I forgot to add an unbiased (or at least only little biased) host and thus make a mockery out of the news:
"Is the president a colossal tax cheat or just a stunningly bad business person?"
"...40 years of conning people...."
He is even hosing himself around 3:05.
This is not asking "difficult" questions. This is how you act with your mates in a bar (or on spiked), NOT how you present news.
If you are acting like this you eliminate the credibility of the message and make it valid only for those that look at it with a certain bias. Let the mocking be done by those that do it professionally.
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(Old Spike)
You don't need to be good in business when you launder money for the mob & grease the right palms.
(Old Spike)
In his case I think it is more that the banks had to help him in order not to embarrass themselves as they initially probably gave him money because of his name without due diligence, a no-name entrepreneur with his competence they would have sent down the shitter where he belongs. Now they hope they are in for heavy payback.
(Old Spike)
I think the US media has ignored his business dealings & ties to organised crime. They were digging into it a little during his campaign: https://youtu.be/0-UvddeBilQ?t=78
Felix Sater is tied to Trump through Bayrock Group which appears to be a washing machine real estate company. He's also an alleged FBI informant since the late 90's & was the guy in the middle of the infamous "Trump Tower Moscow deal". It's hard to find authoritative sources on this stuff :/
(Old Spike)
You know what's the worst about all this shit? That one does not have any problem to believe that he would be involved in shit like this.
Prejudice is a bitch and I am not fully immune.