1st. Thanks for posting. I normally like Sargon's shtick but you have to love it when 2 Brits perform a critique of European parliamentary affairs. Like..didn't you leave? Either way, glad it's posted as I do agree the Canadian media tried to bury it. Still, that said.. It's interesting to notice that the politicians who tried to berate him were from countries with lower vaccination rates (I mean Romania? Thanks for your opinion. Glad you survived to share it). As for the German ultra-right politician, I'd like to post here one of the best comments I saw when this first broke on twitter (not mine):
'As a PSA: Christine Anderson, European Parliament MP from Germany, is of the political spectrum that does Not See eye to eye with normal, better adults, in Germany, or in Canada. Failing to note that germane information makes this whole article look like TDS numpty clickbait. Look at all the usual sock size IQ emopasties wetting their XXXL man diapers over this.'
Still a good woman though.
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danman (Site Administrator)
this is the first topic I've seen where I think he has a reasonable grounding to comment - he tried to become an MEP under a right wing populist party the likes of which Justin was taking aim at. Seems only fair that he gets to respond, even though it was just a Justin Bad video in the end rather than any kind of thoughtful commentary.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
@danman. Everyone's entitled to an opinion, sure. But I'll always be skeptical whenever it's the British. They have always stood somewhat apart, never fully committed to the Europe. <please also allow me this opportunity to say 'gib statues back', thank you>.
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danman (Site Administrator)
I agree, as mainland European you should be skeptical af about the Brits (and Americans).
The French seem to be the only ones who remembers this re: anti-Russia hypetrain.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
you do understand that this guy was too extreme even for farage and his brexit party, don't you?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
@daftcunt. I know. But he has also called bullshit a couple of times others/mainstreamers kept their heads down, so.. 6 of one, half a dozen of the other I guess.
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Timmy Tosser (dumb cunt)
Nice. Extra respect for Christine Anderson for calling out JT's previous ridiculous statements of admiration for China.
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danman (Site Administrator)
why's it ridiculous to admire something about China?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Of all the worthy things to legitimately admire of their history, philosophy, cuisine, and craftsmanship. Their authoritarian surveillance state is not one of them.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Sure, China's ancient history, maybe. Leaving this here. MAO ZEDONG - BIGGEST MASS MURDER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJf-I1RNa9A
Not taught in our schools. This is another instance of Westerners (including Eurpeans here) showing more interest or concern, sadly, when the victims of war look like us.
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danman (Site Administrator)
re:Mao - I don't agree & don't see what it has to do with anything.
Do you think China is still a Maoist commie state?
Most of us are from countries who genocided the native populations & collectively we have a long history of colonialism & imperialism with sick abuses like slavery, torture & loads of other atrocities. Some of our countries still do these atrocities to this day & we continue with imperialism & colonialism/neocolonialism.
Does this mean there's nothing to admire about our countries?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Not at all. Modern China is beautiful and so are it's people, but the fact remains that Mao is the first chapter of China's modern history. And the social credit system that he implemented continues to reverberate through present day. But careful as you tread into 'most countries' ie. whataboutism. We could all do with a bit of humility (East and West) so let's all strive to do better, eh. Turning a blind eye to being governed by thugs (there's no nice way to say it) as long as it produces economic gain is a short-sighted strategy at best. We all need to be thinking long-game here.
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danman (Site Administrator)
"the social credit system that he implemented continues to reverberate through present day"
bruh... I can't answer this it's just too ridiculous.
"Turning a blind eye to being governed by thugs"
that's your interpretation & no offense but I don't think you have a clue about the governance of China, or are have any moral grounds to pass judgement. If you wanna talk about the first chapter of states, all of your founding fathers were slave owners, with the exception of one who was a lawyer for slave owners. Their mission was genocide & colonial expansionism & your country's never stopped trying to expand, these days it's more imperialism & neocolonialism but it's the same driving force. Their strategic doctrine since the 1990s is literally to maintain a global dictatorship & just look at what they've been up to since then. This moral high horse you think you have is a lie bobbob.
It's not like yours or my opinion even matters becuase we don't live there but the government there enjoys extremely high levels of trust & satisfaction from the people who do. Isn't that what matters? Isn't that an essential part of democracy?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Ok. So let's assume I take back every word of what I say above (every one, haha). Can you and I actually engage in a dialogue about this? I mean.. really? I love my country (Canada) and can still be critical.
e.g. I can and do think Putin is being a very bad man at the moment, but I can still find the caricature (critique?) below, interesting; although inaccurate; e.g. Canada didn't participate in Vietnam or the invasion of Iraq. Still, it raises some interesting points. Ha! The artist is called Bob. (no relation).
Conversely, does your appreciation for communist China allow you to do the same? i.e turn the lens inwards, I mean. Cause you've given every indication you wont. or can't. At which point this isn't a particularly interesting point of discussion - right?
