If my battle buddy cant lift my fat ass out of a battle if i get wounded I dont want em near me. I dont think there are many woman 220lbs that can do a firemen's carry of someone equal weight or greater and run a football field(which is what we had to do). I dont want woman firefighters for the same reason. But yet there's some fire dept out in Cali thats proud of their all female force. Fine and all if only every person they might need to rescue is under 100lbs.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Agreed and even with the best strongest female you will find a male who didn't make the initial cut, that could. Interesting that proportional representation in the elite corps isn't a thing..yet. But in answer to your specific anecdote above. I bet Gina could do it. :'(
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Yup, however if they want to contribute they make excellent intelligence agents which is possibly the most important element of war.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
You mean by crawling more easily into air ducts to plant microphones and such on account of their being smaller or are we talking about extracting information from opponents.. using..the seks.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
All kinds of things. Women are more socially adept then most men. They are good at getting information, infiltrating, more easily trusted, and yes of course there is sex.
Sun Tzu praised women for the ability to gather intelligence in the art of war.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
You really think she's the one that subdued him, huh?
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
This is what is meant by "intelligence" agents. Torturer's!
(sounds retarded)
If my battle buddy cant lift my fat ass out of a battle if i get wounded I dont want em near me. I dont think there are many woman 220lbs that can do a firemen's carry of someone equal weight or greater and run a football field(which is what we had to do). I dont want woman firefighters for the same reason. But yet there's some fire dept out in Cali thats proud of their all female force. Fine and all if only every person they might need to rescue is under 100lbs.
(Site Administrator)
Agreed and even with the best strongest female you will find a male who didn't make the initial cut, that could. Interesting that proportional representation in the elite corps isn't a thing..yet. But in answer to your specific anecdote above. I bet Gina could do it. :'(
(Old Spike)
Yup, however if they want to contribute they make excellent intelligence agents which is possibly the most important element of war.
(Site Administrator)
You mean by crawling more easily into air ducts to plant microphones and such on account of their being smaller or are we talking about extracting information from opponents.. using..the seks.
(Old Spike)
All kinds of things. Women are more socially adept then most men. They are good at getting information, infiltrating, more easily trusted, and yes of course there is sex.
Sun Tzu praised women for the ability to gather intelligence in the art of war.
(sounds retarded)
(Site Administrator)
You really think she's the one that subdued him, huh?
(sounds retarded)
This is what is meant by "intelligence" agents. Torturer's!
(Long Spike)
What is going on with that lady's foot?