Is this man what the leftist here thinks of when they piss their pants over the so-called threat of "white supremacy"?
The dude is a coward through and through. He talks a big game because he isn't going to do shit.
You know what makes silly fucks like this stronger and helps there cause? Video fo them being attacked by Communist flag waving mobs who fancy themselves to be WW2 vets now apparently.
(4 votes)
(Short Spike)
Is this what inspires you daily auto? Are you at home wacking off to his man?
(Short Spike)
"The dude is a coward..."
And you know, Wrong.
Also, I didn't know you had to be a "Leftist" to be afraid of this guy lighting you on fire. Thought not wanting to be on fire was an every person thing.
(Old Spike)
What the left (ish) people are "afraid" of are people like you that are constantly downplaying the ideology of the fascists and hailing the words of their leader when he says there are good people on both sides, when in fact one of the sides is comprised by neonazis and white supremacists... Oh, and now please give me the "but he did not mean that"!
(Short Spike)