Why was/is this classified?

skeptoid's picture

The Next End of the World | C.I.A. Classified

Most of the book is still classified. Why? https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document/cia-rdp79b00752a000300070001-8


Average: 2.7 (6 votes)


danmanjones's picture

Maybe they didn't want Christians believing in an end of the world theory?

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skeptoid's picture

Talk about a major fail then, unless what you mean is "...didn't want Christians believing in an imminent end of the world looming..." but plenty believe that as well. But plenty have believed that over many centuries and are always proven wrong, obviously. Which raises the question of why this was classified? Why declassify it at all then if that was the intent? It's just weird.

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danmanjones's picture

Maybe it contained classified material that was leaked or truthful material that the CIA doesn't want going public?


Since pages were completely removed rather than details redacted it's hard to have any indication except what's there which is a lot of bible stuff. 


One of the books in the bibliography is The Bible As History by Werner Keller so that's a red flag to me having given a cursory look at that book. Checkout the bibliography. Man, if you read all those books you'd no doubt come up with some interesting theories.

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skeptoid's picture

Yes too many parralels across too many cultures and timespans. There is likely a factual basis for it. Can we push through it next time lol?

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