The "Alt-media" or "Truth media" (I love that) is reporting that the Las Vegas mass murder was a false flag attack. If they could just all get onboard on the same conspiracy theory, their videos would get millions, rather than the hundreds of thousands, of hits. The number of conspiracy theories has exploded far beyond the initial dozens. As always with these, the best part (though scary) is the the comment section below them. The number of freakshows in this country is staggering.
(8 votes)
(Old Spike)
Anyone think PGFL was likely right about this guy? If this SGT whatever idiot had bothered to listen to the police scanner recorded during the attack he would have known that the flashes from the lower floors were initially suspected of being from a muzzle but as they cleared the floors on their way up you hear them report that the flashes were caused by rooms that had strobe lights going..
(Long Spike)
No one died in Vegas, where's the proof?
My stepmom was there at the concert with 2 friends. They say they heard at least 3 or 4 different guns. They thought they were fireworks at first. I can guarantee the truth is being hidden from us. One guy acting alone? ..... Bull Shit!
They want all the guns period !!! This is soooo obvious.
Great video. So obviously a fake flag.
My gut tells me this guy is a patsy. Murdered and left behind to be blamed. This is a deep dark operation with a big agenda. These people are evil and won't stop until America is destroyed. It is spiritual warfare!
HEY HILLERY ,i think you talking bad about the NRA will actually help THEM, becouse AMERICA hates you
.........ummmmm OK Jeff...
False flag for sure. I think CIA planned.
Folks. Don't get distracted. Focus on <<< October 13 aka Black Friday >>>. On Friday, October 13th, 1307, King Philip IV of France, in league with Pope Clement V ordered all Templars to be rounded up and burned at stakes. 2017 also marks the 100th anniversary of Bolshevik revolution and the Fatima Apparitions, and not to forget the 300th anniversary of Freemasonry. I think they have a big event planned on that ominous day. Market CRASH? North Korea nuclear false flag on the West Coast? Vatican going down? Or will they pull a double whammy? or a tripletta? Time will tell.
(Short Spike)
I can't seem to find a horror movie these days as good or fun to watch as mostly antything form the 80's or even the 90's.
Then I read this shit and that desire to watch something scary is abated.
(Short Spike)
I don't believe the windows in Madalay Bay can be opened without breaking them. If there's a shooter at the lower level, the window should be broken just like what happened at 32nd floor. Most likely, thats only the reflection or video edited.
(Long Spike)
Right wing crazies commenting upon right wing crazies.
(Old Spike)
I don't think people who dance to country music are right-wing crazies.
(Short Spike)
IDK who is right or wrong in there but I need to correct something here: The weapon he used was a semi auto with a bump-fire stock to simulate full auto fire.
(Long Spike)
You mean it was one guy and not another shooter behind the grassy knoll?
(Long Spike)
"There is more to the story than they are telling us..."
No shit, they release information at a basic level until the investigation is complete. These people are retarded.