wheelchair karen

sal9000's picture

Oblivion Npc Dialogue Wheelchair Karen

the other version require singing in. i'm always a bit surprised by people in wheelchairs talking shit. i couldn't imagine what they would say if someone decided to push them into the corner and lay a stick or a sweater infront the wheels

Average: 4 (2 votes)


Timmy Tosser's picture

Mental illness being exploited for social media...sad.

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stokkebye's picture

Sal gets off on it.

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sal9000's picture
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what if its not mental illness and those are just her truths and she's one of the leaders of a grassroots movement thats going to culminate in hundreds of people decending on the capitol on their mobility scooters to protests their treatment by foreign countries when they try to enter? would you still consider that mental illness?

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stokkebye's picture

How many times did you jack off your little PP to her?

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Timmy Tosser's picture

I am no authority on mental illness by any stretch, but what else could one reasonably attribute those outlandish behaviours to?


Several years ago a friend of mine, who is one of those super idealistic types, decided to quit his job and go off and work with the homeless in Santa Cruz, CA. He did that for about 3 years before throwing up his hands, because according to him, dealing with the unattended mental illness that 99% of homeless probably have, is like pushing water uphill. Most of them are unwilling and/or unable to help themselves become normal functioning members of society.

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lawngnome's picture

I like my wheelchair. It has a horn

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sal9000's picture
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you should start a band with some normies, call it Handy And The Capables

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