wait for it...


Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

youtube: bans videos for political views. happy to show ruzzian blown 4 meters into the air only to have his back broken in the style of batman fighting bane.

having said that it looks like he probably didn't feel it. 

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

You can't even show niggers beating up and killing white people daily on youtube unless you're a "preferred" jewish run media network, and they choose to hide most of that themselves. 

Try rumble, still jewish but they still allow a bit of freedom compared to established jewish netwroks.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

they do get taken down. its just... it's doesn't get as much traction as hate speech and its gains justification from actions. . you can go on rant about jews, nothing anyone else says or does will make those words better than what they were. where as bombing a a civilian apartment complex or blowing up a dam eventually justifies sending a russian 4 meters into the air

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