What Happens When A Star Explodes Near Earth?


n0val33t's picture
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I'm more concerned with volcanos, dome volcanoes to be more precise. Happen at a greater frequency than star even gamma glimps...... since the exposion is in nanoseconds .....not and ongoing reation, some of the sub atomic particles will have a different velocity, so a glimt or gamma burst will fuck up on side of the eath for a seocond just fubar the whole faceplate....you have some straggelers.... still there is ample room for life.


I call it a glimt/burst, it's how i learned about it Gamma Glimt......... much like a high energy lazer cleaning rust, but all at once. No lazer did that at the time i studied it......... but it's and instant ....... everything but rocks.... gone! 

It's going to happen again..... or not, we are afaik out of the volitile star bullshit?   BIG QUESTIONMARK!

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daftcunt's picture
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super interesting video!


BTW it is 100% correct to use supernovas as plural!

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