Wait...Bats Are Cute?

monkeymania's picture

Juvenile bat squeaks while being petted.

They really scared me growing up for no real reason but this one is too cute.

Average: 4.8 (5 votes)


Woodsman's picture

Recently a person near me got rabies from a bat and died.  Maybe being scared wasn't for no reason!

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CombatGod's picture

There's a big difference between being scared of a rabid animal and being scared of bats for no reason. I'm willing to guess the person near you didn't go to the hospitol in time after being bit. That's no justification for fear mongering. You need to know when it's the right time and to react accordingly.

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Woodsman's picture

Wasn't fear mongering.  Don't know the whole story other than he got rabies from a bat and died.

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The Evil Bat's picture

Rabies isn't the kill shot it once was. Once bit by a critter that could potentially have rabies you got a small window (a day or two I think) before the rabies sets in and your stuffed.


Maybe he had it coming......

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