Not perfect, but satisfactory. There are moments when the mood is captured, moments where it falls short.
What was done well.
A brief insight into the politics between human factions. Particularly between the Space marines and the Cult of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Finally a large scale battle. One of the main downfalls of the film "UltraMarines" was that it was focused on a small group and small battles. This however is but a fragment of a planet wide war. An important one too.
Glad to see Commisar Yarrick. (Badass by even 40k standards.)
A couple of great moments that captured the human element of the characters. Though these moments are few and far between.
What was lacking.
Battles felt a bit clunky.
Voice acting and voice selection hit and miss.
Script was a bit hit and miss. Mostly hits though.
All in all Considering this was fan made I will give it 7 out of 10.
5/5 spiked rating to demonstrate that it is worth the 1 and a 1/2 hours of your time.
(Old Spike)
Not perfect, but satisfactory. There are moments when the mood is captured, moments where it falls short.
What was done well.
A brief insight into the politics between human factions. Particularly between the Space marines and the Cult of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Finally a large scale battle. One of the main downfalls of the film "UltraMarines" was that it was focused on a small group and small battles. This however is but a fragment of a planet wide war. An important one too.
Glad to see Commisar Yarrick. (Badass by even 40k standards.)
A couple of great moments that captured the human element of the characters. Though these moments are few and far between.
What was lacking.
Battles felt a bit clunky.
Voice acting and voice selection hit and miss.
Script was a bit hit and miss. Mostly hits though.
All in all Considering this was fan made I will give it 7 out of 10.
5/5 spiked rating to demonstrate that it is worth the 1 and a 1/2 hours of your time.
Will watch part 2 when released.