First off, that is why all wars need to be and should be condemned! So stop supporting Russia Danman!
Second, you dont hear us shilling for governments responsible for this. You dont see propaganda vids being posted on here from Saudi Arabia, like you are for Russia and China. Thats the difference that you dont seem to understand. We dont like our governments being involved with this shit and I would be the first to call them out for it. Besides a revolt and lopping heads off of our corrupt pols, it will take time to change. You are on the wrong side of the fence here and you are too delusional to see it. Unless you are doing it on purpose, are you? Are you being paid?
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danman (Site Administrator)
the conflict in Ukraine isn't so simple as cheering for a sports team & I've yet to decide if I condone the decision to send in troops since I'm still processing information. I don't think of it like "you 100% must condemn one side" & I don't know what difference it makes to you what you think I "support" but when it comes to deleting Nazis I do support that. Same with Daesh & the most of the other "moderate rebel" groups the West & allies supported in Syria, due to the fact that all these groups terrorize people & have a genocidal form of nationalism. As I've previously mentioned there is one operation the US has been involved with (since wwii that I can think of) which I condone which was seeking out & destroying the terrorist camps in Afghanistan in the wake of 9/11 (although 9/11 was blowback from US imperialism & whatever I still can accept the legitemacy of that operation). If they'd been able to successfully regime change that country & improve it I may have been okay with that too but it was a complete cock up.
I don't demand you see things as I do & if you want to condemn Putin or Russia you can go right ahead. Freeze peach & all that. I'm not exactly impressed with your wanting to see Russian troops butchered. Those guys have families too & they're doing their job which I can easily argue amounts to defending their country if you want to get into it.
We likely have a lot of middleground starting with wanting to see this conflict end ASAP & sympathy for the innocent victims.
If you want to actually get informed on the topic you're gonna have to look beyond that US govt propaganda you've been uploading. Ukraine was couped in 2014 & has since embraced Nazis & similar extremists in the govt, police, military & in the streets "working" in cahoots with the cops. It's a stupid failed state that was on a path to nowhere.
Fuck knows why I feel the need to justify anything based on perceived "support" but I'll end my rant there.
TLDR; no
edit: I see you've added that 2nd paragraph. I'm gonna tell you that you have no fuckin clue what you're talking about now & I don't respect your opinion on Russia or China. I don't care what you call "shilling" but there are those on here shilling for literal Nazis who've been terrorizing civilians for 8 years & I've not seen you take aim at them. "we don't shill" is horseshit. I'll upload anything I want & say anything I want, I won't even troll you too often for amplifying US govt propaganda but I will make sure you know that's what it is.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
I am a tit for tat guy, you do something fucked up I wish it will happen right back at ya. Russia caused this destruction and innocent killing and deserve it back. Say what you will about the why and how's, I dont really care, one fucking word from Putin could've prevented innocent deaths and less destruction. They could've done this more civilly. They chose shock and awe, so that is what they deserve in return! They didnt have to go into cities, they didnt have to shell the fuck out of apartment buildings. They are the invading force and are using barbaric tactics to demoralize and punish the people. They had the man power and equipment to surround and wait them out, but they chose fast action shock and awe campaign. They need to be condemned for that and despised. But everyday you make excuses and cheer them on.
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danman (Site Administrator)
"Say what you will about the why and how's, I dont really care"
yeah you're uninformed but have a lot of conviction in your opinions, I don't respect this, it's willfully ignorant & dogmatic, exactly how propaganda media wants you to think.
"one fucking word from Putin could've prevented innocent deaths"
innocents have been dying in Ukraine for the past 8 years, a lot of them at the hands of Nazis. This operation is just putting the shoe on the other foot.
"They could've done this more civilly"
they tried diplomacy & it failed. In terms of how they've conducted themselves in this war the ratio of civilian to military casualties that I've seen (info is still sketchy) I see they're taking a lot of effort, much of it self-defeating, to avoid civilian casualties.
