!
(Short Spike)
People who dont agree with you need medication?
(Old Spike)
"People who dont agree with you need medication?"
No, only very few that "disagree" with me I believe actually do (so do some that "agree" with me on some issues btw).
Also "disagreeing with me" as such has not really anything to do with it. It is more the compulsive obsessiveness and general "seeing a comnspiracy" of some (paired with a few other symptoms like losing their shit when others laugh about their delusions) when they feel somehow "wronged" by "those in power".
(Old Spike)
The people who invented this shit are saying the vaccine appears to be about 40% leaky, which is unprecedented in terms of vaccines. It just doesn't work - stop trying to get people to put this in their bodies you fool. There's no benefit - Australia will not be reopening for Christmas. You poor souls are so lost they own you completely now and you'll do whatever they tell you to do as long as they have the right logo on their shirt - you're doomed.
(Old Spike)
The medical privacy issue in a pandemic with regards to vaccine is not top priority, protecting the public is.
Of course if we think everything is a conspiracy, that "they" want you to obey, that despite 2bn vaccinated without significant side effects vaccination is more dangerous than getting the virus and now the "leaky deal" (of course without any scientific evidence pro or con) that we should get our mental health checked, in private, because the results you don't wnat anyone else to know.
(Old Spike)
Yes, the public needs to be protected from the likes of idiots like you, and that's what we're all on about here. Glad you see it.
(Old Spike)
YESSSSS, it's a CONSPIRACYYYYYYYYYYY "they" formed a CABAL and are after you and want to harm YOU for some reason. You can only trust blogs of comedians these days, science is all FAKE. Did I forget anything?
Oh yes, I did: Go back on your prescribed medicine or lay off the illegal drugs or both!
(Short Spike)
(Old Spike)
What's the conspiracy?
(Long Spike)
"that despite 2bn vaccinated without significant side effects vaccination"
have you even looked into that?
(Old Spike)
What's your point?
(Site Moderator)