I knew the guy on the channel was using a fake Russian accent because a guy who delivered computer equipment was from Russia and laughed at the accent. I didn't know he got busted with hash oil though.
(6 votes)
I knew the guy on the channel was using a fake Russian accent because a guy who delivered computer equipment was from Russia and laughed at the accent. I didn't know he got busted with hash oil though.
(Old Spike)
Old news. His being busted was all over the gun boards when it happened. Pretty sad to see someone do something so stupid. Who the fuck has banned shit sent to their fucking home through the mail.
(Long Spike)
Not everyone lives on the gun nut boards, so it isn't old news to everyone.
It does seem pretty stupid of Kyle when I was smart enough to use a P.O. Box to get bongs, sinsemillia, and hash sent to me in 7th grade.
(Old Spike)
Don't get your panties in a wad eh. The "old news" point wasn't to shit on your submission, but to just point out that his being pinched wasn't some big secret. And yes, it's still old news, it doesn't matter if you're just now hearing it, don't be daft.
It does seem pretty stupid of Kyle when I was smart enough to use a P.O. Box to get bongs, sinsemillia, and hash sent to me in 7th grade.
(Long Spike)
Im surprised you of all people aren't up in arms over this. Pot is legal in a number of states, and you don't see any users having their 2nd ammendment rights revoked. Are you cool with it? Do you think Mary jane is a devil drug? Are stoners not allowed to stand up to tyranny?
Its a fucking joke that this guy had a fortune worth of firearms stripped away over hash oil. And you're a fool if you disagree.
(Old Spike)
that's a good point. the constitution says bearing arms is a right of "the people", there's nothing at all about an arrest of anything else at all voiding this right.
another good point about the guns being essentially stolen from him. there is legal precedent for proceeds of crime, but if the guy was buying hash oil not selling it then there's no case there.
(Old Spike)
I'm surprised you of all people aren't up in arms over this. Pot is legal in a number of states, and you don't see any users having their 2nd amendment rights revoked.
Actually that's exactly what is happening to legal pot users in a number of those States where it is legal. Up in arms? Do I think the racist pot laws need to be repealed entirely, sure. Am I going to shed a tear for the guy because decided getting high was more important than his YouTube business? No, not really.
Are you cool with it?
No. But I'm not going to drop everything to run to the rescue of a millionaire stoner.
Do you think Mary jane is a devil drug?
Are stoners not allowed to stand up to tyranny?
Sure. As the last 10 years have proven, they've been very effective. Kyle's problem is that he lives in GA and not CO.
Its a fucking joke that this guy had a fortune worth of firearms stripped away over hash oil. And you're a fool if you disagree.
It is a joke. I do agree.
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
Funny he looks different when he talks normally
(Site Administrator)
it's ok mate, so do i :)
(Long Spike)