"They chose shock and awe"
bro you just have no fucking clue, holy shit.
"They didnt have to go into cities"
yeah they did, holding the countryside forever is pointless.
"they didnt have to shell the fuck out of apartment buildings"
they're valid military targets when they've become miltiarized, there are rules around proportional use of force & it'll be some time before we can get an idea if if/where they was broken by the Russian side. I've seen how the Ukraine side has broken it both before & during this conflict.
"They ... are using barbaric tactics to demoralize and punish the people"
This is wrong & when I post videos about them treating the civilians well you flip your lid. It's like you've made your mind up based on what western media has pumped into your brain. I can't respect this.
"They had the man power and equipment to surround and wait them out"
they did this for a year before going in by starting in April 2021 by building up troops & holding drills near the border while continuing efforts to pressure the Kyiv regime to stop the civil war in Donbass as they'd agreed to under Minsk in 2014 and 2015, as well as reaching out to co-signatories of Minsk, France & Germany. None of their peaceful efforts worked.
Russia does not trust the Kyiv regime or the west in general any more & for good reason. Without trust, civility & diplomacy can take a back seat to hard power. This is why experts have been trying to compell the US govt to stop the antagonism towards Russia in Eastern Europe, especially Ukraine & Georgia. But this conflict, IMO (which I can justify ad nausium) was intended to happen by US & UK, they thought it would be a strategic boon for their fiefdom. Turns out it's not going so well for them based on what I've seen. The ruble is holding up & a global power shift is taking place. Ngl I do want US to be taken down a peg since I consider them an irresponsible actor on the world scene. TBPH though I don't even think this way a great deal I mainly observe things, it's just interesting to watch it all unfold. Ukraine is a just one part of a great power struggle. Innocents are being hurt & I don't like that any more than you do. Demanding I virtue signal in a way you prefer is a dead end tho bro, if anything it'll make me push back.
(Long Spike)
cuz it makes our stonks go up :)
(sounds retarded)
First off, that is why all wars need to be and should be condemned! So stop supporting Russia Danman!
Second, you dont hear us shilling for governments responsible for this. You dont see propaganda vids being posted on here from Saudi Arabia, like you are for Russia and China. Thats the difference that you dont seem to understand. We dont like our governments being involved with this shit and I would be the first to call them out for it. Besides a revolt and lopping heads off of our corrupt pols, it will take time to change. You are on the wrong side of the fence here and you are too delusional to see it. Unless you are doing it on purpose, are you? Are you being paid?
(Site Administrator)
the conflict in Ukraine isn't so simple as cheering for a sports team & I've yet to decide if I condone the decision to send in troops since I'm still processing information. I don't think of it like "you 100% must condemn one side" & I don't know what difference it makes to you what you think I "support" but when it comes to deleting Nazis I do support that. Same with Daesh & the most of the other "moderate rebel" groups the West & allies supported in Syria, due to the fact that all these groups terrorize people & have a genocidal form of nationalism. As I've previously mentioned there is one operation the US has been involved with (since wwii that I can think of) which I condone which was seeking out & destroying the terrorist camps in Afghanistan in the wake of 9/11 (although 9/11 was blowback from US imperialism & whatever I still can accept the legitemacy of that operation). If they'd been able to successfully regime change that country & improve it I may have been okay with that too but it was a complete cock up.
I don't demand you see things as I do & if you want to condemn Putin or Russia you can go right ahead. Freeze peach & all that. I'm not exactly impressed with your wanting to see Russian troops butchered. Those guys have families too & they're doing their job which I can easily argue amounts to defending their country if you want to get into it.
We likely have a lot of middleground starting with wanting to see this conflict end ASAP & sympathy for the innocent victims.
If you want to actually get informed on the topic you're gonna have to look beyond that US govt propaganda you've been uploading. Ukraine was couped in 2014 & has since embraced Nazis & similar extremists in the govt, police, military & in the streets "working" in cahoots with the cops. It's a stupid failed state that was on a path to nowhere.
