This Week in Stupid

skeptoid's picture

This Week in Stupid (28/01/2018)

LOL I don't control the topics he covers.


Average: 3 (3 votes)


Grothesk's picture

It's like it's the right wing talking point of the week.

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skeptoid's picture

Look, man, if you think this is right-wing perhaps you are much further left than you realize? Seriously, objectively, think about the landscape and place yourself accurately. Everyone from arrogant Jews, to arrogant Satanists, to arrogant Christians, to the chief arrogant Atheist "Liberalist" (that's Sargon's new label for himself and the like-minded) felt obligated to mock this CNN article - the fact that it was fake news made it irrestible. It was built for mockery. That said, I deleted a cuckolding post to make room for this one.


I usually shut this week in stupid off when he starts talking about Britain-specific society and politics because I can't relate well enough to know if he's making good points or not.

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Grothesk's picture

I've seen you upload multiple videos on the topic of a clickbait article and the majority of them are right wingers and one of them stated that it was a sign of the end times in the Bible.  This is indeed the right wing talking point of the week.

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skeptoid's picture

It's only the extreme left thing for everyone to mock of the week. I don't know if you've noticed but CNN is now extreme left with most of their talking points and programming - they aren't even center-left anymore. 

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Grothesk's picture

From what I understand a whole bunch of moderates are reacting to the article by stating it is a sign of the End Times, but they can't seem to exactly state where it is mentioned in the Bible.  It's a very moderate, intelligent point of view.

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skeptoid's picture

Mark Dice is NO moderate. Interestingly, in the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas Christ is quoted as saying the great change will come when men are as women and women are as men. There's no value judgement stated. Hilariously, gay Christians have their own conspiracy theories regarding Christ.


So I went to the young turks and tried to find their coverage of cuckolding, but alas there was nothing. So here's something I assume you might like from them:


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danmanjones's picture

Sargon's kind of an idiot at times. This is one of those times. He's just reacting to the article without even looking at the underlying study & he makes a bunch of other comments that are pretty stupid IMO.

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napalm4sd's picture

Jesus why do people care so much what others do in the privacy of their bedroom? Nobody is saying you should give cuckold stuff a try, or that it works for everyone. Its just a fucking fetish. If both people cum way harder doing cuckold stuff then more power to them! Who gives a flying fuck?! 

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Grothesk's picture

No, wait, end times.

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napalm4sd's picture

Makes me wonder what kinky shit those bible folks are into.. Every religious girl i've ever dated was super kinky in bed.. Like "fuck me up the ass and come in my mouth" kinky. But lord help us if some people get off on watching their SO fuck another person missionary!

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skeptoid's picture

A very large number of Conservative Christian women believe that male gay sex is a extremely pleasurable forbidden fruit they must guard their husbands against. I'm not kidding.

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skeptoid's picture

Groth you can keep saying "End times" but it won't distract from the actual reason why people were pointing this out and mocking it. It's both ridiculous and fake news at the same time. Few people care what other people do in their bedrooms, as long as it stays there. But people care when what was once a respected news outlet tells them straight men secretly fantasize about their wives fucking another man in front of them, or recounting that to them, based on a study of gay men.The outrage and mockery are actually very straightforward and simple, and not based at all in end-times anything (you can simply tack that on if you're Mark Dice).


The next question becomes "why?" would CNN be fielding this kind of fake news story. The most obvious answer, which you and many others including Shapiro have hit on, is desperation for views/ratings. These are death throws - at this point I don't think they can recover no matter what they do, and each thing they try seems to make the situation worse for CNN. Dice and Jones will invoke end times imagery as their expalanation for "why?" in lieu of or in addition to the real reason.

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Grothesk's picture

It was a clickbait story on the front page of their website for like two days.  It was based on a scientific study and it specifically said it wasn't for everyone.  And I'm fairly certain I heard that the MSM was dying like 2-3 years ago.  I've been holding my breath that entire time which is why I am currently dead and in hell.


The end times are surely upon us.  

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skeptoid's picture

Change times, change times. Don't worry the end just means a new beginning. I have no idea what the change will entail, but we're sitting at a centerpoint with spokes branching out in too many directions to count. Very volatile time we live in, highly suggestive of major changes to come.

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Grothesk's picture

Mmmm...there's a rich white guy in power who is mismanaging his governing party and the People are mocking him.  Sounds like that could be the 1730's, the 1850's, the 1970's, or the present.  Same old, same old.

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