What Next for ISIS?

danmanjones's picture

Should ISIS brides return home?

Should ISIS & their brides be sent back to where they came from?


Here's an interview with an ISIS bride who became some kind of poster girl in the UK:


Average: 3 (2 votes)


ninjzz3.0's picture

The whole Muslim Integration thing is huge BS  The way it works here in the US


Muslim run office PTA- have Link to Muslim brotherhood terrorist org and Conspericy theory of taqiyya

Muslim run  office Local goverment- have Link to Muslim brotherhood terrorist org and Conspericy theory of taqiyya

Muslim orginize a bakesale-have Link to Student MSA with link Muslim brotherhood terrorist org

Construction mosques and muslim centers - have Link to Muslim brotherhood terrorist org and Conspericy theory of taqiyya


and then poor person or org  have to fight to  clear it name of these charges so what is the point of running it is better to stay home  and If you stay home your blamed for " Muslim Integration" thing.


Example-  Republican governor candidate Pat Colbeck is standing by his unproven claim that Democratic hopeful Abdul El-Sayed’s family has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood



and this is a export from EU where people face the same thing


2.Stupid kids do stupid things at 15  There are kids also that join Gangs, Biker Gangs ,Pick Pocket crew at that age are we going to apply the same to them as this person?

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