this is what russia isn't doing

sal9000's picture

Advancing Ukrainian Platoon Lay Down Suppressive Fire / Location Unknown

it's shitty quality but this is how infantry is suppose to be used. anyone close enough to fire a rpg at them is close enough to get shot in the head, any vehicle that moves is going to get shot at by the vehicle. a drone scouting infront and artillery in the back is the only things missing

Average: 5 (1 vote)


stokkebye's picture

Yeah, well ya gotta have some big balls to that, soooo, yeah. 

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Timmy Tosser's picture

awesome. Then there is this clown and his crew that hunt down nazi traffic signals for tiktok likes

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danman's picture

that crew is mopping up the last of your nazi heros


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stokkebye's picture

Imagine watching some dude beating his wife and you cheer the dude on. 

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danman's picture

imagine being terrorized by nazis for 8 years for rejecting a foreign-backed, fascist-led coup in your country

now imagine it if your people lost over 20 million to nazis less than a century ago & you still mourn it

those nazis timmy loves so much wanted mariupol to be their stalingrad & they got fuckin rekt within a couple of months.

nobody here is cheering other than timmy & charlaton9000 so stop crying

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stokkebye's picture

Wow, didnt know Ukraine was in Russia.

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danman's picture

you realize Ukraine as an independent state is only 31 years old & is basically a creation of Russia, right?



do you think in 1991 everyone within those borders just started speaking & identifying as Ukrainian?


think about what that territory was in the 1940s when USSR was at war with Nazi Germany.

- a province of USSR (former Russian empire), basically.. and over the years loads of Russians went to live there, since it was just another province in their meta-country.


I don't wanna try & give a history lesson here & aren't the one to do it but the situation has nuance that you seem to be ignoring.


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stokkebye's picture

Yeah, thats what Hitler said too when he annexed Austria and a bunch of other parts of other countries! 

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danman's picture

lol jfc

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stokkebye's picture

Russian and Chinese soldiers after not watching their state propaganda media outlets:

Are We The Baddies? GIF - Baddies Are We The Baddies - Discover & Share GIFs

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danman's picture

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

And you are from China... :)

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

dude. what i'm going to say, isn't being personal cause i don't know him and nobody can prove otherwise. i'm only going by what he says. a few  years ago he said china was one of the few places he was accepted. now, if you were chinese and you went to china, thats a no brainer. you would be accepted. if you were white, you'd be accepted, that's a no brainer. if, lets say you were a mix. say. you're mom was chinese and you're dad was european. acceptance might be a bit dicey depending on where in asia you are. it might also explain why someone who's white. doesn't understand the undertones of the english language. doesn't understand sarcasm. if you're born in belgium and at 10, you leave to go to china for the next few years and moving back at 15. you're not belgium anymore right?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Tricky but i guess you would be both,

But Dan lives in China why he lies is beyond me, some older Chinese guy in New Zealand is paying the site and has a proxy server, but it is not him commenting here.

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stokkebye's picture

Hold up, we all donated to get this site going, I thought I read that there was enough money to keep it going for a long time. This site is privately funded and hosted now?

Last time I heard anythign was when the porn gifs had to be taken down becuase of some bullshit law in California where the servers were hosted and that someone was looking into changing locations, that was many many years ago though.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

(Dan) CCP pays for the site but i think Flynn is the owner.

I also believe it is a privately owned server not rented, Dan moderates it trough a proxy server located in New Zealand the owner of that proxy server is the same guy who pay's for Spiked Nation, Dan is in his late 20's and the old guy in NZ is in his 60's, Both Chinese

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Timmy Tosser's picture

He does not live in china, nor is he chinese...

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you know, if someone posts a photo of a comment and compare that to the original commnent, the only thing different is the time stamp, one is your time zone and the other is the person who took the photo. you might run a vpn but you're not going to set your computers time to the wrong time. you can find a photo of a comment here and the original here if you wanted to that is

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