However my opinion on that is that it sets the wrong idea of what good and professional leadership looks like. A proper and professional leader should never need to raise his voice on his subordinates to correct them or to be respected by them. However I'll give it to them that they were being firm without being insulting. Which are two things poor leaders tend to confuse for one another.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Marines know the balance. The screaming only happens in training for the most part. Screaming makes you REMEMBER your lessons, it forces you to PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL.
Some people don't need it. True. Some are very attentive and capable of absorbing information naturally.
Most however DO need it. Especially these days.
You can't tailor the system to everyone's individual needs, Instead you must break down and reform the individual to what the Corps needs.
Also it's not JUST about a show. Looking pretty is a cherry they put on top because they CAN.
They out perform other branches all the time in almost every area. They compete VERY well with global branches as well. They do most of the heaviest fighting and see the large scale battles more often than other branches.
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
yeah fuck that.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
fuck that all right. Like volunteering for prison.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
This is just intake. Also this is not infantry. Infantry is at Fort Benning. I waited about a week and half in "intake" getting clothes, shots and whatnot before going to actual basic training. You dont meet your real drill sergeants till after this. Hell I snuck in smokes and had a few at intake. Dont take this video so seriously, lol.
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Does Airforce do a meet & greet at the local Starbucks and get a take-home math test?
(Short Spike)
Awwwww They are so nice
(Old Spike)
Marines do it better.
(Short Spike)
If you want to put on a show, yes they do.
However my opinion on that is that it sets the wrong idea of what good and professional leadership looks like. A proper and professional leader should never need to raise his voice on his subordinates to correct them or to be respected by them. However I'll give it to them that they were being firm without being insulting. Which are two things poor leaders tend to confuse for one another.
(Old Spike)
Marines know the balance. The screaming only happens in training for the most part. Screaming makes you REMEMBER your lessons, it forces you to PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL.
Some people don't need it. True. Some are very attentive and capable of absorbing information naturally.
Most however DO need it. Especially these days.
You can't tailor the system to everyone's individual needs, Instead you must break down and reform the individual to what the Corps needs.
Also it's not JUST about a show. Looking pretty is a cherry they put on top because they CAN.
They out perform other branches all the time in almost every area. They compete VERY well with global branches as well. They do most of the heaviest fighting and see the large scale battles more often than other branches.
(Site Administrator)
yeah fuck that.
(Old Spike)
fuck that all right. Like volunteering for prison.
(sounds retarded)
This is just intake. Also this is not infantry. Infantry is at Fort Benning. I waited about a week and half in "intake" getting clothes, shots and whatnot before going to actual basic training. You dont meet your real drill sergeants till after this. Hell I snuck in smokes and had a few at intake. Dont take this video so seriously, lol.
(Long Spike)
Does Airforce do a meet & greet at the local Starbucks and get a take-home math test?