Westworld | Season 4 Official Teaser


Bobbob's picture
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Sal I followed all 3 seasons and S4 looks like it's gonna be absolute shite.  To look at the trailer they're throwing everything at it to save the franchise. The only thing missing was Anthony Hopkins character. How to still enjoy the show when the beautiful protagonist turns into the psycho-baddie. 

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daftcunt's picture
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Wouldn't call Ed Harris beautiful but IMHO the series reached its "sell by date" wth the end of season 2.

I struggled through S03 and probably won't watch S04.


HBO seems to do the opposite with this than Amazon has done with "Sneaky Pete", both is a shame.

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Bobbob's picture
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I meant Evan Rachel Wood,..but sure, Ed's kinda nice too I guess. Hardly the protagonist though. Agree S3 was a tough watch and will skip S4 unless I hear nice things.

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daftcunt's picture
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You are as oblivious to sarcastic humour as Sheldon Cooper.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Listen, it's you so.. Ed Harris being your man-crush didn't seem that far fetched. Hnngh.

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