Perhaps if the Dems stopped acting bonkers and installing inept candidates who destroy the country in some vague notion of equity, they would not be about to loose to Donald Trump. But here we are after dumb and dumber had a go at running the show.
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Dude (Old Spike)
How did the democrats destroy the country?
GDP? Inflation? -Both are now the best in the world
Immigration? -Well it was trump that had republican officials vote against a border act
Do you have anything else?
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Accuser (Old Spike)
Skip it. The Trumptard cult is too deranged to accept those crazy entities like facts, truth, reality, etc. and will just repeat the same idiotic lines from their dear leader.
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Dude (Old Spike)
His answer He did down vote my Tomb Raider animated series :)
(Short Spike)
Ha Ha
The derangement never ends.
Perhaps if the Dems stopped acting bonkers and installing inept candidates who destroy the country in some vague notion of equity, they would not be about to loose to Donald Trump. But here we are after dumb and dumber had a go at running the show.
(Old Spike)
How did the democrats destroy the country?
GDP? Inflation? -Both are now the best in the world
Immigration? -Well it was trump that had republican officials vote against a border act
Do you have anything else?
(Old Spike)
Skip it. The Trumptard cult is too deranged to accept those crazy entities like facts, truth, reality, etc. and will just repeat the same idiotic lines from their dear leader.
(Old Spike)
His answer He did down vote my Tomb Raider animated series :)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Incredible footwork and rhythm.