Watch Black Panther or Racist

Pantysoaker's picture

Black Panther reviewed by Mark Kermode

id rather support 50 shades of grey then this garbage

Average: 2.6 (5 votes)


eh's picture

Fascinating. My school just would never send us on field trips to see movies to celebrate my culture and I feel slighted.


Sounds like it might be good.

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danmanjones's picture

I don't know what to think. I've seen reviews say it's great & Rotton Tomatoes gives it 98% but IMDB which is biased for blockbusters gives it 6.7.

From the preview it looks kinda crap (same old safe Avengers-style movie, yawn) but I just can't decide whether to go see it or wait for a torrent.

Pretty embarrasing for that black dude to ask for 25% of the profits to be donated to charity for black people. His justifications are ludicrous although their use of "the revolution will not be telivised" in a movie like this is also cringey so he gets a pass on that one.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

this clip makes me think its shit

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skeptoid's picture

That IMDB rating is the work of Russian bot farms trying to sow chaos and disorder in America. They even managed to penetrate Rotten Tomatoes.


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Grothesk's picture

"same old safe Avengers-style movie, yawn"


You don't see this as a high science-fiction/fantasy?  They're literally flying around in invisible ships and having council meetings.  I understand that it's like Avengers insomuch as it's a comic book action movie, but come one.  And you think that having an all-black main characters movie is "safe"?  Perhaps you should re-examine your perceptions here.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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Wanna hear something thats never been said in the history of the world? To few black people.

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eh's picture

"To few black people" has been mentioned by the grammatically challenged and excoriated by grammar nazis both.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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danmanjones's picture

Yeah it is kinda risky because it's a first. It'll be hard to tell whether it worked or not because the box office will mostly go well if the movie is good. If yes then they're onto a winner because they can include him in future movies & hook the black kids.

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Maxpower's picture

The Marvel movie formula will ensure this movie is at least decent, but I do find all the critic virtue signalling surrounding it to be a bit obnoxious. It's like the lead up to that female Ghostbusters movie. Every critic was so sure it would be the most culturally important film of the year, and if you didn't like it, it could only be because you're a misogynist. Now, they're doing the same thing again, just trade sexism for racism.


I wish everyone would go back to being well-rounded people instead of the abbrasive, activist twats they act like now.

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