when you find out your team sucks


vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Russia is using their worst soldiers..... and winning. Ooof.

Can I get a refund on this retarded war please?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

of all those that came before and offered up some sort of opposition before getting body slammed into submission, you basically don't even have a nametag. are you like, the worst they got and sending you is somehow winning?

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jdt73's picture

Are you channeling Kamala Harris?

Have you given yourself PTSD from searching for Russians getting killed in war?


What ever it was you were trying to say there took a turn into crazy land.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i'm talking about the hierarchy of spikenation shit peddlers. remember how at multiple times i've mentioned that you're a tertiary user that we only see when other people are butthurt. that's your ranking in the system. he's not even in the system, you guys are basically accepting walk-ons at this point. he mentions jews in some manner close to 10% of the time he makes a comment and because he can string a sentence together, you're like


so, is he like. the worst you got and this is what winning looks like?

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jdt73's picture

Oh yeah, that right.

You are a Looongspike with a shiny gold star and a constant need for validation from your ever growing pile of participation points,

One day someone will recognize how cool you are and make you a spiked admin.


It's good you have goals pal, keep dreaming...

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you got it all wrong


the hierarchy has nothing to do with status on the site or points. see. if you spend time posting videos that piss people off. you're going to notice you get smoke from certain people more often then others, you're also going to know what to expect when you know who its from. its probably a somewhat relatable concept among users

in your case. if you post something for the purpose of getting some smoke. its most likely going to be some alt right stuff and you'd probably have an idea who's going to be showing up in the comments. some users you expect, others you might consider tertiary cause you expected other people, then you got the stragglers that make unexpected and rare appearances before returning from whence they came.

how often's someones showing up usually goes along with how much effort they're putting into it and when you get down to the bottom with those you rarely see, its usually just a one off edge lord comment


i do have goals. its make people realize that instead of bringing ideas, they brought a shit sandwich to the argument and then i force them to eat the shit sandwich while i sport the biggest smile they've ever seen

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jdt73's picture

You got it all wrong.


I don't care.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras


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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

I watch most of the videos posted on this site but I'm usually not logged in.

I like a lot of the videos you post and get enjoyment from them.

I think you're wrong about the Ukranian War and I like to push back when I see obvious logical errors.

It's that simple.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

this isn't turning into a spikednation get to know you. you came for the show. you're getting the show


you can say you're doing whatever you like but this is the kind of pushback you're putting out over logical errors


what you're trying to do is be an asshole(not a bad thing), i know this cause i''ve got years of experience at it. its pretty obvious to me so when you do it in my posts, i see it at a challenge for the belt and i'm dropping elbows


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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

What are you challenging me on?

Are my tax dollars not being spent on this war?

How did a jewish actor become president of the Ukraine at this time?

What do you know about Victoria Nulands invlovement in this war?

Is Russia not anti-fag and the Ukraine under their jewish president becoming pro-fag?

Lets talk homie.

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