Fuck knows why I feel the need to justify anything based on perceived "support" but I'll end my rant there.
TLDR; no
edit: I see you've added that 2nd paragraph. I'm gonna tell you that you have no fuckin clue what you're talking about now & I don't respect your opinion on Russia or China. I don't care what you call "shilling" but there are those on here shilling for literal Nazis who've been terrorizing civilians for 8 years & I've not seen you take aim at them. "we don't shill" is horseshit. I'll upload anything I want & say anything I want, I won't even troll you too often for amplifying US govt propaganda but I will make sure you know that's what it is.
(sounds retarded)
I am a tit for tat guy, you do something fucked up I wish it will happen right back at ya. Russia caused this destruction and innocent killing and deserve it back. Say what you will about the why and how's, I dont really care, one fucking word from Putin could've prevented innocent deaths and less destruction. They could've done this more civilly. They chose shock and awe, so that is what they deserve in return! They didnt have to go into cities, they didnt have to shell the fuck out of apartment buildings. They are the invading force and are using barbaric tactics to demoralize and punish the people. They had the man power and equipment to surround and wait them out, but they chose fast action shock and awe campaign. They need to be condemned for that and despised. But everyday you make excuses and cheer them on.
(Site Administrator)
"Say what you will about the why and how's, I dont really care"
yeah you're uninformed but have a lot of conviction in your opinions, I don't respect this, it's willfully ignorant & dogmatic, exactly how propaganda media wants you to think.
"one fucking word from Putin could've prevented innocent deaths"
innocents have been dying in Ukraine for the past 8 years, a lot of them at the hands of Nazis. This operation is just putting the shoe on the other foot.
"They could've done this more civilly"
they tried diplomacy & it failed. In terms of how they've conducted themselves in this war the ratio of civilian to military casualties that I've seen (info is still sketchy) I see they're taking a lot of effort, much of it self-defeating, to avoid civilian casualties.
"They chose shock and awe"
bro you just have no fucking clue, holy shit.
"They didnt have to go into cities"
yeah they did, holding the countryside forever is pointless.
"they didnt have to shell the fuck out of apartment buildings"
they're valid military targets when they've become miltiarized, there are rules around proportional use of force & it'll be some time before we can get an idea if if/where they was broken by the Russian side. I've seen how the Ukraine side has broken it both before & during this conflict.
"They ... are using barbaric tactics to demoralize and punish the people"
This is wrong & when I post videos about them treating the civilians well you flip your lid. It's like you've made your mind up based on what western media has pumped into your brain. I can't respect this.
"They had the man power and equipment to surround and wait them out"
they did this for a year before going in by starting in April 2021 by building up troops & holding drills near the border while continuing efforts to pressure the Kyiv regime to stop the civil war in Donbass as they'd agreed to under Minsk in 2014 and 2015, as well as reaching out to co-signatories of Minsk, France & Germany. None of their peaceful efforts worked.
Russia does not trust the Kyiv regime or the west in general any more & for good reason. Without trust, civility & diplomacy can take a back seat to hard power. This is why experts have been trying to compell the US govt to stop the antagonism towards Russia in Eastern Europe, especially Ukraine & Georgia. But this conflict, IMO (which I can justify ad nausium) was intended to happen by US & UK, they thought it would be a strategic boon for their fiefdom. Turns out it's not going so well for them based on what I've seen. The ruble is holding up & a global power shift is taking place. Ngl I do want US to be taken down a peg since I consider them an irresponsible actor on the world scene. TBPH though I don't even think this way a great deal I mainly observe things, it's just interesting to watch it all unfold. Ukraine is a just one part of a great power struggle. Innocents are being hurt & I don't like that any more than you do. Demanding I virtue signal in a way you prefer is a dead end tho bro, if anything it'll make me push back.