(Site Administrator)
1st. Thanks for posting. I normally like Sargon's shtick but you have to love it when 2 Brits perform a critique of European parliamentary affairs. Like..didn't you leave? Either way, glad it's posted as I do agree the Canadian media tried to bury it. Still, that said.. It's interesting to notice that the politicians who tried to berate him were from countries with lower vaccination rates (I mean Romania? Thanks for your opinion. Glad you survived to share it). As for the German ultra-right politician, I'd like to post here one of the best comments I saw when this first broke on twitter (not mine):
'As a PSA: Christine Anderson, European Parliament MP from Germany, is of the political spectrum that does Not See eye to eye with normal, better adults, in Germany, or in Canada. Failing to note that germane information makes this whole article look like TDS numpty clickbait. Look at all the usual sock size IQ emopasties wetting their XXXL man diapers over this.'
Still a good woman though.
(Site Administrator)
this is the first topic I've seen where I think he has a reasonable grounding to comment - he tried to become an MEP under a right wing populist party the likes of which Justin was taking aim at. Seems only fair that he gets to respond, even though it was just a Justin Bad video in the end rather than any kind of thoughtful commentary.
(Site Administrator)
@danman. Everyone's entitled to an opinion, sure. But I'll always be skeptical whenever it's the British. They have always stood somewhat apart, never fully committed to the Europe. <please also allow me this opportunity to say 'gib statues back', thank you>.
(Site Administrator)
I agree, as mainland European you should be skeptical af about the Brits (and Americans).
The French seem to be the only ones who remembers this re: anti-Russia hypetrain.
(Old Spike)
you do understand that this guy was too extreme even for farage and his brexit party, don't you?
(Site Administrator)
@daftcunt. I know. But he has also called bullshit a couple of times others/mainstreamers kept their heads down, so.. 6 of one, half a dozen of the other I guess.
(dumb cunt)
Nice. Extra respect for Christine Anderson for calling out JT's previous ridiculous statements of admiration for China.
(Site Administrator)
why's it ridiculous to admire something about China?
(Old Spike)
Of all the worthy things to legitimately admire of their history, philosophy, cuisine, and craftsmanship. Their authoritarian surveillance state is not one of them.
(Site Administrator)
Sure, China's ancient history, maybe. Leaving this here. MAO ZEDONG - BIGGEST MASS MURDER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJf-I1RNa9A
Not taught in our schools. This is another instance of Westerners (including Eurpeans here) showing more interest or concern, sadly, when the victims of war look like us.
(Site Administrator)
re:Mao - I don't agree & don't see what it has to do with anything.
Do you think China is still a Maoist commie state?
Most of us are from countries who genocided the native populations & collectively we have a long history of colonialism & imperialism with sick abuses like slavery, torture & loads of other atrocities. Some of our countries still do these atrocities to this day & we continue with imperialism & colonialism/neocolonialism.
Does this mean there's nothing to admire about our countries?
(Site Administrator)
Not at all. Modern China is beautiful and so are it's people, but the fact remains that Mao is the first chapter of China's modern history. And the social credit system that he implemented continues to reverberate through present day. But careful as you tread into 'most countries' ie. whataboutism. We could all do with a bit of humility (East and West) so let's all strive to do better, eh. Turning a blind eye to being governed by thugs (there's no nice way to say it) as long as it produces economic gain is a short-sighted strategy at best. We all need to be thinking long-game here.
(Site Administrator)
"the social credit system that he implemented continues to reverberate through present day"
bruh... I can't answer this it's just too ridiculous.
"Turning a blind eye to being governed by thugs"
that's your interpretation & no offense but I don't think you have a clue about the governance of China, or are have any moral grounds to pass judgement. If you wanna talk about the first chapter of states, all of your founding fathers were slave owners, with the exception of one who was a lawyer for slave owners. Their mission was genocide & colonial expansionism & your country's never stopped trying to expand, these days it's more imperialism & neocolonialism but it's the same driving force. Their strategic doctrine since the 1990s is literally to maintain a global dictatorship & just look at what they've been up to since then. This moral high horse you think you have is a lie bobbob.
It's not like yours or my opinion even matters becuase we don't live there but the government there enjoys extremely high levels of trust & satisfaction from the people who do. Isn't that what matters? Isn't that an essential part of democracy?
(Site Administrator)
Ok. So let's assume I take back every word of what I say above (every one, haha). Can you and I actually engage in a dialogue about this? I mean.. really? I love my country (Canada) and can still be critical.
e.g. I can and do think Putin is being a very bad man at the moment, but I can still find the caricature (critique?) below, interesting; although inaccurate; e.g. Canada didn't participate in Vietnam or the invasion of Iraq. Still, it raises some interesting points. Ha! The artist is called Bob. (no relation).
Conversely, does your appreciation for communist China allow you to do the same? i.e turn the lens inwards, I mean. Cause you've given every indication you wont. or can't. At which point this isn't a particularly interesting point of discussion - right?
So, let's agree to disagree, I guess.