What Kind of Turtle is This?

KarlJohanson's picture

What Kind of Turtle is This?

We saw a turtle that looked lethargic and possibly in distress on Panama Flats, Saanich (Victoria), Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. We don't see turtles that often on the Flats, but when we do they usually leave in a hurry before we can get a good photo or video. It was a fair distance from water, as much of the Flats has dried up recently, and it was around 30 degrees out (around 86 Fahrenheit), and the turtle was in the sun. We debated what to do, then took the turtle home and put it in a tub of water and gave it some turtle food.We called WildArc/SPCA and emailed them some photos. They said they didn't think it was indigenous to BC.If you can tell what type of turtle it is, please comment.This is where we found it: https://www.google.com/maps/@48.4739005,-123.4016546,33m/data=!3m1!1e3

Average: 5 (3 votes)


Pdub's picture

It's a ninja turtle.  Mutant, teenage kind, hero in a half-shell.

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jdt73's picture

It's a invasive species.

Best thing is to surrender it to your closest chinese restaraunt.

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subroutine's picture
front page

Karl with the real OG Content. Keep it up Karl!

... and best of luck finding answers!

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KarlJohanson's picture

The local SPCA say it's an invasive red-eared slider.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i've had a spider living in my side mirror for the past few weeks. a few times he didn't scurry away, he just stayed out on his web. kinda feel like i've you can hold onto something as its traveling 50km/h. you've got as much of claim to as anyone else. as long as your sure its not a painted turtle. keep it as a pet cause it probably started off as one

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