The Vincent Problem. Ban issued.

Nakey's picture

Spiked Vincent problem

I think i cover everything.

Average: 4.3 (12 votes)


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Discord works well, btw.

Happy new year.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Discord sucks all kinds. Happy New Year.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

worked for me when I was complaining about submissions not working......

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Thanks for the promotion, Nakey.



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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

well-deserved!  just be sure to wield your power for good instead of evil. I was 'this close' to changing vinzent's password to Kissinger. 😅

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Yeah I was surprised about that. Never asked for it but I'll take it if someone sees me as trust worthy. 


I don't have a desire to wield admin power over others. I'd have a hard time banning even Vinz but yeah....I think we had enough of him for a while.


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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Not having a desire for it is actually a requirement. That's why this is earned. And of course you are trusted. 

As for banning, yeah. Some fun and interesting threads were being laced with nig this and jew that and good people were disengaging (stunned silence even). Anyway, that sort of decision can only come from up on high and you can tell from the vid that Nakey gave it a lot of thought.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I was under the impression he knew everything, i will sure post some link if necessary, happy new year all and to a year without trolls or karens

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subroutine's picture
front page

good guy nakey delivers (finally wink). happy new years ol'spikers!

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n0val33t's picture
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Happy new year you fucking old tart! =)

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subroutine's picture
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n0val33t's picture
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It's really important to me the dingbat ... leaves on his own!


That's not going to happen as people are engaging him

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

That is what I said all along.

But a recent post he spammed with "jews are responsible for everything" poster replies so I actually agree it was necessary to ban him.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Yeah agreed... It's been a racist clown rodeo these past months


It seemed forced though, no one talks or writes like that, no matter how racist you are. I think it was a spiel, but I might be wrong.


"That is what I said all along." Yeah, I haven't been engaging at all. The first few posts, sure, but at one point. You can bark all you want, but you won't get what you want until you shut up. =)

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

n0val/daf, did not engaging work though. Or better yet, did engaging or not engaging make any difference. When the individual in question is content to go around peppering every thread with racist language it becomes clear they are just a troll. But when it stifles open discussion, as became apparent recently then yes, much better to open the car door and let them out. I say let, but agree a push is needed if they ignore the hints.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well, "not engaging" didn't work because people did engage. 
Backdraft for one had a series of discussions with them well past the point where we all realised the person is rather insanely deluded or a troll, others posted submissions aimed at them.  


But there is of course no guaranty, hardly anyone "engages" with pantysoaker and they still remain on here posting shit nobody is interested in. 


I think there is a good chance vincent just wanted to get banned so he can complain about the marxists running the page.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Yeah I think I'm probably partly to blame, giving him way too much attention. Just fuels the fire. Though this is what this place is made for, engaging with people, many times crazy ones.   Kind of a hobby of mine to see what makes people tick and how they rationalize things.


Pretty sure he got banned from a bunch of sites and he comes here to vent off his frustration. Taking full advantage that spiked is pretty lenient just to see how far he can take it. And no doubt he will come back complaining how we are all jews for suppressing free speech.  



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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

The absence of evidence doesn't provide evidence daf. We've been over this on other threads/arguments. Some of us engaged to see what made him tick. Mostly we found marsh gas, fleas and ticks. Whatever trolls are made of.


Wait a minute BD... we're not all jews?! lol

Here here on your comment. But don't apologize. Ironically (despite the crazies) this is one of the last places one can come to for a reality check vs other websites that have folks silo'd off in echo-chambers.  A really bad egg cropping up from time to time is going to be the price to pay. But as we're seeing here, invariably there's a remedy for this.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"The absence of evidence doesn't provide evidence daf."
This is literally what my comment was about "we don't know whether it would have worked".


Still getting triggered by my comments, little buddy, ey..... 

Edit: I forgot, of course, as always in these "discussions" you have the wrong end of the stick. The absence for evidence against something does not prove it exists (as one cannot prove a "negative"). The onus is on the ones making the claims to show evidence FOR it, not on those that do not believe the claims to provide evidence against it.



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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Lol. I'll only take that pet name coming from you (possibly my favorite mofu).

Enter emperor Dawkie telling us how no amount of evidence would suffice. Debating with you on this is like 'casting pearls before swine'. (Jesus said that. Recorded history, right there). But out of respect for the others here lets stay on-topic eh?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, always gets triggered, then starts to throw the toys out the pram and finally chickens out, that is so like you, little buddy. But I agree let's not hijack other people's posts for this.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Thanks putz.

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BENt's picture
Beta Tester

That racist pile is still getting a kick out of this, I'm sure, but I applaud the decision, mods. There's no good place for racism. I shall continue to check in.

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