Blaming a social, racial or ethnic group has always been strong on spiked with some people, especially on the far right, but it has been way more prominent in recent weeks, albeit only by a tiny angry, deluded, loudmouthed (on keyboard only) minority, just like in real life! The tone also has changed quite a bit towards the more aggressive side. I think this is a very good explanation of why. The blamers won't like it as they want to appear tough and righteous and think they just point out "facts", all the others may enjoy.
(2 votes)
(Old Spike)
So the Nazi's never did anything wrong, whites owning niggers isn't a big deal, Trump is just a good guy, and we should love Putin. Got it. Thanks for not blaming others for the problems of today. I'm glad the left never does any of that.
(Old Spike)
You, hun, are an angry little shit, aren't you. Aaaaaaaaangryyyyyyy but too scared and thus impotent to voice it openly in the sense of not anonymous, on here doesn't count because no one takes you seriously after a maximum of 2 replies and then just fucks with you, probably like IRL.
This is so bad that you need several scapegoats for this frustration. A pathetic albeit perfect fit for this video.
(Old Spike)
I'm going to be using this video every time you faggots complain. Thanks for destroying all your own arguments about everything. The left is totally fucked without victim-hood and blaming others. That's why you couldn't respond to me with anything other than personal attacks.