Weiner Melts Down over 'Clinton Kill List'


jdt73's picture

Weiner should have let the question be asked and then answer it.

But no. In typical political hack style he tries to interrupt the question and turn the whole thing into a shit fight.

The guy has no class and no idea about how bad it makes it look.


Great entertainment though!

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jdt73's picture

Oh look!

The minor attracted persons are down voting me.

How scary.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Normal logical reaction to stupid shit. No one in the world had more interactions with people than the clintons! They got a football stadium of influence, They started right out of colleague....... they know more people in the world than anyone as a couple.

Two term president......now senile.... that's the age we working with. Now enter Hillary....... a vastly larger network, cause.... husband was a 2 term president. 

Now insert her career...... 

How many people have died around your damn self at 70 years of age. Now expand that as they were masters of handling people..they drew in people! Her story hasn't even begone....the network and people she's involved with is crazy..... stands to reason, the more people you know, the likelihood someone dies increases, common sense.


This is somthing you should know as a grown ass man/cunt.... basic math


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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Yep. It finally happened. I was today years old and found myself agreeing with Anthony 'lookit my pipi' Weiner.  And the other shoe drops. Watch to the end to see that Pat/Patrick was all offended that Weiner asked him for his name.. the wrong way, apparently.  Oh the freaking ego. Good watch, but definitely  off to delete this from my watch history. 

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