White Noise


Maxpower's picture

Lauren Southern is somewhere between a big budget ShoeOnHead and a store brand Tomi Lahren.


She's an opportunist, a fake, and she's not all that insightful. She's bait for dummies.

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skeptoid's picture

The Atlantic made spencer famous, and they'll keep milking this for the narrative as long as they can. But right now, and ongoing, we have daily examples of real, bonifide white supremacists in the apparent tens, or hundreds of thousands (possibly millions). Just recently, a black man was excercising his right to speak out about the monopoly big tech has and it's control over speech, and a mob of leftists showed up, screamed at him that he was a N*GG*R, and knocked out his teeth. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them regularly read the Atlantic and consider it a source of good journalism.


The idiots on the right do exist - for some reason, in my life I've repeatedly encountered Germans who feel this way. Specifically German which, given the history, is just baffling. You can see one getting owned in the comment section here:


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ubershin's picture

i dont get it. Spencer is Hitler or is Trump??? We can only have ONE. 


Once we establish the hitler, its downhill from there and nazi will rise again. Be very careful what u wish for. The movement is just missing the head....

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