UN investigator and human rights rapporteur Alfred De Zayas studied Venezuela's situation in 2017 & produced this report.
Why has he never appeared in the MSM?
Abby Martin is an indepependent journalist and board member of Media Freedom Foundation which manages Project Censored. Abby has worked for Russian & Venezuelan state TV & has been called a conspiracy theorist by BuzzFeed News & the NYTimes.
There's a showdown happening in Venezuela this weekend at the border with Colombia. Marco Rubio & Juan Guaido are going to try to breach the closed Colombian border to deliver humanitarian aid.
(2 votes)
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Yea, you lost me at "UN investigator".
UN Watch denounced in 2012, when Zayas was named as an independent expert, the alleged disrespectful verb used by the expert against Jews, including attacks to their history and their religious culture. Likewise, other non-governmental organization voiced the irresponsabilities of his declarations against the Nuremberg trials, which he qualified as a "Pharisee court". On 29 September 2017, de Zayas, alongside another UN independent commissioner, David Kaye, issued a statement in which they considered the attitude of the Spanish government as "violated of fundamental individual rights, limiting the flow of public information at such a critical moment for the Spanish democracy" during the 2017 Catalan independence referendum.[134] During the 167th sessions period of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights, during the audience regarding health and nutrition in Venezuela, the State representative screened an interview of Telesur to de Zayas, in which he assured there was not a humanitarian crisis in the country and that to solve the economic problems the "economic war" must end and that the "unilateral actions" should be suspended. As a response, Susana Raffalli, advisor to the Caritas Organization of Venezuela, voiced her concern and declared that during his visit to the country, de Zayas only took pictures of the counter of the charcuterie in front of his hotel.[135]
So he doesn't like Jews, no surprise there as you are promoting him.
He disagreed with holding the Nazis accountable and implied it was all controlled by the Jews.
He doesn't actually know what the fuck he's talking about concerning Venezuela as barely left his hotel during his visit.
Expert comments on Alfred de Zayas:
• Dr. Bernward Dörner, German historian specializing in antisemitism: Zayas ignores decades of research in his quest to absolve the Germans of having known about the Holocaust, and his evidence and reasoning are faulty. (Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, April 18, 2011, review of Zayas’ most recent book Völkermord als Staatsgeheimnis – Vom Wissen über die “Endlösung der Judenfrage” im Dritten Reich (Genocide as State Secret – on Knowledge about “the Final Solution to the Jewish Question” in the Third Reich).
• Professor Frank M. Brucher, in 1993 German Studies Review article: Zayas “makes no attempt to integrate his work with that of existing historiography on World War II, Nazi Germany or war crimes in general.”
• Main-Taunus-Kurier, 17 September 2011, article by Willi van Ooyen: “Controversial international law expert Alfred de Zayas operates in the discourse of the extreme right.”
• Frankfurter Rundschau, “Revanchismus an Schulen; Vertriebenen-Thesen für Abendgymnasien,” 15 September 2011: German historian Wolfgang Wipperman accuses Alfred de Zayas of historical revisionism.
• Rainer Ohliger, German social scientist and historian, reviewing Zayas’ book “A Terrible Revenge” in 1997 German historians’ forum: The “murderous Nazi-German foreign policy that was in place between 1938 and 1945. . . is starkly underemphasized [by Zayas’] book and arouses suspicion that we are dealing with a historical revisionist work.”
(Old Spike)
So what did he say in this interview that is not true or brings up some questions for you?
You didnt attack his argument at all by the looks of things. You only attacked his character.
(Old Spike)
UN Watch is a joke. They lie about being controlled by the American Jewish Commitee. [source] One of their aims is to push for Holocaust reparations so they're not neautral on that subject but most of their time is spent trying to bury criticism of Israel...
De Zayas is a professor of international law & has a doctorate in history. A link to his bio is in the description. Wikipedia says:
A link to his report is also in the description, it details the methodology used...
(Short Spike)