Which Countries Support Israel Around the World?


Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Very good video from 'too long didn't read' (clever marketing).  Just maybe to point out here we're not talking about country support for Israel (overall) but rather which countries agreed with Israel recently against a ceasefire.  Important distinction. 

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daftcunt's picture
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Yeah, I just copied the title. 


What always strikes me as sad and funny is that germany, although they have a strong anti "antisemitic" agenda never had the balls to vote one way or another, regardless of which party is in charge.


BTW have we reached a 100:1 death count yet?

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Bobbob's picture
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'BTW have we reached a 100:1 death count yet?'

Israel/Palestine or Germany/Israel?


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daftcunt's picture
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Like so many you are not only confusing the past with the present and "jew" with "israel" when it suits you.

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Bobbob's picture
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Sorry daft. It was an easy shot and I couldn't resist.

I'm sure the ratio in Gaza v. Israel is extremely lopsided. But this is what you get when using civilians as shields, digging tunnels under hospitals and ignoring wartime law by ferrying fighters and munitions in ambulances.

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daftcunt's picture
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I will correct your statement:
But this is what you get when ALLEGEDLY using civilians as shields, ALLEGEDLY digging tunnels under hospitals and ignoring wartime law by ALLEGEDLY ferrying fighters and munitions in ambulances.


This may of course be all possible but what I have seen were mock ups and simulations of this produced on behalf of the israeli government.


Also if we know this happens we may want to change our strategy in order to protect said civilians, unless of course we don't care about them as they are all chose to follow a different category of religious superstition and thus do not really count as "human life".

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Bobbob's picture
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Agree. Allegedly. We need to hear back from independent inspectors.


Your video actually shows the number of countries that voted for the ceasefire precisely to protect civilians.


No. All life is sacred daft. Regardless of religious 'superstition' or your atheist 'belief'.  No dispute from me. You can move your point along.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Doesn't look like that to me, when hundreds of innocent civilians, including sick and children are "sacrificed" to kill one"lieutenant", did the US do that in retaliation of bin laden? 


Also up to now no foreign press or independent inspectors were allowed into gaza. 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Valid points. The inspection needs to occur asap. But innocent civilians sacrificed by who? Surely Hamas using the local population as human shields is a root cause here. It remains to be seen if the refugees leaving the conflict will ultimately be women, children and the elderly or what we're used to seeing in Europe, ie. men of fighting age.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Victim blaming much? How many "innocent" are worth as collateral for one or 2 hamal lieutenants?


"Men of fighting age" (whatever that is) always are the largest portion of asylum seekers as they can get their families out once accepted. This argument is also completely beside the point, actually it is not even an argument at all, just another diversion.

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