Two huge events are taking place in China - the Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition & the Asian Civilizations Dialogue. These are being completely unreported in Western media. Why?
The opening ceremonies were quite spectacular. The best bits are linked below.
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(Long Spike)
Parts of China are neglected in their own media.
(Old Spike)
There are countless stories about what's happening in Xinjiang in Chinese media.... what you've posted is dystopian scenario propaganda. They even cover the Washington-based disinfo
And debunk it
(Long Spike)
I meant media broadcast to their people.
(Old Spike)
Do you expect them to broadcast foreign disinformation that's aimed at smearing the government to the people in the country?
FYI here is some footage of an event that led to the oppression in Xinjiang ... did you ever see this even mentioned in the free & open Western media?
The Uyghurs layed waste to Han Chinese in Urumqi, Xinjiang in 2009. Over 100 people died that day for the sin of not being Uyghur, & in some cases of not looking Uyghur enough. The trigger was an event on the other side of the country where a couple of Uyghurs were killed in a brawl for allegedly raping someone. The ensuing crackdown from the police was covered in Western media with typical "poor Muslim minority" bullshit. The riots were cheerlead from Arlington, Virginia by the leader of the World Uyghur Congress- a separatist organisation based in Washington DC & on the payroll of the US State Department.
There was further terrorism incl car bombs & a train station bombing & eventually the CCP started the program to erradicate the terrorist threat. They tried to keep it reasonably quiet but that doesn't mean their actions are automatically evil. More recently they've released info about wtf's going on [source] - info that gets ignored or poo-pooed in Western media.
I have my own issues about the program, it's obviously an encroachment on the civil liberties of the people there but it's not based on propaganda bullshit on Vox. Congrats on turning this thread into another dumb "China bad" discussion. You really proved that Western media is not slanted after all & completely devoid of a state-backed political agenda. Kappa
(Long Spike)
I was wrong. China allows the truth to get to all of its people.
(Old Spike)
wikipedia = "the truth"
that's a pretty retarded theory but I don't really see how it's relevant to large events in China getting no traction at all in Western media.
(Long Spike)
Look, The Chinese government is severely editing the information that is getting to the Chinese people. That's all I'm saying. If you don't think they are, OK. We disagree on that. No need to debate. Wikipedia is often incorrect but obviously there's too much information within it for the Chinese government to allow its people to read it along with a lot more information. I don't form my opinions from what "Western media" tells me. I search for facts and news across the internet. At least I can see everything by looking for it. Try that in China. It doesn't exist.
(Old Spike)
I search for facts and news across the internet
Did you hear about either of the 2 events featured in this post?
(Long Spike)
I heard about the Asians Culture Carnival, not the horticulture expo. I had no interest in the culture carnival and wouldn't have any in the horticulture expo either. If I did, I would definitely explore them though. Pretty cool to have access to the info. Gotta admit, if you just take interest in what gets pushed at you, it makes for a mindless mob of sheep.
(Old Spike)
True that. FYI loads of Chinese use VPNs to get on the internet outside the national firewall. The government so far looks the other way. Journalism there is a completely different ballgame. You can't just print bullshit & get away with it. Generally they promote positive stories & suppress negative stories whereas our media mostly pushes negative stories. Our media is of course much more transparent but only to a point & then at the top it's extremely opaque and schemy. I'll try & make another post about Chinese media some time, it's hard to find anything that's not CCP or Western propaganda. It's an interesting topic.
(Old Spike)
and why would we care?
(Old Spike)
The horticulture expo contains components aimed at promoting environmental wellbeing (or "going green"). Humans coexisting with the environment is a good thing, no?
Eg. here's the Dutch entry:
It could also be a chance to audit the Chinese "green" development - something they're making moves towards but yet they're still the world's biggest polluters & it's going to get worse before it gets better.
The Asian Civilisation Dialogue is more of a regional thing but if you're interested in civilisations outside of your own you could get something from it. A lot of them have survived thousands of years so there's likely some wisdom there. I thought Xi's address in another video I posted was quite good commentary on the "clash of civilisations" that a lot of people seem obsessed with. I think he's right - it's stupid & dangerous.
(Old Spike)
Accept my apologies, I only read the title and the title of the video posted, not your description.
(Old Spike)
oh? no worries. Not everyone gets to live their life hanging around SpikeNation scrutinising every post haha
The 2 extra videos I posted have some decent stage performances if you have 10 mins to look. Kinda DPRK-esque but a decent effort & interesting nonetheless.